Golden Words About Our Gold Consisting Chiefly of Passages of Scripture Having Reference to the Right Use of Property
JM Reid
Passages of Scripture referencing the use of property in several classifications, including: God has a right to our property because it already belongs to Him; We are indebted to God to the full extent of His demands upon us; We ought to study the divine commands in respect to property, and then scrupulously obey them; It is worth while to give special attention to the New Testament law upon the subject; But what is the proportion of income due to God; The Spirit required in our benefactions; Obedience to God's law in respect to property tends to material and spiritual prosperity, and to personal enjoyment and salvation, and vice versa; The dangers of riches; and, Denunciations of covetousness, avarice, greed, stinginess.
Gold and Silver Series;1
Good Counsels for Plain People
Rev WS Plumer
"READER, I am a plain person. I have seen hard times. I have been cast upon the Lord from my birth. All my life I have been a child of Providence. I am familiar with poverty and hardship. My feelings have often been hurt by the gay and the proud. I have been sick among strangers. I have often wept when all around were merry. I have acquired a small share of knowledge. Some of it I know by experience to be valuable. Allow one who wishes you well to give you a few counsels."
Good Counsels for Plain People
Rev WS Plumer
"I am a plain person. I have seen hard times. I have been cast upon the Lord from my birth. All my life I have bee a child of Providence. I am familiar with poverty and hardship. My feelings have often been hurt by the gay and the proud. I have been sick among strangers. I have often wept when all around were merry. I have acquired a small share of knowledge. Some of it I know by experience to be valuable. Allow one who wishes you well to give you a few counsels."
Revised Series;77
Go Out of Yourselves!
Rev W M Statham
"Living in yourself alone is as miserable thing as living to yourself alone. We all need something higher than ourselves to lean upon, to trust in, to love; and this is very beautifully expressed by the Psalmist when he says, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." "
Revised Series;76
Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ
Tony Marshall Anderson and Wilmore Holiness Camp Meeting Association
Graduation - What Next?
Marcus D. Buell
This is an essay on the need for further preparation of a Methodist pastor. To preach the Word, we need to afford the time for "mastering thorough and fruitful methods of studying and preaching the Word".
Have I No Father?
"Unbelieving soul, ask now, Have I no Father? Ask it now, lest in the hour of danger and of death thou shouldst have to answer "No!" "God willeth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live. Come, while yet there is room; come and prove that God is the Father of all them that believe. ... with true penitence by faith in Jesus Christ, the Mediator and Advocate, the Captain of our salvation; in whom, to every believer, God is well pleased to be a father and a Friend forever."
Revised Series;7
Have You Truly Repented? A dialogue between a tract and a reader.
Rev WS Plumer
A written dialogue on repentance in question and answer form.
Revised Series;78
He Died For Us
"The Gospel of Jesus Christ ... calls you to behold a Friend...who was crucified for you."
Revised Series;75
Helpful Visiting Among the Poor
Rev William Ingraham Haven
"The following rules and suggestions, taken largely from the Leaflets of the Associated Charities of Boston, Mass., have been found helpful in work among the poor. They have been adapted in phraseology to religious work, and some suggestions especially along that line have been added."
He Was Praying
What was Jesus doing when ...the Spirit God descended on him? ...he was transfigured? ...He was in the garden of Gethsemane? What was Daniel doing when the angel Gabriel appeared? What was the congregation of Israel doing when Gabriel appeared to Zacharias? ...
Revised Series;39
High License Exposed
Rev Daniel Dorchester
"The question of licensing the traffic in alcoholic beverages has been revived of late under the form of "High-License." By this means it is proposed to more fully protect society against the ravages of intemperance than any other method has yet done." This writing includes statistical measures.
Hints to Young Ministers
Rev William Jones
"You are separated from the general business of life by being called of God to the work of the ministry. The Holy Ghost said, "Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereto I have called them." Paul said to Timothy, "Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace." "And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron." Your ministry, therefore, is not a profession but a divine calling; not a department of life, of your seeking, but of God's appointment. The Church recognizes this call of God, and supplements it with ordination and assignment to certain fields or departments of work."
Presiding Elder Series;13