Historical, religious and economic texts and antiquities.
James Buchanan Nies, Clarence Elwood Keiser, and Albert Tobias Clay
H. M. Chauke research of African Hlengwe people
Happyson William Matsilele Chauke and Tillerman Houser
This is a collection of historical and cultural research works about the vaHlengwe people of Zimbabwe, created by Happyson Chauke before his untimely death by a hit and run driver in 2009. It was compiled by his friend Tillman Houser, who spent 35 years as a missionary to Zimbabwe under the Free Methodist Church. The bulk of the collection is comprised of the book entitled: "The miracle of Lundi Mission: lest we forget."
How Paul Became an Apostle
Rev Henry Bleby
"Paul's conversion and call to the Christian ministry and the apostleship is one of the most remarkable events in human history, showing that God's ways are not our ways, nor his thoughts our thoughts. ... Paul was the true successor of Judas, appointed by the highest possible authority, and that the election of Matthias, being disapproved by him whose sole prerogative it was to invest men with apostolic office and honor, was rendered by Paul's appointment entirely null and void."
New Series;29
How the Pastors Took Up the Collection
Rev LD Barrows
"WE always notice with much interest the manner in which pastors take their public benevolent collections.. In no place or duty can we more readily and accurately discover whether or not they are men of taste, culture, and earnest simplicity, agreeable or repulsive, efficient or inefficient, than in this important department of their work."
Presiding Elder Series;5
How to Hear
Adam Clarke
"Let it ever be remembered that the great Bishop of souls, the Lord Jesus, who had every ministerial qualification in absolute perfection, preached the everlasting Gospel to many who were not profited by it; and that, he departed from a certain place in which he could do no mighty works, because of the people's unbelief. Matt. xiii, 58. In this case it is manifest that the fault could not be in the preacher, nor in the matter of his discourse, but in the hearers only. The grand business, therefore, of the people is to inquire in the most serious manner how they are to hear so as to be saved." This tract lists 21 ways on how to hear.
Revised Series;13
How to pray with assurance
Tony Marshall Anderson and Wilmore Holiness Camp Meeting Association
Abiding -- Asking -- Answer.
How Will It Look at the Day of Judgment?
Rev E. Wentworth
"Reader, have you, too, thought bow that Sabbath traveling of yours; that pleasure excursion; that game of chance; that hunting tour; that novel reading; that needless visiting; that frivolous conversation; that secular letter-writing; that inspection of account books; that horse-racing, drinking, debauchery; that habit of staying from Church when you are conscious of the slightest indisposition, or the weather is ever so slightly unfavorable; have you thought how all or anyone of these will appear at the DAY OF JUDGMENT?"
I Am Amazed. A True Incident
Rev G H Smith
"THE longer I live the more I am convinced that facts arc stranger than fiction, and that the supernatural has not wholly dropped out of religion."
I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly
Tony Marshall Anderson and Wilmore Holiness Camp Meeting Association
The source of life -- The savior of life -- The shepherd of life.
I Did Just as You Told Me
"Mary Cass had-though living an outwardly moral and respectable life-been ignorant about the way of salvation through Christ until the time of her illness, but as soon as she was taught the truth she immediately obeyed it. "I did just as you told me," was her own account of the matter. Now contrast this with the conduct of her mother. Mary's mother trifled with her opportunity and lost it."
Revised Series;17
I Hate All Cant
A story about the zeal and example of one man's character and its influence on others.
The Tract Book Series;11
I Have Need to be Baptized of Thee
Tony Marshall Anderson and Wilmore Holiness Camp Meeting Association
Increase our faith
Tony Marshall Anderson and Wilmore Holiness Camp Meeting Association
Prayer for faith -- Poverty of faith -- Proving of faith -- Possibilities in faith -- Power of faith
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