Lay Aside Malice
"Cruelty, hatred, malice, ill-will-all these are fruits of the flesh. Kindness, love, gentleness, goodness-all these are fruits of the Spirit. What, then, is a malicious man like? He is like Cain, who slew his brother; he is like the Jews, who crucified the Lord of glory; he is like the devil himself, the author of all evil. But what should a man be like?"
Revised Series;45
Joseph Robert Dongell and Wilmore Free Methodist Church (Wilmore, Ky.)
The crowd around the cross
Let Not Another Take Thy Crown
Rev R H Howard
This is a pamphlet on perseverance. The author says, "Application is the price to be paid for advancement; earnest endeavor, absolute fidelity in even that which is least, is the inseparable condition of promotion of all honorable achievement. Success usually attends those who are worthy of it."
Letter to a Young Preacher on Minor Clerical Manners
A letter of advise about various manners that need to be employed by a preacher, including: table manners, hospitality, and visitation.
Presiding Elder Series;11
Liberalism in Religion and Other Sermons
W. Page Roberts
"The words Liberal and Liberalism at once arouse a spirit of mistrust in many minds, which become unsympathetic, irreceptive, and resentful. Even those who appropriate these words in politics are less ready to adopt them in religion. Indeed, it seems as though men had but a strictly limited quantity of mental motor energy, and that those who expend it in one kind of movement have none left for any other. Certainly the sects which are supposed to be the backbone of political Liberalism are the most obstinately immoveable in religion; and men ever ready to catch the first breeze impelling to political change have remained stolid as stone to the impulses of spiritual progress. Like Lot's wife, their eyes are fixed on the past, and they cannot stir. But the title I have given to these Sermons carries with it no political connotation."
Lost in the wilderness of Beersheba
Roy Lauter and Wilmore Free Methodist Church (Wilmore, Ky.)
God knows where you are -- God knows who you are -- God knows our condition -- God will help if you ask.
Spring renewal week, 2017 ; no.1
There is a worse pestilence than cholera or the plague, and every human being suffers from the contagion. It is the plague of sin. This kills not the body only, but the soul, and with a death whose pangs will last forever. Men blinded by unbelief or self- righteousness, are often not aware that they are dying of this infection till recovery is hopeless."
Man's Gift to God
Rev Adolphe Monod
"Every system of philosophy has attempted its own definition of human nature; but has man, therefore, been more thoroughly understood? The Bible, the most practical and the least systematic of books, pursues and inverse order: instead of defining man without revealing him, it reveals him without defining him."
The Tract Book Series;1
Manual for missionary candidates : and for appointed missionaries before entering their fields, Rev. ed
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
Manual for missionary candidates of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
Messiah the prince: Or, The Inspiration of the Prophecies of Daniel : Containing Remarks on the Views of Dr. Pusey, Mr. Desprez, and Dr. Williams, Concerning the Book of Daniel, a Rectified System of Scripture Dates, Throwing Light on the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, a Treatise on the Sabbatical Years and Jubilees, and a Compendium of Sacred and Secular Chronology from the Year B.C. 1000 to the Death of Christ A.D. 33.
J. W. Bosanquet
Ministerial Education
Bostwick Hawley
"A thorough and systematic education for the Christian ministry is not, and should not, be deemed an exception. The grand themes of the Bible, the sub1ilne truths of Christianity, their relations to human conduct and, character, to the happiness and the wretchedness of man, and to human history, demand a wide range of reading; and a course of study as thorough as does any other profession."
Presiding Elder Series;3
Ministry Conference 2005 - Harper, Turley, and Morgenthaler (Part 1)
Steve Harper
"Topical Seminars"
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