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Passages of Scripture referencing the use of property in several classifications, including: God has a right to our property because it already belongs to Him; We are indebted to God to the full extent of His demands upon us; We ought to study the divine commands in respect to property, and then scrupulously obey them; It is worth while to give special attention to the New Testament law upon the subject; But what is the proportion of income due to God; The Spirit required in our benefactions; Obedience to God's law in respect to property tends to material and spiritual prosperity, and to personal enjoyment and salvation, and vice versa; The dangers of riches; and, Denunciations of covetousness, avarice, greed, stinginess.
Gold and Silver Series;1
Publication Date
August 2011
gold, money, property
Late 19th century Methodist Episcopal tract, Gold and Silver Series. Old URL: http://ecommons.asburyseminary.edu/xmlui/handle/10910/17340