SF 550 Tutorial: Formational Reading- E.Stanley Jones”
Reginald Johnson
• A Song of Ascents, E. Stanley Jones • Selections from E. Stanley Jones, edited by James K. and Eunice Jones Matthews • Three of Jones’ books (see attached bibliography for suggestions)
SF 550 The Praying Church
Reginald Johnson and Steven A. Seamands
ı Dutch Sheets, Intercession ı Beth Alvis and Tommi Femrite, Intercessors ı Mell Winger, The House of Prayer (48 page booklet)
PR 610 Servant as Proclaimer
J. Ellsworth Kalas
Demaray, Introduction to Homiletics Kalas, Old Testament Stories from the Back Side Craddock, Preaching
PR 610 Servant as Proclaimer
J. Ellsworth Kalas
Demaray, Introduction to Homiletics Kalas, Old Testament Stories from the Back Side Craddock, Preaching
PR 702 Expository Preaching
J. Ellsworth Kalas
Robert Alter, Genesis J. Ellsworth Kalas, New Testament Stories from the Back Side Eugene Lowry, The Homiletical Plot Vines and Shaddix, Power in the Pulpit
PR 750 Preaching for Special Occasions
J. Ellsworth Kalas
1. James F. Kay, Seasons of Grace 2. Long and McCarter, Preaching In and Out of Season 3. Fleming Rutledge, The Bible and the New York Times
CD 551 Seminar: Ministry with Children
Chris Kiesling
1. OFFERING THE GOSPEL TO CHILDREN by Gretchen Wolff Pritchard (Cowley, 1992), 2. CHILDREN IN THE WORSHIPING COMMUNITY by David Ng and Virginia Thomas (WJK, 1981) 3. THE RELIGIOUS POTENTIAL OF THE CHILD by Sofia Cavalletti (Liturgy Training Publications, 1992)
CD 560 The Ministry of Teaching
Chris Kiesling
1. Hermann Hesse, Beneath the Wheel. New York: Bantam, 1968. ISBN 0-553-20858-6 2. Donald M. Joy, Meaningful Learning in the Church. Indianapolis: Light and Life Press, 1969, revised 1989. ISBN 0-89367-019-7 3. Marlene D. LeFever, Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach. Colorado Springs: David C. Cook, 1995. ISBN 0-7814-5117-5 4. Joseph Lowman, Mastering the Techniques of Teaching (second edition). San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1995. ISBN 0-7879-0127-X 5. Parker Palmer, The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998. 6. Learning Style Inventory - Available from the bookstore as loose leaf pages
CD 610 Moral Development
Chris Kiesling
1. James C. Wilhoit and John M. Dettoni. Nurture that is Christian: Developmental Perspectives on Christian Education. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1995. 2. Reading Packet for Moral Development (available at the bookstore, though it may be delayed beyond the first week of class). 3. James Fowler. Faithful Change: The Personal and Public Challenges of Postmodern Life. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. 4. Jean Piaget, The Moral Judgment of the Child. New York, Free Press, 1965. 5. E Stanley Jones, The Christ of the Mount. 6. Choose one from the following: (I recommend The Great Divorce for this class, but I am open to these other substitutions if they sound more appealing) C.S. Lewis. The Abolition of Man C.S. Lewis. The Great Divorce Walter Wangerin. The Orphean Passages
CD 615 Discipleship Development in the Home
Chris Kiesling
1. Norman Cohen, Self, Struggle & Change: Family Conflict Stories in Genesis and Their Healing Insights for Our Lives. Woodstock VT: Jewish Lights Press, 1995. 2. Larry Crabb, Connecting: A Radical New Vision. Nashville: Word, 1997. 3. Donald Joy, Empower Your Kids to be Adults. Nappanee: Indiana, 2000. 4. Walter Wangerin, Jr. As For Me and My House: Crafting Your Marriage to Last. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1987. 5. Freudenburg, Ben and Lawrence, Rick, The Family Friendly Church. Vital Ministry, 1998.
CD 615 Discipleship Development in the Home
Chris Kiesling
1. Norman Cohen, Self, Struggle & Change: Family Conflict Stories in Genesis and Their Healing Insights for Our Lives. Woodstock VT: Jewish Lights Press, 1995. 2. Larry Crabb, Connecting: A Radical New Vision. Nashville: Word, 1997. 3. Freudenburg, Ben and Lawrence, Rick, The Family Friendly Church. Vital Ministry, 1998. 4. Donald Joy, Empower Your Kids to be Adults. Nappanee: Indiana, 2000. 5. Reading Packet (The packet may be delayed from arriving in the bookstore until after the semester begins, but should not adversely affect assignments) 6. Mike Mason, The Mystery of Marriage: Meditations on the Miracle. Sisters: Multnomah, 1985.
CD 690 Discipleship Development Through Trail Camping
Chris Kiesling
1. BACKPACKERS FIELD MANUAL directed by Rick Curtis - a reference guide to remind you of crucial info while on the trail 2. HOW TO USE CAMPING EXPERIENCES IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION by Stephen Venable and Donald Joy - a proposal for future use in recreating meaningful camping experiences 3. EMPOWER YOUR KIDS TO BE ADULTS by Donald Joy - a reflection on the need for and how to's of rites of passage 4. WINDOWS OF THE SOUL by Ken Gire - a personal reflection paper on this devotional book that really touches the heart
CD 691 Discipleship Development Through Residential Camping
Chris Kiesling
1. HOW TO USE CAMPING EXPERIENCES IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION by Stephen Venable and Donald Joy - a proposal for future use in recreating meaningful camping experiences 2. EMPOWER YOUR KIDS TO BE ADULTS by Donald Joy - a reflection on the need for and how to's of rites of passage 3. WINDOWS OF THE SOUL by Ken Gire - a personal reflection paper on this devotional book that really touches the heart 4. RECLAIMING OUR PRODIGAL SONS AND DAUGHTERS by Larson. 5. OTHER REQUIRED READING: Four articles by Steve and Cindy Venable
CM 510 X Foundations of Campus Ministry
Chris Kiesling
1. Gregg Taylor. Campus Ministry That Works: A Beginning Resource: Imagine Press, Fayetteville, 1999. 2. Doug Fields. Purpose Driven Youth Ministry: Grand Rapids, 1998. 3. Henri Nouwen. The Return of the Prodigal Son: Doubleday, 1992. 4. Kenda Creasy-Dean and Ron Foster. The Godbearing Life. Nashville:Upper Room, 1998. 5. Don Everts. Jesus with Dirty Feet: Intervarsity, 1999. 6. Gordon MacDonald. Ordering Your Private World: Thomas Nelson, 1984. 7. Robert Coleman. The Master's Plan of Evangelism, 8. In addition there is a reading packet
SM 711 SM712 Supervised Ministry in Christian Education/Youth Ministry
Chris Kiesling
REAL POWER by Janet O. Hagberg
PR 610 X The Servant as Proclaimer
Charles D. Killian
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders
Charles D. Killian
1. Duane Litfin. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Baker, 1992. 2. David Cunningham. FAITHFUL PERSUASION. Univ. of Notre Dame, 1991.
CH 501 Church History I
Kenneth C. Kinghorn
1. Henry Bettenson, ed., Documents of the Christian Church, second edition (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1963). 2. Justo L. González, The Story of Christianity, vol. I, The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984). Vol. II will be used for CH 502. 3. Hugh T Kerr, ed., Readings in Christian Thought (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1966). --------------- 4. Although not required, students may wish to obtain The Baker Atlas of Christian History, ed. Tim Dowley (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1996). 5. Collateral reading: Dale T. Irwin and Scott W. Sunquist, History of the World Christian Movement: Earliest Christianity to 1453 (New York: Orbis Books, 2001).
CH 502 Church History II
Kenneth C. Kinghorn
1. Henry Bettenson, ed., Documents of the Christian Church, second edition (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1963). 2. Justo L. González, The Story of Christianity: The Reformation to the Present Day (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984). 3. Kerr, Hugh T., ed., Readings in Christian Thought, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1966. 4. Although not required, students may wish to obtain The Baker Atlas of Christian History, ed. Tim Dowley (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1996).
CH 600 History of Methodism
Kenneth C. Kinghorn
1. Kinghorn, Kenneth, The Heritage of American Methodism, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999. 2. Norwood, Frederick A., The Story of American Methodism, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1974.
PH 501 X Introduction to Philosophy of Religion
Kevin Paul Kinghorn
(1) Hasker, William. Metaphysics. (Downer's Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1983). (2) Peterson, Michael, ed. Reason and Religious Belief. 2nd edition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998) (3) Peterson, Michael, ed. Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings. 2nd edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001).
CO 611 Dynamics of Human Sexuality
Dan Langer
1) Penner, Clifford & Joyce. The Gift of Sex, Word Books, 1981 2) DeBecker, Gavin. Protecting the Gift, Dial Press, 1999 3) Weatherhead, Leslie. The Will of God, Abingdon Press, 1972
CO 650 Play Therapy: Theory, Techniques and theology
Reo N. Leslie
a. Play Therapy: Virginia M. Axline (1947/1969) b. The Healing Power of Play: Working with Abused Children: Eliana Gil (1991) c. Short-term Play Therapy for Children: Heidi Kaduson and Charles Schaefer (editors) (2000) d. 101 More Favorite Play Therapy Techniques: Heidi G. Kaduson and Charles Schaefer (ed.) (2001) e. “A Theology of Play Therapy:” Reo N. Leslie, Jr. (unpublished paper) f. Play Therapy with Children in Crisis: Individual, Group, and Family Treatment(2nd Ed.) Nancy Boyd Webb (ed.) (1999)
MS 685 The Church Abroad: China
James Loftin
All these must be read, viewed or listened to prior to the trip. An Introduction to the Mainland Chinese Soul. Various authors (unnamed). 2001. $5 each from LEAD Consulting, PO Box 32026, Raleigh, NC 27622. 919/783-0354. 50 pages. China, The Forgotten Harvest. Video produced by the Church of God, Cleveland that illustrates the growth of the church in China and tells the story of Pastor George Chen. 9 minutes. Counts as 5 pages. Fernando, Ajith. Sharing the Truth in Love: How to Relate to People of Other Faiths. Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishers, 2001. 269 pages. *GO Prepared. Produced by Teams Commissioned for Christ International, Inc., 1999. Orlando, FL. 407/857-8224. Prepared for persons going on short term missions trips these six thirty-minute lectures deal with spiritual preparation, team spirit, cross-cultural ministry, and re-entry. On reserve in Wilmore and Orlando libraries. Counts as 140 pages reading. *Lambert, Anthony. China’s Christian Millions: The Costly Revival. Monarch Books/OMF, 1999. Chapters 1-14, 193 pages. USA 800/422-5330, Canada 905/568-9971. OMF Toronto books@omf.ca. Ling, Samuel. Megatrends: The Chinese, Asia and the World. 30-minute video tape by ChinaSource. On reserve in Wilmore and Orlando libraries. Counts as 20 pages reading. Ling, Samuel, ed. Serving China Together. Published by ChinaSource. 79 pages, 1996. Available from James Loftin’s assistant for $17. *Reading packet of selected articles and readings. Includes info on spiritual warfare, prayer walking, the Serving China Primer, Stone research paper, issues of China Source and other photocopied articles. 100 pages. Russell, Gary. The Role of the Short-term and Church-based Ministries. 40-minute audio tape. On reserve in Wilmore and Orlando libraries. Counts as 30 pages reading. Yamamori, Tetsunao and Chan, Kim-Kwong. Witnesses to Power: Stories of God’s Quiet Work in a Changing China. Paternoster Publishing, 2000. Distributed by O.M. Literature, Waynesboro, GA 706/554-5827. 108 pages.
CS 601 Christian Ethics
Hugo Magallanes
Dayton, Donald W., Discovering an Evangelical Heritage (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1988). Miles, Rebekah L. The Pastor as Moral Guide (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999). CS 601 Reading Packet (readings are not necessarily in order)
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