DO 690 John Wesley’s Theology Today
Allan Coppedge
(1) John Wesley, Wesley’s Fifty-two Standard Sermons, ed. N. Burwash. (2) John Wesley, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. (3) Kenneth Collins, The Scripture Way of Salvation. (4) Harold Lindstrom, Wesley and Sanctification. (5) Kenneth Collins, A Real Christian.
DO 690 John Wesley’s Theology Today
Allan Coppedge
(1) John Wesley, Wesley’s Fifty-two Standard Sermons, ed. N. Burwash. (2) John Wesley, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. (3) Kenneth Collins, The Scripture Way of Salvation. (4) Harold Lindstrom, Wesley and Sanctification. (5) Kenneth Collins, A Real Christian.
DO 691 Readings in Wesley
Allan Coppedge
(1) John Wesley, Wesley’s Fifty-two Standard Sermons, ed. N. Burwash. (2) John Wesley, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. (3) Kenneth Collins, The Scripture Way of Salvation. (4) Harold Lindstrom, Wesley and Sanctification. (5) Kenneth Collins, A Real Christian.
DO 691 Readings in Wesley
Allan Coppedge
(1) John Wesley, Wesley’s Fifty-two Standard Sermons, ed. N. Burwash. (2) John Wesley, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. (3) Kenneth Collins, The Scripture Way of Salvation. (4) Harold Lindstrom, Wesley and Sanctification. Kenneth Collins, A Real Christian. (5) Richard Heitzenrater, Wesley and the People Called Methodists
DO 691 Readings in Wesley
Allan Coppedge
(1) John Wesley, Wesley’s Fifty-two Standard Sermons, ed. N. Burwash. (2) John Wesley, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. (3) Kenneth Collins, The Scripture Way of Salvation. (4) Harold Lindstrom, Wesley and Sanctification. (5) Kenneth Collins, A Real Christian.
CS 601 X Christian Ethics
Wyndy Corbin
1. Dayton, Donald W. Discovering an Evangelical Heritage (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1988) 2. Miles, Rebekah L. The Pastor as Moral Guide (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999) 3. Packet (to be purchased from bookstore) - readings are not necessarily in order
NT 501 Comprehensive Greek
Richard E. Cornell
Required Texts Bauer, et al. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3rd rev. ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2000. Black, David Alan. It’s Still Greek to Me. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998. Black, David Alan. Learning to Read New Testament Greek, rev. ed. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1994. Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th ed.
NT 501 Comprehensive Greek I
Richard E. Cornell
Course Description The first of a two-course sequence designed to introduce all aspects of New Testament Greek – e.g., noun declension, the verb system, grammar, syntax, and structure. Persons successfully completing NT501 and NT502 should be able to work comfortably with the basic Greek of the New Testament.
OT 501 Survey of Biblical Hebrew
Richard E. Cornell
This course introduces students to Biblical Hebrew for purposes of exegetical work in pastoral ministry. Particular emphasis is given to the fundamentals of Biblical Hebrew and basic exegetical tools, including types of parsing aids especially suited for pastoral use.
ME 630 Planting New Churches
Ronald K. Crandall
1. Planting Growing Churches, 2nd ed., Aubrey Malphurs, 1998 (400 pages). 2. Next Church.Now: Creating New Faith Communities, Craig Miller, 2000 (175 pages) 3. The Purpose Driven Church, Rick Warren, 1995 (390 pages).
ME 730 New Church Extension
Ronald K. Crandall
1. Planting Growing Churches, 2nd ed., Aubrey Malphurs, 1998 (400 pages). 2. Next Church.Now: Creating New Faith Communities, Craig Miller, 2000 (175 pages) 3. The Purpose Driven Church, Rick Warren, 1995 (390 pages).
MS 630 Ministry and Evangelism in the Small Church
Ronald K. Crandall
1. Ron Crandall, Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church (1995) 2 Steve Bierly, How to Thrive as a Small Church Pastor (1998) 3. Lyle Schaller, The Small Membership Church: Scenarios for Tomorrow (1994) 4. Anthony Pappas, Entering the World of the Small Church (2000)
IS 501 Kingdom, Church, and World
Ronald K. Crandall and Ruth Anne Reese
(1) Clapp, Rodney. Border Crossings. Brazos Press, 2000. (2) McClaren, Brian D. A New Kind of Christian. Jossey-Bass, 2001. (3) Newbiggen, Leslie. The Open Secret: An Introduction to the Theology of Mission. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm.B. Eerdmans, 1995. (4) Snyder, Howard. God’s Kingdom Now. Wiff and Stock, 2001. (5) Wright, Tom. The Challenge of Jesus. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1999.
IS 501 Kingdom, Church, and World
Ronald K. Crandall and Ruth Anne Reese
(1) Clapp, Rodney. A Peculiar People: The Church as Culture in a Postchristian Society. Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 1996. (2) McLaren, Brian D. A New Kind of Christian. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. (3) Snyder, Howard. Kingdom, Church, and World. Wipf and Stock, 2001. (4) Willimon, William. Shaped by the Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990. (5) Wright, N.T. The Challenge of Jesus. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1999.
CO 720 Psychopathology: Theory and Assessment
Janet B. Dean
(1) American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV TR). 4th ed. Washington, DC: APA. 92) Meyer, R. G. & Deitsch, S. H. (1996). The Clinician’s Handbook. Needham Heights, MA: Simon and Schuster.
PR 610 Servant As Proclaimer
Donald E. Demaray
1. Donald E. Demaray, Introduction to Homiletics (2nd edition). 2. Donald E. Demaray, Proclaiming the Truth: Guides to Scriptural Preaching. 3. Gary Smalley and John Trent, The Language of Love. 4. John W. Doberstein, editor, Minister's Prayer Book 5. A. A. Milne and Ernest H. Shepherd, Pooh's Little Etiquette Book (For fun and developing a pleasing manner)
SF 550 Healing and the Christian Faith
Donald E. Demaray
1. Donald E. Demaray, Experiencing Healing and Wholeness: A Journey in Faith. 2. Jennifer I. Woodruff, Experiencing Healing and Wholeness: A Journey in Faith study guide. 3. Bernie S. Siegel, Love, Medicine and Miracles. 4. Donald E. Demaray, Laughter, Joy and Healing. 5. Custom Course Packet which includes, Watch Out for Burnout, materials from John Wesley's writings on healing and pastoral care of the sick, and Scriptures on healing.
SF 650 Christian Devotional Classics
Donald E. Demaray
1. The Spiritual Formation Bible: Growing in Intimacy with God Through Scripture. 2. Richard J. Foster and James Bryan Smith, Devotional Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups. 3. Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God, edited by Donald E. Demaray 4. St. Francis of Assisi, The Little Flowers, edited by Donald E. Demaray, 5. Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, edited by Donald E. Demaray.
CO 520 Narrative Pastoral Counseling
Burrell D. Dinkins
1) Coles, The Call of Stories 2) Monk, Winslade, Crocket and Epston: Narrative Therapy in Practice: The Archeology of Hope, Jossey Bass. 3) Rooks, Diane. Spinning Gold Out of Straw: How Stories Heal. FL: Saltrun Press, 2001. 4) Simmons, Annette. The Story Factor. MA: Perseus Publishers, 2001. 5) White, Michael and David Epston. Narrative Means To Therapeutic Ends.
CO 660 Crisis Counseling: Theory and Application
Burrell D. Dinkins
Gilliand, Burl E.; Richard K. James. Crisis Intervention Strategies. (Read one chapter at a time to page 182, then skip to page 553 and read to the end of the book. The chapters on specific kinds of crises are important, but read only the ones of most interest to you.) Herman, Judith Lewis. Trauma and Recovery. (This is an especially important book for working with women in crisis.) Janoff-Bulman, Ronnie. Shattered Assumptions. (Read this book first. You will need it to discuss the film shown during the first days of class. It will indirectly help you with your theological reflections and your preaching/teaching.) Switzer, David S. The Minister As Crisis Counselor. (get ready to do some theological reflection before your exam and before you are required to do it in class.)
IR 700 Senior Reflection Community
Burrell D. Dinkins
Stone, Howard W. & James O. Duke. How to Think Theologically. MN: Fortress Press, 1996.
PC 510 The Servant as Pastoral Care Giver
Burrell D. Dinkins
1. Dinkins, Burrell & Losoney. “Grief” 2. Shelly, Judith Allen. Spiritual Care: A Guide for Caregivers. 3. Frederic, Harold. The Damnation of Theron Ware. 4. Kollar, Charles Allen: Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling 5. Kuenning, Delores. Helping People Through Grief. 6. Nichols, Michael P. The Lost Art of Listening: 7. Steinborn, Melvin. Can the Pastor Do It Alone. 8. Steinke, Peter. How Your Church Family Works. 9. Wimberley, Edward P. Prayer In Pastoral Counseling
PC 610 Pastor and Marriage
Burrell D. Dinkins
1. Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence 2. Gottman, John. Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work 3. Hunt, Richard; Hoff, Larry and DeMaria, Rita. Marriage Enrichment 4. Markman, Howard; Stanley, Scott & Blumberg Susan. Fighting for Your Marriage
PC 655 Clinical Pastoral Education
Burrell D. Dinkins
The purpose of this course is to provide students the opportunity to experience ministry and to reflect upon that experience. Clinical Pastoral Education is interfaith professional education for ministry. It brings theological students and ministers into supervised encounter with persons in crises. Out of an intensive involvement with persons in need, and the feedback from peers and teachers, students develop new awareness of themselves as persons and of the needs of those to whom they minister. From theological reflection on specific human needs of those to whom they minister. From theological reflection on specific human situations, they gain a new understanding of ministry. Within the interdisciplinary team process of helping persons, they develop skills in interpersonal and inter-professional relationships.
CL 553 United Methodist Polity and Discipline
David A. Dodge
1. To examine the development of United Methodist polity from a historical and theological perspective: a. To understand the implicit and explicit structural expressions of ecclesiology. b. To become familiar with the nature and implications of connectionalism and itinerancy for ministry. c. To understand the annual conference as the basic unit of The United Methodist Church. d. To study and understand the covenantal relationship between ministers (lay, diaconal and ordained) in The United Methodist Church. 2. To use the Discipline and the Book of Resolutions as working handbooks for mission and ministry. a. To understand the process by which leaders and selected. b. To gain a knowledge of the selection, deployment, evaluation and termination of clergy. c. To become familiar with the decision-making process at all levels of the church. d. To become aware of the required structure and alternative organization of the local church. e. To examine connectionalism in relationship to church property. f. To understand the judicial structures, the appeal and review process. g. To gain an awareness of the role and functioning of the general boards and agencies. h. To understand the role of caucuses and special groups. i. To perceive the nature of ecumenical relationships.
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