The Divine Anointing
Rev Wilmer Coffman
"The history of the Church furnishes many other examples of the same glorious truth that the baptism of the Holy Ghost confers spiritual might upon all who receive it. ... Believer in Jesus, this precious experience may be yours this very day. You need it for the perfecting of holiness and for the attainment of highest usefulness. You cannot do the work to which God calls you without it; nor can you know that fullness of joy which it is your privilege to possess except this holy baptism be received. Delay not, therefore, to claim by faith your blessed portion."
The Embassadors' Journey
"Art thou halting on the heavenward road, my brother, carefully weighing the cost of a life of service, unwilling to come to the Lord, lest he should choose thee as a laborer in his vineyard? .... And Jesus of Nazareth sends a message to thee too, my sister! Thou, who dost recognize his power; thou, who dost secretly love him in thy heart, and yet dost dread to take the step that will place thee as his acknowledged disciple before the world. ... Fix thine eye upon the Cross, and forget thyself in the sight of thy bleeding Saviour. "He giveth powel to the faint; and to them that have no mignt he increaseth strength." "
New Series;33
The Eucharistic Manuals of John and Charles Wesley
John Wesley, Charles Wesley, and W. E. Dutton
Contains facsimile title-pages for the two manuals: "A companion for the Altar" and "Hymns on the Lord's Supper". A companion for the altar / extracted from Thomas à Kempis by John Wesley. 4th ed. 1748 -- Hymns on the Lord's Supper / by John and Charles Wesley ; with a preface concerning the Christian sacrament and sacrifice extracted from Dr. Brevint. 4th ed. 1757 -- Hymns on the Lord's Supper / by John and Charles Wesley ; with a preface concerning the Christian sacrament and sacrifice extracted from Dr. Brevint. 10th ed. 1794.
Hodges' Christian Classics, vol 12;
The eucharistic manuals of John and Charles Wesley
John Wesley, Charles Wesley, and WE Dutton
A companion for the altar. 4th ed. 1747.--Hymns on the Lord's Supper. 4th ed. 1757.--Hymns on the Lord's Supper. 10th ed. 1794.
The Fatal Choice
Rev R H Howard
"This instance of a fatal choice, made in an eminently critical moment, is by no means a solitary one.... the matter of some important duty, and particularly the all-important duty of religion, the choice that is made, and the decision formed, become final and decisive; the turning point of life for good or ill, for weal or woe. It is henceforth to be either life or death, heaven or hell,....what though one might succeed in gaining the whole world, what yet shall it profit a man if, meantime, he shall lose his own soul? or as Luke has it, lose himself."
The Gift of Power
Henry W. Bennett
"The kingdom of God shall come in power-dynamite. The power-dynamite -of the Lord was present. It is in the 8piritual world what dynamite is in the material world. The truth may be preached, the word declared, the Bible read, and personal work performed; but if this power does not descend, nor accompany the work, nor touch the people, the arm of salvation is shortened."
The Gift of Prayer
A written conversation about prayer, its difficulties and its blessings.
Revised Series;27
The Glory of the Savior and the Gift of the Spirit
Tony Marshall Anderson and Wilmore Holiness Camp Meeting Association
The Glory That Excelleth
Rev Daniel Steele
"Our inquiry relates to the subjective aspects of the question - that is, to the emotions and estimates of the subject of the two experiences [sanctification / justification]. For we freely admit that justification, when viewed objectively in its relation to the Divine law and to future destiny, is the greater work, in asmuch as it changes the relation of the soul to the moral government of God, ... But we are not discussiing this view of the subject. We are inquiring into the inward experiences of the subjects of these operations of the Holy Spirit."
New Series;18
The Gospel Way of Salvation
This pamphlet on salvation was written by the author of the "Testimony of Jesus Christ to His Divinity".
The Great Advocate
"Whether you wish to hear any more about this Advocate will depend upon whether you feel your want of him or not. The prisoners would not have cared about an advocate if they had not known themselves to be in danger. So neither will you unless you feel and know yourself to be overtaken by divine justice - a criminal having no excuse to offer, awaiting the day of trial, and uncertain what the end may be. Is this your case?"
Revised Series;16
The Great Physician
"...are you convinced that the disease of sin cleaves to you? And do you desire deliverance from it? If so, the Gospel brings you good tidings of great joy. It proclaims "Balm in Gilead, and the Physician there!" It tells you of JEHOVAH-JESUS- "THE LORD WHO HEALETH THEE." He is near who saveth you. Look to him, by faith, as he is set before you in the word of God. Fasten your eyes on him, look to him with desire and hope, expect to receive from him spiritual health and cure."
Revised Series;68
The Guide
"Reader, you are a traveler through this world, and you stand as much in need of a guide as he who journeys through the forest, over the mountains, or in the pathless desert. ... But the book of providence cannot teach you how you may attain everlasting life. ... The light of conscience is not, therefore, a sufficient guide. ... But because neither nature, providence, nor conscience can conduct you safely to eternal bliss, God has provided a sure and unerring guide. This is his revealed word-the Bible, applied by the Holy Spirit."
Revised Series;1
The Higher Path for Young Converts
"...there have been from the beginning two orders of Christians." The one live an innocent life, conforming in all things not obviously sinful to the fashions of the world, doing many good works, abstaining from sins, and attending the ordinances of God. They endeavor to have a conscience void of offense in their behavior, but they do not aim at special excellence. They aspire only to the average spiritual attainments.The other class of Christians not only abstain from every form of vice, but they are zealous of every kind of good work. They scrupulously attend all the ordinances of God. They use all diligence to attain the whole mind that was in Christ, and to walk in the very footsteps of their beloved Master."
New Series;17
The Higher Resurrection
Rev R H Howard
"...the glorious Pauline doctrine of the resurrection of the body, that, according to the constant belief of the Church through the ages, shall be realized" at the last day." But. my decided impression is, that the great want of our humanity is a present spiritual resurrection; an awakening from the mortal torpor of spiritual death..."
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