Rome In Rome No. 8
The most celebrated statue of St. Peter in Rome is the bronze statue which sits in the great Basilica of St. Peter at the Vatican. This pamphlet reviews what "the statue represents in reality, of what worship it is made the object, and what historic question arises from it."
Rome In Rome No. 9
A pamphlet on the Agnus Deis or Lambs of God which are small round wax medals with the image of a lamb on one side and the image of a saint on the other side that the pope baptizes in water and oil and prays over. Devotees wear them as powerful amulets.
Scripture Catechism on Temperance
Twenty four thoughts with Scriptural references on strong drink or alcohol consumption.
New Series;10
Secret Prayer
"OUR Saviour, in language the most emphatic, has enjoined upon us this duty: "Enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." How distinct is this command! And yet it is to be feared that by many professed Christians it is more neglected than almost any other."
Revised Series;18
Serious Truths for Consideration
Frederick J. Jobson
"Resolve to devote this hour to consideration for your soul. You have power over your own mind. You can fix your thoughts intently on the subject of your choice. Make now a determined effort; and for a brief period, at lease, act the manly part of constraining your reason to exercise itself on what is transcendently important to you, and on what you know ought to have precedence of all things whatever. ... Employ it, resolutely, in serious thoughts upon your spiritual state, before God, and in its relation to eternity."
The Tract Book Series;2
Shall It Be Rum, With Moderation?
Rev E F Remington
"As there are more than a million of people who find employment in distilling, rectifying, compounding, adulterating, transporting, selling intoxicating drinks, it becomes an important question wbat is, to be done with the traffic. Some say, to prohibit it would be a great affliction to the men employed in it and to their families."
Shall Our Rum Be Kept Out of Africa?
Rev Daniel Dorchester
"I have directly learned ... that a distillery firm within three miles of Massachusetts State-house has a contract to furnish 3,000 gallons of rum daily to the African trade for the next seven years. This would be equivalent to almost one million gallons annually. My interest in Christian missions in Africa, and in the late campaign for a constitutional amendment in Massachusetts prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors for beverages, led me to investigate the internal revenue reports of the manufacture, home consumption, and exportation of rum. This, the most powerful of all the distilled liquors, containing fifty per cent and upward of alcohol, is the only liquor exported from the United States to Africa."
SINGING. John Wesley on Singing
"Few things can be more pleasing to the Lord than a congregation, with one heart and voice, praising his holy name.... From these remarks we surely must be sensible of the necessity of confining ourselves to simple tunes, as the fugue tunes have an unavoidable tendency to confine to a few this part of Divine worship, which belongs to the whole. And those, we think, have made few remarks on public worship, who have not observed, on the one hand, how it deadens devotion, and only at the best raises an admiration of the singers and not of Christ."
New Series;20
Sketch of the life of Robert Raikes, esq. : and of the history of Sunday schools
W F (William Freeman) Lloyd
Sorrows of a Saloon-Keeper
Petroleum V. Nasby
Narrative moral satire on the evils of alcohol and drinking.
Sprinkling the Biblel Mode
Rev Selah W Brown
" "SO SHALL HE SPRINKLE MANY NATIONS." ISAIAH lii, 15. This prophetic promise of the Old Testament has a twofold reference to the Gospel dispensation: 1. To the "Blood of Sprinkling," by which we are justified and sanctified. 2. To the use of water in Christian baptism. In either case the allusion favors sprinkling as the Bible mode."
The Tract Book Series;8
Temperance and Prohibition
Temperance and prohibition policies adopted by the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church (May, 1888) including: Progress and Duty, Temperance Organizations, Total Abstinence, Scientific Temperance Instruction, Raising of Grapes, Hops, etc., Our Relation to the Liquor Traffic, Practical Political Action, Enforcement of Liquor Laws, the Legal Status of Liquor Traffic, Constitutional Amendments, Abolition of the Liquor Traffic in the District of Columbia, Inter-State Liquor Traffic, and Rum and Native Heathen.
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