CD 650 Aspects of Aging: Developmental, Cultural, Religious”
Harold W. Burgess
TEXTBOOKS 1. John C. Cavenaugh and Fredda Blanchard-Fields, Adult Development and Aging (2002). This text presents a standard psychological perspective on aging and the scientific study of aging. It is a basic introduction to aspects of aging from a gerontological perspective. 2. Charles G. Oakes, Working the Gray Zone (2000). After a long career as a gerontologist, Oakes reflects on the ways in which the church could work more effectively (and Christianly) with older adults
CD / PC 650 Aspects of Aging: Developmental, Cultural, Religious
Harold W. Burgess
1. John C. Cavenaugh and Fredda Blanchard-Fields, Adult Development and Aging (2002). This text presents a standard psychological perspective on aging and the scientific study of aging. It is a basic introduction to aspects of aging from a gerontological perspective. 2. Charles G. Oakes, Working the Gray Zone (2000). After a long career as a gerontologist, Oakes reflects on the ways in which the church could work more effectively (and Christianly) with older adults.
CO 622 Theories of Personality
Harold W. Burgess
Theories of Personality by Calvin Hall, Gardiner Lindzey, and John Campbell (fourth, or later, edition).
CO 622 Theories of Personality
Harold W. Burgess
Theories of Personality, by Calvin Hall, Gardiner Lindzey, and John Campbell (Fourth edition).
CO 675 Group Counseling
Harold W. Burgess
Gerald Corey, Theory and Practice of Group Counseling (fifth edition). Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 2000, or most recent date. The text includes a thorough bibliography. Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey and Robert Haynes, Evolution of a Group (workbook and videotape), Brooks/Cole, 2000 (or latest date).
MI 745 Seminar in Missiology
Curtis Chang
Engaging Unbelief: A Captivating Strategy from Augustine and Aquinas Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2000 We will read this book in four installments during the month of October.
CH 501 Church History I
Paul W. Chilcote
Justo Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity, Volume 1 (Story) Maxwell Staniforth, ed., Early Christian Writings (Staniforth) Roberta Bondi, To Pray and to Love John McQuiston, Always We Begin Again Julian of Norwich, All Will Be Well Or Thomas à Kempis, True Serenity
CH 502 Church History II
Paul W. Chilcote
Justo Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity, Volume 2 (Story) Teresa of Avila, Let Nothing Disturb You Paul Chilcote, Her Own Story Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together
CH 550 DO 550 Cambridge Summer School in Contemporary Methodist Theology: A Wesleyan Paradigm of Renewal For Today
Paul W. Chilcote
Paul Chilcote, The Wesleyan Tradition: A Paradigm for Renewal (Abingdon) Paul Chilcote, Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit (Upper Room) Michael Slaughter, Spiritual Entrepreneurs (Abingdon) Howard Snyder, The Radical Wesley (Wipf & Stock) Theodore Jennings, Good News to the Poor (Abingdon) Randy Maddox, ed. Rethinking Wesley’s Theology (Abingdon) Ted Campbell, John Wesley and Christian Antiquity (Abingdon) Rosie Nixson, Liberating Women for the Gospel (Hodder and Stoughton)
DO 690 John Wesley's Theology for Today
Paul W. Chilcote
Paul W. Chilcote, Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit Paul W. Chilcote, Recapturing the Wesleys’ Vision (manuscript provided) Albert C. Outler, ed., John Wesley Albert C. Outler, Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit Albert Outler & Richard Heitzenrater, eds., John Wesley’s Sermons Frank Whaling, ed., John and Charles Wesley
DO 690 John Wesley's Theology for Today
Paul W. Chilcote
Paul W. Chilcote, Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit (entirety) Paul Chilcote, Recapturing the Wesleys’ Vision Manuscript (entirety) Tom Langford, “Charles Wesley as Theologian” (handout) Albert Outler, “John Wesley as Theologian” (handout) Albert Outler, John Wesley, 3-33, 51-69, 87-147, 177-209, 231-50, 271-344, 353-76, 384-424, 492-99 Albert Outler, Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit (entirety; but only theology section) John Wesley, Sermons, 39-68, 157-72, 193-206, 251-74, 287-98, 325-46, 419-40, 485- 500, 511-22, 541-58 Frank Whaling, John and Charles Wesley, 146-61, 192-95, 251-72, 289-91
DO 691 Readings in Wesley
Paul W. Chilcote
This course provides an additional opportunity for further reading on the life and theology of the Wesleys. Taught concurrently with DO690, John Wesley’s Theology for Today, it affords students greater familiarity with primary documents within the Wesleyan corpus and concepts related to Wesleyan theology.
MS 685 The Church Abroad: Zinbabwe
Paul W. Chilcote
Chilcote, Paul. An African Journal of Hope. New York: GBGM, 1995. 85 pages. Chilcote, Paul. “A Singing and Dancing Church.” In The Sunday Service of the Methodists, ed. Karen Westerfield Tucker. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. 30 pages. GO Prepared. Produced by Teams Commissioned for Christ International, Inc., 1999. Prepared for persons going on short-term missions trips these six thirty-minute lectures deal with spiritual preparation, team spirit, cross-cultural ministry, and reentry. On reserve in ATS libraries in Kentucky and Florida. 150 pages equivalent. Kurewa, John W. Z. The Church in Mission. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1997. 175 pages. Kurewa, John W. Z. Preaching & Culture Identity: Proclaiming the Gospel in Africa. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000. 300 pages. Parratt, John. A Reader in African Christian Theology. London: SPCK, 1987. 160 pages. Russell, Gary. The Role of the Short-term and Church-based Ministries. 40-minute audiotape. On reserve in ATS libraries in Kentucky and Florida. 30 pages equivalent. Wa Thiong’o, Ngugi. The River Between. Heinemann, 1991. 155 pages.
WO 510 Worship Leadership in the Church
Paul W. Chilcote
This course will seek to equip students to: 1. glorify God and edify the church through the liturgical life of the community; 2. develop competencies in gracious worship leadership; 3. discern issues in relation to Christian worship in such a way as to make sound liturgical decisions based on historical, theological, and pastoral norms; 4. expand their liturgical repertoire in terms of both language and forms; 5. explore new ways to enrich congregational worship in prayer, word, and sacraments/ordinances; and 6. analyze contextual situations in such a way as to gain perspective on the present practice of worship within the diversity of approaches to Christian liturgy.
OT 501 Survey of Biblical Hebrew
John H. Choi
Arnold, Bill T. and John H. Choi. A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming. (Course Packet in Bookstore). Elliger, K., and W. Rudolph. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1967-77. Holladay, William L. A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1971. Scott, William R. A Simplified Guide to BHS. Berkley, Calif.: BIBAL, 1987. Seow, C. L. A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. Rev. ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 1995.
OT 502 Grammar and Readings in Biblical Hebrew
John H. Choi
Arnold, Bill and John Choi. A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming. (available from bookstore as course packet) Brown, Francis, S. R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament. Oxford: Oxford, 1907; reprint, Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1979. Elliger, K., and W. Rudolph. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1967-77. Scott, William R. A Simplified Guide to BHS. Berkley, Calif.: BIBAL, 1987. Seow, C. L. A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. Rev. ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 1995.
CH 500 Turning Points in Church History
Meesaeng Lee Choi
Noll, Mark A. Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity, 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic Books, 2000. Olson, Roger E. The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999 Selected primary source and additional readings cited under each lesson (see the Course and Reading Schedule) are available in electronic and/or library reserves (Intra\School of Theology\Lecture Power Points\Choi, Meesaeng\CH500).
CH 501 Church History I
Meesaeng Lee Choi
Dale T. Irvin and Scott W. Sunquist, History of the World Christian Movement, vol. 1: Earliest Christianity to 1453 (Orbis Books, 2001) Roger E. Olson, The Story of Christian Theology (InterVarsity Press, 1999) Bart D. Ehrman, After the New Testament: A Reader in Early Christianity (Oxford University Press, 1999). St. Benedict, The Rule of St. Benedict (The Liturgical Press, 1982)
CH 502 Church History II
Meesaeng Lee Choi
1. Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity: The Reformation to the Present Day, vol. 2. San Francisco: Harper/Collins Publishers, 1985. 2. Pelikan, Jaroslav. Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700). Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1984. 3. Pelikan, Jaroslav. Christian Doctrine and Modern Culture (since 1700). Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1989. 4. Spickard, Paul R. and Kevin M. Cragg. A Global History of Christians: How Everyday Believers Experienced Their World. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 1994: 200-31, 303- 42, 383-454.
CH 701 Ante-Nicene Patristic Literature
Meesaeng Lee Choi
1. Michael W. Holmes, ed., The Apostolic Fathers (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1999). 2. Robert M. Grant, Irenaeus of Lyons (London and New York: Routledge, 2000). 3. John Behr, St. Irenaeus of Lyons, On the Apostolic Preaching (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1997). 4. S. L. Greenslade, ed., Early Latin Theology (Louisville, KY: Westminster Press, 1956). 5. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2 (Hendrickson Publsihers, 1994). 6. Rowan A. Greer, Origen: An Exhortation to Martyrdom, Prayer and Selected Works (Paulist Press, 1979).
CH 702 Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers
Meesaeng Lee Choi
1. Christopher A. Hall, Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1998). 2. One of Three Options a. Purchase: Phillip Schaff, ed., Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First and Second Series. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co. b. Use library reserve/reference, or intra. c. Use internet and produce your own copy: 1) Early Church Fathers: www.ccel.org/fathers2/ 2) Wikipedia: www.wikipedia.org/wiki/nicene and post-nicene fathers 3) New Advent: www.newadvent.org/fathers/ 4) One more additional website: home.flash.net/~smabry/docs/fathers.htm
CH 501 Church History I
Kenneth J. Collins
Bettenson, Henry. Documents of the Christian Church. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. (Second Edition) Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1. San Francisco: Harper/Collins Publishers, 1984. Kerr, Hugh T. ed. Readings in Christian Thought. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989. McGrath, Alistar, Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought. New York: Blackwell Publishers, 1998. Walton, Robert C. Chronological and Background Charts of Church History. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1986.
CH 502 Church History II
Kenneth J. Collins
Bettenson, Henry. Documents of the Christian Church. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. (Second edition, not the Third edition) Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity, Vol. 2. San Francisco: Harper/Collins Publishers, 1985. Kerr, Hugh T. ed. Readings in Christian Thought. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989. McGrath, Alister E. Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998. 4 Walton, Robert C. Chronological and Background Charts of Church History. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1986.
CH 502 Church History II
Kenneth J. Collins
Bettenson, Henry. Documents of the Christian Church. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity, Vol. 2. San Francisco: Harper/Collins Publishers, 1985. Irwin, Dale T. and Sunquist, Scott W., ed. History of the World Christian Movement: 1453 to Vatican II. New York: Orbis Books, 200?. Kerr, Hugh T. ed. Readings in Christian Thought. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989. Walton, Robert C. Chronological and Background Charts of Church History. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1986.
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