CH 502 Church History II
Kenneth J. Collins
II. Learning Goals I. General Goals 1. To appreciate the Christian Tradition so the student understands that our generation lives on the growing edge of a vast Christian heritage. 2. To grasp the normative historical expressions of the church that defined its community and mission. 3. To acquire basic factual knowledge of the persons, places, dates, events, and movements that shaped the history of the Christian Church. 4. To comprehend the issues that motivated the Church to develop its beliefs, practices, and structures and to grasp why, from time to time, the Church modified them. 5. To understand the evolution of Christian doctrine with respect to Scripture and tradition and to learn to discern between form and content. 6. To appreciate the importance of primary sources and the nature and effects of historical interpretation. 7. To view the present in the light of the prior beliefs and actions of the Christian community. 8. To evaluate one’s Christian vocation in the light of the historical and theological currents of the Christian tradition. 9. To gain insight into the nature of Christian ministry. 10. To participate in the task of developing capable and effective Christian leadership for the contemporary church which will maintain its faithfulness to its vital heritage. II. Specific Goals 1. To identify the key historical period of the Reformation and post-Reformation period. 2. To understand the major Reformation traditions—Lutheran, Anabaptist, Reformed, and Anglican—and their theologians, especially in terms of faithfulness to the teachings of Scripture, the nature of the church, the sacraments, and soteriology. 3. To grasp the significant issues pertaining to salvation in the Protestant Reformation and understand the issues relating to Roman Catholicism. 4. To understand the Roman Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation, particularly the Council of Trent.5. To recognize and evaluate the major issues involved in the church’s efforts to relate to the social and political structures of the modern world. 6. To explore the eighteenth-century Enlightenment’s impact on the church. 7. To articulate the Puritan, Pietist, and Methodist traditions and to develop an increased awareness of the significant contributions of Wesleyanism to the broader church. 8. To demonstrate an understanding of the First and Second Great Awakenings. 9. To understand the cultural and theological context of historical criticism and its effect on the nature and authority of scripture. 10.To reflect on the problems and possibilities of church/state relations during this period. 11.To explore the interaction between church and culture, as the leading theologians developed their theologies. 12. To survey the major religious cults. 13. To trace the rise of modern missions and how Christianity became a global religion.
BS 504 Introduction to Biblical Studies: Old Testament
John A. Cook
Required textbooks (available at the book store): a) The New Oxford Annotated Bible (3rd augm. ed., 2007; ISBN 9780195288803) b) The Oxford Bible Atlas (4th ed., 2007; ISBN 9780191001581)
BS 504 Introduction to Biblical Studies: Old Testament
John A. Cook
Required textbooks (available at the book store): a) The New Oxford Annotated Bible (3rd augm. ed., 2007; ISBN 9780195288803) b) The Oxford Bible Atlas (4th ed., 2007; ISBN 9780191001581)
BS 502 Introduction to Biblical Studies
Joseph R. Dongell
Course Texts A) The Bible [in at least three different modern English versions] B) Bauer, David R. An Annotated Guide To Biblical Resources for Ministry. C) de Silva, David A. An Introduction to the New Testament: Contents, Methods & Ministry Formation. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004.
BS 650 Studies in the Septuagint
Joseph R. Dongell
Course Texts: Conybeare, F. C. and St. George Stock. Grammar of Septuagint Greek: With Selected Readings, Vocabularies, and Updated Indexes. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1988. Jobes, Karen H. and Moises Silva. Invitation to the Septuagint. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000. Lust, J. A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1992-6. May, Herbert and Bruce Metzger, eds. The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha. Revised Standard Version. New York: Oxford University Press, 1962. Rahlfs, Alfred. Septuaginta. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1935. Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Beyond the Basics: an Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.
BT 825 Biblical Theology and Theological Hermenuetics
Joel B. Green
Course Description An exploration of the development of modern “biblical theology,” current models of engaging in the task of “biblical theology,” obstacles to a “biblical theology,” and the contemporary recovery of a theological hermeneutics in relation to the biblical theology movement.
CH 650 The Book of Common Prayer across The Centuries
William P. Haugaard
The purpose of the course is to survey the Book of Common Prayer from the sixteenth century, through succeeding three centuries, through the ecumenical liturgical movement of the twentieth century, to the present-day book authorized by the Episcopal Church in 1979. The British churches will provide the major focus up to the latter years of the eighteenth century when, in post-revolutionary North America, Anglicans first begin to modify the exclusively British setting and character of the Prayer Book. Throughout the course students will be encouraged to relate the developments of this distinctive tradition with those in other parts of the larger Christian community. The course will review and analyze the historical development of liturgy, including rite, ceremony, music, and architectural surroundings. Throughout, attention will be given to the relation of community worship to personal devotion and to the character of the larger community in which liturgy is celebrated. The central focus of class sessions will be the discussion of successive texts from the Prayer Books in relation with the dominant and demotic discourses of the society for which they were intended. Emphasis will be given to “the regular services appointed for public worship” in the Episcopal Church: the Holy Eucharist and Daily Morning and Evening Prayer” although attention will given from time to time to the Litany and the Pastoral Offices. Readings on the historical development and the theological assumptions and implications of the Prayer Book will be read by participants during the course of the semester.
CH 651 The Sacraments in History
William P. Haugaard
Required texts: James F. White, Documents of Christian Worship: Descriptive and Interpretive Sources [DCW] Bard Thompson, ed., Liturgies of the Western Church [LWC] John H. Leith, ed., Creeds of the Churches: A Reader in Christian Doctrine from the Bible to the Present (3rd edition) [CC] John Fenwick & Bryan Spinks, Worship in Transition: the Liturgical Movement in the Twentieth Century
MM 602 Mentored Ministry Local Church
Barbara C. Holsinger and Sandra Richter
MM 602 is designed to take place outside the walls. This mentored ministry experience is intended to foster the intentional integration of your “book” studies in biblical theology and practical ministry with a “real live” ministry experience. Our seminar is intended to provide the opportunity for you to evaluate your “real live” experiences with your peers in a confidential, positive, but evaluative environment.
MM 602 Mentored Ministry Local Church
Barbara C. Holsinger and Sandra Richter
MM 602 is designed to take place outside the walls. This mentored ministry experience is intended to foster the intentional integration of your “book” studies in biblical theology and practical ministry with a “real live” ministry experience. Our seminar is intended to provide the opportunity for you to evaluate your “real live” experiences with your peers in a confidential, positive, but evaluative environment.
CD 511 The Pastor and Christian Discipleship
Beverly C. Johnson-Miller
Basics of Christian Education by Karen B. Tye The Younger Evangelicals by Robert Webber John Wesley’s Class Meeting: A model for making disciples by Michael Henderson Making All Things New: An Invitation to the Spiritual Life by Henri Nouwen The Big Little School: Two Hundred Years of The Sunday School by Robert W. Lynn and Elliott Wright Growing in the Life of Faith: Education and Christian Practices by Craig Dykstra Management Essentials for Christian Ministries by Michael J. Anthony and James Estep, Jr. (editors) Specific chapters will be assigned to each student for in-class project.
CD 511 The Pastor and Christian Discipleship
Beverly C. Johnson-Miller
REQUIRED TEXTS Basics of Christian Education by Karen B. Tye The Younger Evangelicals by Robert Webber John Wesley’s Class Meeting: A model for making disciples by Michael Henderson Making All Things New: An Invitation to the Spiritual Life by Henri Nouwen The Big Little School: Two Hundred Years of The Sunday School by Robert W. Lynn and Elliott Wright Growing in the Life of Faith: Education and Christian Practices by Craig Dykstra Management Essentials for Christian Ministries by Michael J. Anthony and James Estep, Jr. (editors) Specific chapters will be assigned to each student for in-class project. *On Reserve - Leading the Congregation: Caring for Yourself While Serving the People by Norman Shawchuck and Roger Heuser Christian Religious Education: Sharing Our Story and Vision by Thomas Groome
CD 560 The ministry of Teaching
Beverly C. Johnson-Miller
REQUIRED TEXTS Barbara Bruce, Our Spiritual Brain. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002. ISBN: 0-687- 09266-3 Joseph Lowman, Mastering The Techniques of Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. 1995. ISBN 0-7879-0127-X. Marlene D. LeFever, Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach. Colorado Springs: Cook Communications Ministries, 1995. ISBN: 0-7814-5117-5 Mary Elizabeth Moore, Teaching as a Sacramental Act. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2004. ISBN: 0-8298-1647-X Parker Palmer, The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998. ISBN: 0-7879-1058-9 Robert Pazmino, Basics of Teaching for Christians. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998. ISBN: 0-8010-2173-1 Susan Shaw, Storytelling in Religious Education. Birmingham: Religious Education Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-89135-111-6
CD 560 The Ministry of Teaching
Beverly C. Johnson-Miller
REQUIRED TEXTS Barbara Bruce, Our Spiritual Brain. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002. ISBN: 0-687- 09266-3 Joseph Lowman, Mastering The Techniques of Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. 1995. ISBN 0-7879-0127-X. Marlene D. LeFever, Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach. Colorado Springs: Cook Communications Ministries, 1995. ISBN: 0-7814-5117-5 Mary Elizabeth Moore, Teaching as a Sacramental Act. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2004. ISBN: 0-8298-1647-X Parker Palmer, The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998. ISBN: 0-7879-1058-9 Robert Pazmino, Basics of Teaching for Christians. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998. ISBN: 0-8010-2173-1 Susan Shaw, Storytelling in Religious Education. Birmingham: Religious Education Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-89135-111-6 Learning Styles Inventory. Available at the bookstore.
CD 651 Professional Foundations of Christian Education
Beverly C. Johnson-Miller
Required Reading A History of Christian Education by James E. Reed and Ronnie Prevost. Sourcebook of the Christian Faith: Primary source readings from the history of Christian education(latest edition), edited by Robert F. Lay, Taylor Universtiy, 2004. (This text can only be purchased at the ATS Cokesbury bookstore.) Augustine and the Catechumenate by William Harmless The Big Little School: Two Hundred Years of the Sunday School, by Robert W. Lynn and Elliott Wright Religious Education in the African American Tradition: A Comprehensive Introduction by Kenneth H. Hill
CD 663 Older Adult Ministry
Beverly C. Johnson-Miller
REQUIRED TEXTS Aging: God’s challenge to church and synagogue by Richard H. Gentzler, Jr., and Donald F. Clingan 121 pages Senior Adult Ministry in the 21st century: Step-by-Step Strategies for Reaching People Over Fifty by David P. Gallagher 136 pages Aging: The fulfillment of Life by Henri J. M. Nouwen and Walter Gaffney 157 pages Growing Old in Christ edited by Stanley Hauerwas, Carole Bailey Stoneking, Keith G. Meador and David Cloutier. 301 pages
SF 601 Spiritual Guidance
Reginald Johnson
Required Texts: Sacred Companions, David Benner, IVP; Spiritual Direction and Meditation, Thomas Merton, The Liturgical Press Note: Only the spiritual direction section of this book is required; The Contemplative Pastor, Eugene Peterson, Eerdmans; Spiritual Direction, Henri Nouwen, Harper, SanFrancisco; The Deeper Journey, Robert Mulholland, IVP; Wounds That Heal, Stephen Seamands, IVP; The Way of Friendship, Alred of Rievaleux, New City Press;
SF 601 Spiritual Guidance
Reginald Johnson
Required Texts: Sacred Companions, David Benner, IVP; Spiritual Direction and Meditation, Thomas Merton, The Liturgical Press Note: Only the spiritual direction section of this book is required; The Contemplative Pastor, Eugene Peterson, Eerdmans; Spiritual Direction, Henri Nouwen, Harper, SanFrancisco; The Deeper Journey, Robert Mulholland, IVP; Wounds That Heal, Stephen Seamands, IVP; The Way of Friendship, Alred of Rievaleux, New City Press;
CD 610 Moral Development
Chris Kiesling
TEXTBOOKS James C. Wilhoit and John M. Dettoni. Nurture that is Christian: Developmental Perspectives on Christian Education. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1995. James Fowler. Faithful Change: The Personal and Public Challenges of Postmodern Life. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. Jean Piaget, The Moral Judgment of the Child. New York, Free Press, 1965. E Stanley Jones, The Christ of the Mount.
CD 615 Discipleship Development in the Home
Chris Kiesling
Textbooks: Jack O. Balswick and Judith K. Balswick, The Family: A Christian Perspective on the Contemporary Home. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 1999. Larry Crabb, Connecting: A Radical New Vision. Nashville: Word, 1997. Donald Joy, Empower Your Kids to be Adults. Nappanee: Indiana, 2000. OR Marjorie Thompson, Family: The Forming Center. Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1996. Donald Joy, Two Become One. Napannee: Indiana, 2000. OR Gary Thomas, Sacred Marriage. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000. OR Mike Mason, The Mystery of Marriage. Multnomah Press. 1985. Dennis Kinlaw, Sacred Pedagogy. (booklet from Francis Asbury Press).
CM 601 Campus Ministry Seminar
Chris Kiesling
Choose among one of the following two conferences: Ivy Jungle Conference - Orlando, November 15-17. (with early bird options for the 14th.) This conference features Os Guinness, Becky Pippert, Lauren Winer, Charles Gilmer, Gabe Lyons, Tim Elmore and a special theatrical rendition of Blue Like Jazz. Find more information on breakout sessions and other speakers at IvyJungle.org website for information. Refresh Conference - Houston, December 3-6. This conference features Sandy Richter, Chip Herring, Les Beauchamp, Scott Jones, Steve Moore, Brian Russell with worship directed by J.D. Walt and Matt Maher. Find more information on breakout sessions and other speakers via the collegeunion.org website.
CD 510 Foudnations in Christian Discipleship
Ellen L. Marmon
Required Textbooks (reading that forms and informs) • • • • • • • Introducing Christian Education: Foundations for the Twenty-first Century, Michael J. Anthony, ed. Making Disciples: Faith Formation in the Wesleyan Tradition, Sondra Higgins Matthaei Creative Ministry, Henri Nouwen – Chapters 1 and 4 Patterns in Moral Development, Catherine M. Stonehouse. "Learning from Gender Differences," Catherine M. Stonehouse A Many Colored Kingdom, Conde-Frazier, Kang, & Parrett Spiritual Preparation for Christian Leadership, Glenn Hinson
CD 511 The Pastor and Christian Discipleship
Ellen L. Marmon
My goal is for this experience to help you grow in your ability to communicate the faith through teaching and discipling ministries with children, youth, and adults (all ages and stages). You will also learn to lead others, facilitating their growth as Christians and as effective servants in education ministries. In the midst of all the tools, techniques, and to do lists, I will be praying that this course enhances your own faith and opens up more room for Jesus to be your true Teacher, your ultimate Guide along The Way.Required Texts 1. Postmodern Children’s Ministry: Ministry to Children in the 21st Century, Ivy Beckwith 2. The Godbearing Life: The Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry, Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster 3. Growing in the Life of Faith: Education and Christian Practices, Craig Dykstra 4. A Many Colored Kingdom, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, S. Steve Kang, & Gary A. Parrett 5. Disciple Making Teachers: How to Equip Adults for Growth and Action, Josh Hunt with Larry Mays 6. The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 7. Making Disciples: Faith Formation in the Wesleyan Tradition, Sondra Higgins Matthaei 8. In The Name of Jesus, Henri Nouwen 9. “Learning from Gender Differences,” Catherine M. Stonehouse (article at ATS bookstore)
CD 511 The Pastor and Christian Discipleship
Ellen L. Marmon
Required Texts 1. Postmodern Children’s Ministry: Ministry to Children in the 21st Century, Ivy Beckwith 2. The Godbearing Life: The Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry, Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster 3. Growing in the Life of Faith: Education and Christian Practices, Craig Dykstra 4. A Many Colored Kingdom, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, S. Steve Kang, & Gary A. Parrett 5. Disciple Making Teachers: How to Equip Adults for Growth and Action, Josh Hunt with Larry Mays 6. The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 7. Making Disciples: Faith Formation in the Wesleyan Tradition, Sondra Higgins Matthaei 8. In The Name of Jesus, Henri Nouwen 9. “Learning from Gender Differences,” Catherine M. Stonehouse (article at ATS bookstore)
CD 660 YM 660 Teaching the Whole Bible to Youth and Adults
Ellen L. Marmon
Required Texts (reading that forms and informs) 1. Bartholomew, Craig & Goheen, Michael. (2004). The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story. Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, Michigan. ISBN: 0-8010-2746-2 2. Jones, Tony. (2006). Divine Intervention: Encountering God through the Ancient Practice of Lectio Divina. Colorado Springs: TH1NK (NAVPRESS). ISBN: 1-60006-059-5 3. McBride, Neal F. (1990). How To Lead Small Groups. Colorado Springs: NAVPRESS. ISBN: 08910-93036 4. McIntosh, Gary L. (2004). One Church, Four Generations: Understanding and Reaching All Ages in Your Church. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Brothers. ISBN: 0-8010-9137-3 5. Willimon, William H. (1990). Shaped By The Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press. ISBN: 0-687-12656-8 6. Yount, William R. (1999). Called to Teach: An Introduction to the Ministry of Teaching. Nashville: Broadman and Holeman Publishers. ISBN: 0-8054-1199-2 7. LSI Learning Style Inventory (only if you haven’t taken this instrument before)
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