Volume 1, Issue 2 (2014) Fall
From the Editors
Fredrick J. Long
Introduction to The Pedagogy of St. Paul
David R. Bauer
A Selection from The Pedagogy of St. Paul: Forward, Introduction, Chapters 1-2, Bibliography
Herman Harrell Horne and Howard Tillman Kuist
Sociorhetorical Interpretation (SRI) and Inductive Bible Study (IBS): Outlines of Mark, The Lord’s Prayer, and The Son’s Prayer in John 17
Vernon K. Robbins
Mark’s Inclusion of ‘For all Nations’ in 11:17d and the International Vision of Isaiah
Mark A. Awabdy and Fredrick J. Long
My Journey with Inductive Bible Study
David R. Bauer
Biblical Hermeneutics in an African Context
Alan John Meenan
Fall 2014 Complete Issue
David R. Bauer and Fredrick Long