Volume 22, Issue 5 (2005)
Michael J. Murray
God and Physical Cosmology
Metropolitan Filaret of Minsk and Slutsk
Cosmology of the Cappadocian Fathers: A Contribution to Dialogue Between Science and Theology Today
Fr. Vladimir Shmaliy
Divine Eternity and the General Theory of Relativity
William Lane Craig
Physical Cosmology in Relative Units
Victor Pervushin
Anthropic Explanation in Cosmology
Ernan McMullin
Why (Almost All) Cosmologists Are Atheists
Sean Carroll
Reply to Sean Carroll
Peter vanInwagen
Prior Probabilities in the Argument From Fine Tuning
Richard Swinburne
The Many-Worlds Hypothesis as an Explanation of Cosmic Fine Tuning: an Alternative to Design?
Robin Collins
The Six Days of Creation: Some Disregarded Dimensions
Vladimir Shokhin
The Place of God in Modern Cosmology
Fr. Alexander Shimbalev