Another new Year
"How forcibly should the new year remind us of the shortness and swiftness of time, as well as of its awful devastations! The whole period of time is short compared with eternity. ... In each year it is reckoned that one soul passes into eternity every second of time. ... The true Christian regards time as a precious talent for which he must give an account."
Revised Series;59
Anti-Annihilation - Tract 1
Rev ND George
These are but a small number of the texts which refute the materialism advocated by annihilationists. Who so blind as not to see that, if annihilationists have the truth, Christ and his apostles were sadly deficient as teachers of their doctrine? Or rather, who cannot see that their doctrine is glaringly false, and that Christ and the apostles taught no such opinions; but, on the other hand, were teachers of the compound nature of man and the endless suffering of the ungodly? Were the materialists of the present age to adopt the same method of instruction that the Saviour did, would they ever propagate their doctrine? Never!
Doctrinal Series;8
Anti-Annihilation - Tract II
Rev ND George
"That national calamity is the theme of the prophet here, and not the punishment of individuals in the future state by annihilation, may be clearly seen by examining the short hook of Obadiah. Yet this brief sentence is considered a mighty prop in support of annihilation! It is a motto text printed upon the title-paged of some of their publications, and is a most gross perversion."
Doctrinal Series;9
Anti-Annihilation - Tract III
Rev ND George
"By employing the unauthorized mode of interpretation that annihilationists of the materialistic school use in connection with certain texts to estab1ish their doctrine, we can prove most conclusively by Scripture testimony that not only is annihilation the doom of the wicked, but of the righteous also. Bear in mind the doctrine, namely: that man is not a compound being, consisting of body and soul, but is a unit; that the man is but living, organized dust; that at death, he ceases to be, and without the resurrection he has no future life."
Doctrinal Series;10
Anti-Annihilation - Tract IV
This tract is in a question and answer format. It is missing a page or two.
Doctrinal Series;11
Anti-Annihilation - Tract V
Rev ND George
"Here we have the compound nature of man clearly stated. While the outward man, or physical part, decays, the inward man, the soul, is renewed, etc. But if man is a unit, and the soul, spirit, mind, or whatsoever materialists may choose to call it, is but an attribute of the physical nature, which, of course, decays and perishes with it, how can it, then, when that on which it entirely depends for its existence is perishing, be renewed day by day? Materialists may understand this, but we do not. Personality is, by the apostle in this text, attributed to both soul and body. In 2 Cor. v, 1-9 the same doctrine is clearly taught, namely, that there is an intelligence capable of existing in, and being "at home in the body," and "absent from the body." "We in this tabernacle do groan," etc."
Doctrinal Series;12
A Plea for the Sabbath
Taylor Lewis
"The Sabbath presents the most purely religious, and at the same time the least sectarian, of all moral questions. It has, however, been generally regarded under two aspects, and defended on tow distinct if not opposing grounds. One of these may be call the scriptural or theological, the other the physical or secular."
New Series;15
A Plea for the Superannuates
Rev David Keppel
"The financial compact of the Methodist preacher with his Church differs essentially from the compact of any other worker with-those whom he serves. He relinquishes his right to go where he pleases or where he can do the best."
Apostolic Succession
Protestant Epsicopal Clergyman
" "The first Apostles-the chosen twelve-were succeeded in the Church by a distinct order in the ministry known as Bishops, upon whom special powers and privileges were conferred. These bishops ordained other bishops, who in turn laid hands upon their successors, and the bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church are in that succession from the apostles. It follows that those alone are true ministers who have been ordained by those apostolical bishops. All others are "pretenders and usurpers. " This is the claim. It is as false as it is ridiculous, and should deceive no one." "
New Series;28
Apples of GOld in Pictures of Silver
"The object of this setting of the General Rules is to give them fresh interest and power. By frequent repetition the best things, at length, become stale. To revive them they must take new forms, or find new connections and relations."
The Tract Book Series;16
A Presiding Elder's Suggestions to the Preachers on His District
Rev GR Van Horne
A list of things to do as a preacher, including: issues with probationers, new members, public worship, announcements, benevolent collections, parsonage, study, pastoral work, religious experience, financial guidelines, and reporting.
Presiding Elder Series;12
A Reading and a Working Church, the Demand of Christianity
Rev DP Kidder
"Imagine the whole Christian Church, in the persons of its individual members, thus actively engaged in working for the Lord, superadding to personal effort the powerful agency of a sanctified Christian literature, and how great would be the promise of success! ... Reader you have at once a privilege and a responsibility in the matter. First, be a diligent student of Christian truth,... then go and work in the vineyard of the Lord, that God may be honored, and that souls may be saved through your instrumentality." This tract is a condensation of the sermon delivered by Rev. D. P. Kidder at the Tract Anniversary in Akron, Ohio on December 5, 1874.
The Tract Book Series;14
Asbury College remembers September 11, 2001 : a memorial (Video)
Stuart Smith, Paul A. Rader, Bob Webster, and Charles Lake
Memorial services, 2002
Ask what you will and it shall be done
Tony Marshall Anderson and Wilmore Holiness Camp Meeting Association
A study of the significance of Jesus Christ in the modern world
June 24-July 3 Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware Conference Study
A Word to Lads on Tobacco
CK True
"Dr. Dan King says there are three poisonous chemicals in tobacco, one alkaloid and two oils. "A single drop of either of the oils put upon the tongue of a cat kills her in two minutes, and a single grain of the alkaloid is sufficient to kill instantly the strongest mastif." And now do you suppose, my dear lads, that a man can chew this drug and smoke it every day without injuring himself ? No. The fact is, that whole nations are made sickly by its use; numerous diseases may be directly traced to it, and many disorders to which men are liable are rendered incurable by its disturbing effects on the system."
The Tract Book Series;6
Baptize-What Does It Mean?
"The believer in Christ, ritually baptized by pure water, by pouring or sprinkling, (dipping into water is unknown to the Scriptures, and a true immersion in water is impossible, as destroying life,) receives, by symbol, the purifying baptism of the Holy Ghost."
Doctrinal Series;1
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