CS 640 Sociology of Religion
James R. Thobaben
McGuire, Meredith B., Religion: The Social Context [read entire book] Kivisto, Peter, Social Theory: Roots & Branches [read all EXCEPT skim Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 15, 17, 20, 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36, 41, 43, 45, 52, 54, 58, 59, 65, 68, 69] Stark & Finke, Acts of Faith [read entire book] Thobaben, James R. "Ecclesiology & Covenant: Christian Social Institutions in a Pluralistic Setting" (on closed reserve)
CS 654 Morality at the End of Modernity
James R. Thobaben
September 13 Introduction & Basic Concepts in Ethics The use of “story” as a moral tool in the Scripture and in literature September 20 Pre-Modern Use of Literature in Times of Social Change Required: Beowulf ALL September 27 NO CLASS SESSION October 4 NO CLASS SESSION October 11 Having An Ideal: Early Modern Images Required: More, Thomas Utopia ALL Optional: Bunyan, John A Pilgrim’s Progress Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels Enlightenment & Romanticism as Purity & Cynicism Required: Voltaire, Candide OR Shelley, Mary Frankenstein PICK Optional: Rousseau, J.J. Emile October 18 The Modern Use of Untethered Power Required: Sinclair, Upton The Jungle OR Orwell, George Animal Farm PICK Optional: Orwell, George Nineteen Eighty-Four Wells, H.G., Island of Dr. Moreau October 25 The Optimistic Moral Anthropology of Modernity Required: Golding, William Lord of the Flies OR Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Tarzan of the Apes PICK Optional: Grey, Zane, Riders of the Purple Sage Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer Morality at End of Modernity FALL 2004 (Final 3 September 2004) November 1 The Modern Denial of Sin & the Reality of Evil Required: Stevenson, R.L. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde OR Conrad, J. The Heart of Darkness PICK Optional: Melville, Herman, Moby Dick Film to view: Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes November 8 Who Counts: Identity & “Usefulness” Required: Kafka, Franz, “Metamorphosis” ALL AND Capek, Karel R.U.R. OR Huxley, Aldous Brave New World OR Steinbeck, John Of Mice & Men PICK November 15 Who Counts: Identity & Ethnicity Required: Baldwin, James Go Tell It on the Mountain ALL Optional: Speare, Elizabeth George The Witch of Blackbird Pond Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, Herland) November 22 READING WEEK November 29 The Modern Avoidance of Death Required: MacDonald, G. “Gifts of the Child Christ” ALL Optional: Tolstoy, L. The Death of Ivan Ilych Wilde, Oscar, Picture of Dorian Gray) December 6 Challenges to Modernity Required: Abbott, Edwin A. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions OR Dostoyevski, Fyodor Notes From Underground PICK Optional: Chesterton, G.K., The Man Who Was Thursday Lewis, C.S. Till We Have Faces Lewis, Sinclair, Babbitt December 13 Is the Modern World Past (what is “post-modernity”)? Required: Miller, Walter A Canticle for Leibowitz (REQUIRED READING FOR 3-HOUR STUDENTS ONLY) Optional: Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose)
CS 680 Bioethics Christian Care and Clinical Ethics
James R. Thobaben
Lammers & Verhey, On Moral Medicine (2nd edition) [Chapters: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,14,15,16,19] Hawthorne, Nathaniel, “The Birthmark” (a copy may be found at: [http://www.bioethics.gov/meetings/200201/birthmark.html] Poe, Edgar Allan, “The Premature Burial” (a copy may be found at: [http://eserver.org/books/poe/premature_burial.html] Tolstoy, Death of Ivan Ilych (also a good translation may be found at: [http://www.geocities.com/short_stories_page/tolstoydeath.html] Aries, Phillipe, The Hour of Our Death (selections) [on reserve] Kübler-Ross, On Death & Dying (selections) [on reserve] Lewis, C.S. A Grief Observed (scan) [on reserve] Thobaben, JR "A United Methodist Approach to End-of-Life…" Christian Bioethics (3)3:222-248 [on reserve] Thobaben, JR "The Impact of Managed Care…" Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (12)1:10-20 [on reserve] Various court cases and laws [on reserve or Web]
CS 681 Bioethics: Technology, Culture and the Future
James R. Thobaben
Teays, Wanda & Purdy, Laura, Bioethics, Justice, and Health Care Section 3: Medical Experimentation Section 4: The Body as Property Section 4: Individual Decision Making Section 6: Abortion & Birth Control Section 7:Reproductive Tech & Surrogacy Section 8: Genetics & Cloning Peterson, James C. Genetic Turning Points Hauerwas, Stanley, “Abortion: Theologically Understood” [http://www.lifewatch.org/abortion.html] Durham Declaration [http://www.lifewatch.org/durham.html]
CL 553 United Methodist Polity and Discipline
Tom Thomas Jr.
a) The Book of Discipline (2000 edition) (United Methodist Publishing House). Though this is the last year of this edition, the 2000 Edition of The Book of Discipline is the edition you must use for this course. b) Thomas Edward Frank, Polity, Practice, and the Mission of the United Methodist Church (Nashville: Abingdon, 2003 edition). Please obtain the 2003 edition which should be stocked in the Asbury Bookstore. c) Tuell, Jack M., The Organization of the United Methodist Church, Abingdon, 2003( the latest edition).
BS 501 Introduction to Biblical Studies I
David Loren Thompson
Bauer, David R. An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry. Hendrickson, 2003. Drane, John Introducing the Old Testament. Completely revised and updated. Fortress Press, 2001. Abbreviated IOT in the syllabus. Klein, William W., Craig L. Blomberg and Robert L. Hubbard, Jr. Introduction to Biblical Interpretation. Dallas: Word Publishing, 1993. Introduces essential issues involved in biblical interpretation and the methods employed with specific types of material. Students may omit sections dealing explicitly with the New Testament. (= IBI in syllabus) There is a new, enlarged and revised edition just published. Uncertainty about its availability for the class led us to stick with the previous edition for this fall’s class. Revised Standard Version of the Bible or New American Standard Bible or some other contemporary, formal (vs. dynamic) equivalence translation with minimal editorial clutter in the layout. NRSV and NIV are also fine. Thompson, David L. Bible Study That Works. Revised edition. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1994. Gives a brief, non-technical overview of approach to “inductive biblical studies” commended by the class. (= BSTW)
BS 501 Introduction to the Old Testament
David Loren Thompson
Bauer, David R. An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry. Hendrickson, 2003. Drane, John Introducing the Old Testament. Completely revised and updated. Fortress Press, 2001. Abbreviated IOT in the syllabus. Klein, William W., Craig L. Blomberg and Robert L. Hubbard, Jr. Introduction to Biblical Interpretation. Dallas: Word Publishing, 1993. Revised Standard Version of the Bible or New American Standard Bible or some other contemporary, formal (vs. dynamic) equivalence translation with minimal editorial clutter in the layout. NRSV and NIV are also fine. Thompson, David L. Bible Study That Works. Revised edition. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1994.
NT 511 The Gospel of Mark
David Loren Thompson
Required Texts A number of these students will already have purchased in connection with text requirements of NT500 or NT501. Take special care to notice the options for some required resources. (M.A. students without required New Testament Greek, select 2.b and 3.b or 3.c below among the options at those points.) 1. ENGLISH BIBLE. Revised Standard Version. Any edition that gives an uncluttered text, without paragraph titles or other interpretive comments is recommended. Similar formatted editions of the NASB, NRSV, and NIV are also acceptable. 2. GREEK NEW TESTAMENT. Either a) Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th rev. ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993; Or b) J. D. Douglas (ed.). The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale Publishers, 1993, or its equivalent. 3. LEXICON AND CONCORDANCE. Either a) Danker, Frederick W. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Revised. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. And b) a concordance that allows you to track original language words, either a regular Concordance of the Greek New Testament, or an “Englishman’s” concordance (BSTW, 55) or, less preferably, an analytical concordance (e.g., Strongs, Youngs). Or c) Bible Works 5. Software for Biblical Exegesis and Research. Distributed by Hermeneutika and incorporates allowable lexical information and concordance search capabilities. 4. METHOD INTRO. Bible Study That Works. Revised edition. Evangel Press, 1994. Thompson, David L (=BSTW). This non-technical book will give us a quick overview of the terrain we will explore more precisely throughout the semester. 5. CONTEMPORARY, CRITICAL COMMENTARY. Purchase one of the following. • Edwards, James R. The Gospel According to Mark. The Pillar New Testament Commentary. Eerdmans, 2002. • Lane, Willliam. The Gospel According to Mark. New International Commentary on the New Testament. Eerdmans, 1974. • Hooker, Morna D. The Gospel According to Mark. Black’s New Testament Commentary. Hendrickson, 1991. • The Word Biblical Commentary volumes 34A and 34B on Mark by Robert Guelick and Craig Evans, considered as a set. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESOURCE. Bauer, David R. (ed.). Annotated Biblical Resources for Ministry. Hendrickson, 2003
OT 610 Exegesis of Genesis
David Loren Thompson
Revised Standard Version of the Bible or some other contemporary, standard (non-paraphrasing) version with minimal editorial clutter in the layout. NRSV, NASB, and NIV are also fine. Bible Study That Works. Revised edition. Evangel Press, 1994. David L. Thompson
WO 510 Worship Leadership in the Church
Mark A. Torgerson
--Edited, Authentic Worship in a Changing Culture (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1997; ISBN 1-56212-257-6). --Thomas G. Long, Beyond the Worship Wars: Building Vital and Faithful Worship (The Alban Institute, 2001; ISBN 1-56699-240-0). --Timothy J. Mulder, So You've Been Asked To Lead in Prayer (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1996.) --Robert Webber, Planning Blended Worship: The Creative Mixture of Old & New (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998; ISBN 0-687-03223-7). --James F. White, A Brief History of Christian Worship (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993; ISBN 0-687-03414-0). --John D. Witvliet, So You've Been Asked To Plan a Worship Service (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1999; ISBN 1-56212-393-9). --John D. Witvliet, So You've Been Asked To Lead a Worship Service (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1999; ISBN 1-52212-392-0).
NT 500 Concise Greek
Mark Trump
Black, David Alan. It’s Still Greek to Me: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to Intermediate Greek. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998). Cotterell, Peter and Max Turner. Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation. (London: S.P.C.K.; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1989). Douglas, J.D., ed. The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament. (Wheaton, IL:Tyndale, 1993)
NT 501 Comprehensive Greek I
Mark Trump
Bauer, et al. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3rd rev. ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2000. Black, David Alan. It’s Still Greek to Me. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998. Black, David Alan. Learning to Read New Testament Greek, rev. ed. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1994. Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th ed.
MW 770 Contemporary Cults
Steven Tsoukalas
Hexham, Irving, and Karla Poewe. Understanding Cults and New Religions. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986. Sire, James. Scripture Twisting: Twenty Ways the Cults Misread the Bible. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1980. Stark, Rodney, and William Sims Bainbridge. The Future of Religion: Secularization, Revival, and Cult Formation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Tsoukalas, Steven. Masonic Rites and Wrongs: An Examination of Freemasonry. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1995. Tucker, Ruth. Another Gospel: Alternative Religions and the New Age Movement. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1989.
CL 553 United Methodist Polity and Discipline
Thomas F. Tumblin
The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. Nashville: United Methodist Publishing House, 2000. (799 pages) Frank, Thomas E. Polity, Practice, and the Mission of the United Methodist Church. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003. (357 pages) Tuell, Jack M. The Organization of the United Methodist Church. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002. (174 pages) http://www.umc.org/interior.asp?mid=166 [Become familiar with the resources of this UMC site.]
CL 616 Leading Change
Thomas F. Tumblin
Required Reading: Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within by Robert E. Quinn (San Francisco: Jossey- Bass Publishers, 1996), 236 pages. (ISBN: 0787902446) Diffusion of Innovations, 5th ed. by Everitt M. Rogers (New York: The Free Press, 2003), 512 pages. (ISBN: 0743222091) Leading Change by John P. Kotter (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996), 187 pages. (ISBN: 0875847471) Leading Congregational Change by Jim Herrington, et al. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000), 240 pages. (ISBN: 0787947652) Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, 2nd ed. by William Bridges (New York: Perseus Publishing, 2003), 144 pages. (ISBN: 0738208248) Tempered Radicals: How Everyday Leaders Inspire Change at Work by Debra E. Meyerson (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2003), 256 pages. (ISBN: 1591393256) [Masters students read either Quinn or Kotter. Doctoral participants read all required texts plus at least three books selected from the bibliography below.] Suggested Resources: Beleaguered Rulers: The Public Obligation of the Professional by William F. May (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001), 286 pages. Change the World by Robert E. Quinn (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000), 272 pages. Creating the Innovation Culture by Frances Horibe (NY: John Wiley and Sons, 2001), 253 pages. Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan (New York: Crown Business, 2002), 278 pages. Hit the Bullseye: How Denominations Can Aim the Congregation at the Mission Field by Paul D. Borden (Nashville: Abingdon, 2003), 144 pages. How to Change Your Church (Without Killing It) by Jim Mellado, et al. (Waco, TX: Word Publishing, 2000) 200 pages. How Your Church Family Works by Peter L. Steinke (Chicago: Alban Institute, 1993), 128 pages. [Adaptation of Bowen Friedman] Leading for Innovation and Organizing for Results ed. by Frances Hesselbein et al. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2002), 300 pages. Managing Corporate Lifecycles, Rev’d. Ed. by Ichak Adizes (NY: Prentice Hall Press, 1999), 460 pages. Mastering Self Leadership by Charles Manz and Christopher Neck (New York: Prentice Hall, 2004), 176 pages. Strategies for Change by Lyle Schaller (Nashville: Abingdon, 1993), 128 pages. 3 The Heart of Change by John P. Kotter and Dan S. Cohen (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2002), 190 pages. The Leader’s Journey by Jim Herrington, et al. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2003), 193 pages. The Web of Women’s Leadership by Susan Wilhauck, et al. (Nashville: Abingdon Publishing, 2001), 174 pages.
CH 501 Church History I
Robert G. Tuttle
Bettenson, Henry. Documents of the Christian Church. (Oxford paperback, second ed.). This is a record of crucial letters and texts of official church proclamations that shaped the direction of church leadership in the history of the church. Gonzalez, Justo, The Story of Christianity, Vol. I (Abingdon; paper ed.). For use in elaborating theological developments at crucial junctures. Irvin, Dale, and Sunquist, Scott, eds., History of the World Christian Movement, Earliest Christianity to 1453, Orbis, 2001 (Abbr. HWCM). Main secondary textbook. 4 Kerr, Hugh T., ed. Readings in Christian Thought. (Abingdon paper ed.). A concise collection of selected texts illustrating style and message of major writers in the history of Christian thought through the modern era.
CH 600 History of Methodism
Robert G. Tuttle
Kinghorn, Kenneth, The Heritage of American Methodism, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999. Norwood, Frederick A., The Story of American Methodism, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1974.
DO 670 United Methodist Theology
Robert G. Tuttle
1. The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 2000. 2. Abraham, William J. Waking from Doctrinal Amnesia: The Healing of Doctrine in The United Methodist Church. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1995. 3. Campbell, Dennis. United Methodism and American Culture, Vol. III, Doctrines and Disciplines. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999. 4. Chiles, Robert E. Theological Transitions in American Methodism: 1790- 1935, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984. 5. Langford, Thomas, ed. Practical Divinity: Readings in Wesleyan Theology, Vol. 2, revised text 1999. Abingdon Press. 6. Tuttle, Robert G., Jr. Sanctity without Starch: A Layperson’s Guide to a Wesleyan Theology of Grace, Bristol House, 1992.
DO 690 Theology of John Wesley
Robert G. Tuttle
Kenneth Collins, John Wesley, A Theological Journey, Abingdon, 2003.ISBN 0- 687-02788-8. Steve Harper, The Way to Heaven, Zondervan, 2003, ISBN 0-310-25260-1. Albert Outler, ed. John Wesley, Oxford, 1964, ISBN 0-19-502810-4 (paper). Robert Tuttle, Sanctity without Starch, Bristol Books, 1992, ISBN 0-917851-19-6.
MS 610 The Ministry of Evangelism
Robert G. Tuttle
1. Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church, Ron Crandall (160 pp.). 2. To Spread the Power, George Hunter, III (200 pp.). 3. Becoming a Contagious Christian, Hybels and Mittelberg (221 pp.). 8 4. Can We Talk? Robert Tuttle, Jr. (110 pp.). 5. Someone Out There Needs Me, Robert Tuttle print out available at the Bookstore.
SM 601 Supervised Ministry
Robert G. Tuttle
• This SUPERVISED MINISTRY HANDBOOK is your working guide and textbook for two semesters of field education. It serves for SM 601, SM 602, and SM 603. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep it in a separate three-ring binder, since it is not a bookbound. STUDENT PASTORS who are enrolled in SM 601C will not use this handbook but will use the handbook titled, SUPERVISED MINISTRIES SM 601, SM 602 - STUDENT PASTOR. In addendum of this handbook is the EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES (Some professors may also use the text CASE BRIEF GUIDELINES). The self- referent case study based on our EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES format is the basic learning instrument for courses in supervised ministries. This addendum provides you with the model format and instruction for good case writing. This handbook can be purchased at the Cokesbury seminary bookstore. 6 • Other required texts: SM 601, 602 The text Lay Leadership for Ministry Training is required for Courses SM 601 and 602. This text is needed for the Pastor and Local Church Lay Committee members of the local church where you serve. You can download the 7 page Lay Committee Handbook from the Intranet. The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Local Church should be distributed to your supervising pastor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring pastor. Copies are available from the S.Min. office or may be downloaded by clicking on the Course Center. • SM 603 The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Institutional should be distributed to your supervisor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring.
SM 601 Supervised Ministry
Robert G. Tuttle
This SUPERVISED MINISTRY HANDBOOK is your working guide and textbook for two semesters of field education. It serves for SM 601, SM 602, and SM 603. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep it in a separate three-ring binder, since it is not a bookbound. STUDENT PASTORS who are enrolled in SM 601C will not use this handbook but will use the handbook titled, SUPERVISED MINISTRIES SM 601, SM 602 - STUDENT PASTOR. In addendum of this handbook is the EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES (Some professors may also use the text CASE BRIEF GUIDELINES). The self- referent case study based on our EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES format is the basic learning instrument for courses in supervised ministries. This addendum provides you with the model format and instruction for good case writing. This handbook can be purchased at the Cokesbury seminary bookstore. • Other required texts: 6 SM 601, 602 The text Lay Leadership for Ministry Training is required for Courses SM 601 and 602. This text is needed for the Pastor and Local Church Lay Committee members of the local church where you serve. Request free copies via e-mail from the S.Min. office in Wilmore via e-mail to Claire Williams or you can download the material from the Intranet. If you obtain copies from the S.Min.office, these must be collected from the Lay Committee and returned to the S.Min. office at the end of the semester. The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Local Church should be distributed to your supervising pastor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring pastor. Copies are available from the S.Min. office or may be downloaded by clicking on “Intranet, Students, Class Syllabi, 2003-2004, Wilmore, Spring 2003, Smin 601, 602 FS Handbook.” • SM 603 The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Institutional should be distributed to your supervisor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring
SM 601 Supervised Ministry
Robert G. Tuttle
• This SUPERVISED MINISTRY HANDBOOK is your working guide and textbook for two semesters of field education. It serves for SM 601, SM 602, and SM 603. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep it in a separate three-ring binder, since it is not a bookbound. STUDENT PASTORS who are enrolled in SM 601C will not use this handbook but will use the handbook titled, SUPERVISED MINISTRIES SM 601, SM 602 - STUDENT PASTOR. In addendum of this handbook is the EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES (Some professors may also use the text CASE BRIEF GUIDELINES). The self- referent case study based on our EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES format is the basic learning instrument for courses in supervised ministries. This addendum provides you with the model format and instruction for good case writing. This handbook can be purchased at the Cokesbury seminary bookstore. • Other required texts: SM 601, 602 The text Lay Leadership for Ministry Training is required for Courses SM 601 and 602. This text is needed for the Pastor and Local Church Lay Committee members of the local church where you serve. You can download the 7 page Lay Committee Handbook from the Intranet. The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Local Church should be distributed to your supervising pastor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring pastor. Copies are available from the S.Min. office or may be downloaded by clicking on the Course Center. • SM 603 The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Institutional should be distributed to your supervisor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring.
NT 617 Exegesis of Johannine Literature
Jan Van Der Watt
4.1 Required material (Please note that where specific pages are indicated you most probably need not buy the book). * Please bring either a Greek New Testament (UBS or Nestle-Aland, ed 27) AND/OR Revised Standard Version (2 ed) to class. ** Books marked with a double asterisk (**) should definitely be bought. • Gospel of John: 1. Barrett, C. K. 1978 The Gospel According to John: An Introduction with Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text. Philadelphia:Westminster. Pages 67-99. 2. Brown, R. E. 1966 The Gospel According to John I-XII. vol. 1 Garden City, NY: Doubleday. Pages LII-LXIV and LXVII-LXXIX. 3. ** Carson, D.A. 1991 The Gospel according to John. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans. (Only on the verses to be considered). 4. ** Culpepper, R.A. 1998 The Gospel and Letters of John. Nashville:Abingdon. Pages 13-73, 87-105. 5. Davies, M. 1992 Rhetoric and reference in the Fourth Gospel. Sheffield:SUP. Pages 119-161. 6. Schnackenburg, R. 1982 The Gospel According to John. Vol 2. New York:Crossroad. Pages 398-410. 7. Smith, D.M. 1995 John. Cambridge:CUP. Pages 139-144. 8. Thompson, M.M 2001 The God of the Gospel of John. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans. Pages 227-240. 9. Van der Watt, J.G. 2000 Family of the King. Dynamics of metaphor in the Gospel according to John. Leiden:Brill. Pages 266-296 and 382- 392. • The Letters of John 1. Culpepper, R.A. 1998 The Gospel and Letters of John. Nashville:Abingdon. Pages 251-283. 2. Van der Watt, J.G. 1999 Ethics in 1 John: a literary and socioscientific perspective CBQ 7, 1-21. • Revelation: 1. ** Bauckham, R. 1993 The theology of the book of Revelation. Cambridge:CUP. Pages 1-108 and 126-143.
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