ME 630 Planting New Churches
Ronald K. Crandall
1. Tom Jones, ed., Church Planting from the Ground Up, 2004 (350 pages). Reading report due on October 5th. 2. Ed Stetzer, Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age, 2003, (340 pages). Reading report due on October 26th. 3. Dan Kimball, The Emerging Church, 2003, (240 pages). Reading report due on November 9th.
ME 730 Planting New Churches
Ronald K. Crandall
1. Tom Jones, ed., Church Planting from the Ground Up, 2004 (350 pages). Reading report due on October 5th. 2. Ed Stetzer, Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age, 2003, (340 pages). Reading report due on October 26th. 3. Dan Kimball, The Emerging Church, 2003, (240 pages). Reading report due on November 9th.
ME 760 Evangelism in the Small Church
Ronald K. Crandall
1.Lyle Schaller, Small Congregation, Big Potential (2003)—190 pages 2.Anthony Pappas, ed. Inside the Small Church (2002)—230 pages. 3.Steve Bierly, How to Thrive as a Small Church Pastor (1998)—190 pages. 4.Ron Crandall, Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church (1995)—160 pages. 5.Jeff Patton, If It Could Happen Here (2002)—115 pages.
MS 630 Ministry and Evangelism in the Small Church
Ronald K. Crandall
1. Lyle Schaller, Small Congregation, Big Potential (2003)—190 pages 2. Anthony Pappas, ed. Inside the Small Church (2002)—230 pages. 3. Steve Bierly, How to Thrive as a Small Church Pastor (1998)—190 pages. 4. Ron Crandall, Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church (1995)—160 pages. 5. Jeff Patton, If It Could Happen Here (2002)—115 pages.
DO 501 Basic Christian Doctrine
Ron Creasman
Justo L. Gonzalez and Zaida Maldonado Perez, An Introduction to Christian Theology John Lawson, Introduction to Christian Doctrine Henry Bettenson, Documents of the Christian Church. 2nd Edition.
SM 602 Supervised Ministry
George Cruz
1) Churches that Make a Difference (Sider, Olson and Unruh. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2002), 2) The Book of Acts as scheduled, and 3)various photocopies supplied by the professor.
CO 601 Counseling Theories and Techniques
Janet B. Dean
Corsini, R. & Wedding, D. (2005). Current psychotherapies. (7th edition). Itasca, IL: Peacock Publishers. Jones, S. L. & Butman, R. E. (1991). Modern psychotherapies: A comprehensive Christian appraisal. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press.
CO 675 Group Counseling Theories and Techniques
Janet B. Dean
• Corey, G. (2000). Theory and Practice of Group Counseling (5th.edition). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. The text includes a rather thorough bibliography. • Corey, G., Corey, M., & Haynes, R. (2000). Evolution of a Group (workbook and videotape), Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
CO 725 Research Seminar: Theory and Design
Janet B. Dean
• Kumar, R. (1996). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. • Course articles, available in library reserve section. • Course lecture outlines, available on ATS intranet (go to: Firstclass, Wilmore Campus, Student Info, Lecture Power Points, Dean, CO725) • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.).
CO 520 Narrative Pastoral Counseling
Burrell D. Dinkins
Brandt, Kevin M. (1997) Story As A Way Of Knowing, Kansas City: Sheed & Ward Gretz, Stanley J. (1996) A Primer On Postmodernism Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Co. Monk, Winslade, Crocket and Epston: (1997) Narrative Therapy in Practice: The Archeology of Hope, San Franciso, California: Jossey Bass. Ruffing, Janet. (1989) Uncovering Stories of Faith, Spiritual Direction and Narrative. New York: Paulist Press (Note: This book is out of print. Try to order it from a used book source. You will find some copies of the book on reserve.) White, Michael and David Epston. (1990) Narrative Means To Therapeutic Ends, New York: W.W. Norton & company.
IS 502 Vocation of Ministry
Burrell D. Dinkins
Required Texts Chilcote, Paul. (2001) Wesley Speaks on Christian Vocation. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock. Gill, David W. (2000). Becoming Good: Building Moral Character Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press. Rediger, G. Lloye. (2003) Beyond the Scandals: A Guide to Healthy Sexaulity for Clergy. Fortress Press Guiness, O. (1998). The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life. Waco,TX: Word. Sire, James W. (2000). Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press. Stevens, R. Paul. (1999) The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective. Vancouver, British Columbia: Eerdmans/Regent 5 Required Reading on Reserve Brookfield, S. D. (1987). Developing Critical Thinkers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 1-55542- 356-6; pg. 3-50; 89-110 [Ch 1,2,3,6] Collins, K. J. (1998). Spirituality and Critical Thinking: Are they really so different? Evangelical Journal, 16(1), 30-43. ISSN: 0741-1758 Groothuis, R.M. (1997). Good New for Women: A biblical picture of gender equality, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker; 19-63;121-144;189-229. [Chapters 1, 2, 5, 8, 9] Hauerwas, Stanley. (1981). A Community of Character. Notre Dame: Nortre Dame Press; 111-152 [Chapters 6, 7]
IS 502 Vocation of Ministry
Burrell D. Dinkins
Chilcote, Paul. (2001) Wesley Speaks on Christian Vocation. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock. Drury, Keith. (2004) Holiness for Ordinary People, Indianpolis, Indiana: Wesleyan Publishing House Gill, David W. (2000). Becoming Good: Building Moral Character Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press. Gretz, Stanley J., Bell, Roy D. (1995) Betrayal of Trust: Confronting and Preventing Clergy Sexual Misconduct. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books. Guiness, O. (1998). The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life. Waco,TX: Word. Sire, James W. (2000). Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press. Stevens, R. Paul. (1999) The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective. Vancouver, British Columbia: Eerdmans/Regent
PC 510 The Servant as Pastoral Care Giver
Burrell D. Dinkins
1. Dinkins, Burrell & Losoney. “Grief” (article on reserve shelf) 2. Shelly, Judith Allen. Spiritual Care: A Guide for Caregivers. 3. Frederic, Harold. The Damnation of Theron Ware. (I suggest that you read this novel as soon as possible.) 4. Kollar, Charles Allen: Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling (This is our basic text for the theory and practice of pastoral counseling) 5. Kuenning, Delores. Helping People Through Grief. (Many students find this to be a very emotional book. You may want to read a few chapters at a time.) 6. Nichols, Michael P. The Lost Art of Listening: (This is the best book available for learning how to really listen and to discover why this is so difficult to do.) 7. Steinborn, Melvin. Can the Pastor Do It Alone. 8. Steinke, Peter. How Your Church Family Works. (Read this as soon as possible. We will use it early in the semester.) 9. Wimberley, Edward P. Prayer In Pastoral Counseling
BS 502 Introduction to Biblical Studies - 2
Joseph R. Dongell
The Bible (NRSV) Bauer, David R. An Annotated Guide To Biblical Resources for Ministry. de Silva, David A. An Introduction to the New Testament: Contents, Methods & Ministry Formation. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004. Thompson, David L. Bible Study that Works. Rev. Ed. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1994.
BS 710 Advanced Greek [LXX]
Joseph R. Dongell
Conybeare, F. C. and St. George Stock. Grammar of Septuagint Greek: With Selected Readings, Vocabularies, and Updated Indexes. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1988. Jobes, Karen H. and Moises Silva. Invitation to the Septuagint. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000. May, Herbert and Bruce Metzger, eds. The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha. Revised Standard Version. New York: Oxford University Press, 1962. Rahlfs, Alfred. Septuaginta. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1935. Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Beyond the Basics: an Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996. Whiton, James M. A Lexicon Abridged from Liddel and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon. New York: American Book Co., 1906.
NT 511 The Gospel of Mark
Joseph R. Dongell
1. English Bibles: At least three (3) modern English versions from different traditions 2. Greek Text: Nestle, Eberhard, Barbara and Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, and Bruce M. Metzger. Novum Testamentum Graece. 27th ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993. 3. Bibliography: Bauer, David R. An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2003. 1 4. Commentary: Evans, Craig A. Mark 8:27-16:20. Word Biblical Commentary. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2001. 5. Grammar: Wallace, Daniel B. The Basics of New Testament Syntax: An Intermediate Greek Grammar. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000. 6. Dictionary: Green, Joel B., Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall, eds. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 1992. 7. Lexicon: Danker, Frederick W. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Revised and edited by Frederick William Danker. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
NT 605 Greek Readings
Joseph R. Dongell
Danker, Frederick W. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Revised and edited by Frederick William Danker. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. Nestle, Eberhard, Barbara and Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlos M. Martini, and Bruce M. Metzger. Novum Testamentum Graece. 27th Ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993. Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Beyond the Basics: an Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.
NT 635 Gospel of John
Joseph R. Dongell
A Required Materials Note: Regular access to these materials will be necessary for the completion of most lessons. Each of these tools represents a valuable asset for 1 interpreting the Biblical text well, and any purchases can be rewarded by regular use in years to come. •English Bibles: Any assortment of three modern English translations (not paraphrases). •Greek New Testament: Nestle, Eberhard, Barbara and Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, and Bruce M. Metzger. Novum Testamentum Graece. 27th ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993. •Greek Grammar: Wallace, Daniel B. The Basics of New Testament Syntax: An Intermediate Greek Grammar. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000. •Greek Lexicon: Danker, Frederick W. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Revised and edited by Frederick William Danker. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. (over) •Bibliography: David R. Bauer. Biblical Resources for Ministry. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Publishing House, 1995. (especially useful for locating worthy commentaries) •Bible Dictionary: Green, Joel B., Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall, eds. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 1992. •Commentary Beasley-Murray, George R. John. Word Biblical Commentary. Waco, TX: Word, 1987.
NT 650 New Testament Tutorial in Latin
Joseph R. Dongell
Wheelock, Frederick M. Wheelock’s Latin. 6th ed. New York: Harper Collins, 2000.
CL 553 United Methodist Polity and Discipline
Richard L. Dunagin
The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 2000. Frank, Thomas Edward. Polity, Practice and the Mission of The United Methodist Church, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000.
CH 500 Turning Points in Church History
D. William Faupel
Noll, Mark A. Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic Books, 2000), 352 pp. Olson, Roger E. The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition and Reform (Downers Grove: Inter Varsity Press, 1999), 652 pp.
CH 661 A Historical/Theological Survey of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movements
D. William Faupel
Faupel, D. William. The Everlasting Gospel: The Significance of Eschatology in the Development of Pentecostal Thought. Sheffield, ENG: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996. (Unfortunately this is currently out of print. A copy is on reserve in the library. Synan, Vinson The Holiness Pentecostal Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth Century Grand Rapids, MI: Erdman's Publishing Company, 1997.
MS 650 Christian Witness in a Multicultural Society
Ajith Fernando
The main textbook will be my book SHARING THE TRUTH IN LOVE: HOW TO RELATE TO PEOPLE OF OTHER FAITHS (Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishing, 2001). The students are expected to read the whole of this book and especially read the sections given below before the class. Also on reserve at the Library is my book, The Supremacy of Christ (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1995 or London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1997). Pre Course Reading: Read Chapters 1-6 in SHARING THE TRUTH IN LOVE and come prepared to discuss the material there in class. Also please read the Appendix: Sketches of Other Faiths, which will give necessary background knowledge for class discussions. An extensive annotated bibliography has been prepared for this course and will be available for the students use.
PR 610 Pulpit Communication
Fred Fitch
Robinson, H. W. (1980). Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House. Lowry, E. L. (1980). The Homiletical Plot: The Sermon as Narrative Art Form. Atlanta: John Knox Press.
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