BS 502 Introduction to Biblical Studies - 2
David R. Bauer
1. The Bible (NRSV) 2. An Annotated Guide To Biblical Resources for Ministry, Bauer 3. Bible Study That Works, Thompson 4. The Writings of the New Testament, Johnson 5. The World That Shaped the New Testament, Roetzel
NT 510 The Gospel of Matthew
David R. Bauer
Revised Standard Version of the Bible or New Revised Standard Version of the Bible Methodical Bible Study, Robert Traina Matthew, Proclamation Commentaries, Jack Dean Kingsbury An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry, David R. Bauer
NT 636 The Book of Acts
David R. Bauer
1. New Revised Standard Version of the Bible or Revised Standard Version. 2. Greek New Testament (UBS/Nestle, or Interlinear) 3. An annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry, by David R. Bauer 4. What Are They Saying About Acts? by Mark A. Powell.
NT 645 General Epistles
David R. Bauer
A. Required Texts: 1. Revised Standard Version of the Bible, or New Revised Standard Version of the Bible 2. The Greek New Testament (or Interlinear Greek-English New Testament) 3. An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry, by David R. Bauer B. Collateral Texts: 1. New Testament Introduction, by Donald Guthrie 2. The New Testament as Canon, by Brevard Childs 3. It’s Still Greek to Me, by David A. Black
OT 615 Minor Prophets
David R. Bauer
Required Texts: 1. Revised Standard Version of the Bible or New Revised Standard Version of the Bible 2. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia or Interlinear Hebrew/English Old Testament 3. An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry B. Collateral Texts: An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination by Walter Brueggemann C. Recommended Texts: 1. A History of Israel, 4th ed., by John Bright 2. Methodical Bible Study, by Robert A. Traina
YM 665 Youth Culture and Trends
Dean G. Blevins
Class Texts 1) Web-based Publications: Chapman R. Clark, “Entering Their World: A Qualitative Look at the Changing Face of Contemporary Adolescence,” Journal of Youth Ministry (Fall 2002) available on-line (6/9/2004) at http://ayme.gospelcom.net/jym_article.php?article_id=21 Read also the five part seminar on Qualitative Research courtesy Don Ratcliff (6/09/2004)at http://www.vanguard.edu/faculty/dratcliff/qual/ (apx. 25 pages). Also read Dean G. Blevins, “The Means of Grace and Christian Religious Education: Formation, Discernment, Transformation” 15 pages, online http://homepages.trevecca.edu/faculty/dblevins/Writings/Means%20Book%20Chapter %204.htm. 2) Patricia Hersch, A Tribe Apart: A Journey Into the Heart of American Adolescence (New York: Ballentine Books Readers Companion, 1999), 379 pages; OR Barbara Schneider & David Stevenson, The Ambitious Generation: America's Teenagers, Motivated but Directionless (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999), 276 pages. NOTE: Hersch is the primary text but please read Schneider & Stevenson if you have read Hersch for a different class for your book report. Regardless bring your copy of Hersch to class (we will discuss both texts at some point during class). 3) Pete Ward, God at the Mall: Youth Ministry that Meets Kids Where They are At (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1999), 160 pages. 4) Michael Warren, Youth, Gospel, Liberation, 3rd edition (Chicago: ACTA Publications, 2000), 185 pages.
OT 520 Old Testament Introduction
Mark J. Boda
Dillard, R. B. and Longman, Tremper. An Introduction to the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. Provan, Iain; Long, V. Philips; and Longman, Tremper. A Biblical History of Israel. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 2003. Tate, W. Randolph. Biblical Interpretation: An Integrated Approach (Revised Edition). Peabody: Hendrickson, 1997.
CL 553 United Methodist Polity and Discipline
Chris Bounds
• The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 2000. • Frank, Thomas Edward. Polity, Practice, and the Mission of The United Methodist Church, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000. • Tuell, Jack M. The Organization of the United Methodist Church, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000.
DO 670 United Methodist Theology
Chris Bounds
• The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 2000. • Abraham, William J. Waking from Doctrinal Amnesia: The Healing of Doctrine in The United Methodist Church. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1995. • Chiles, Robert E. Theological Transitions in American Methodism: 1790- 1935, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984. • Campbell, Dennis. United Methodism and American CultureVol. III, Doctrines and Disciplines. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999.
IT 501 Technology in Ministry
Kenneth A. Boyd
Slaughter, Michael. Out On the Edge. Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1998. Wilson, Len. Digital Storytellers: The Art of Communicating the Gospel in Worship. Nashville. Abingdon Press, 2002.
MU 506 Private Voice
Patricia J. Bracken
For each lesson you are required to bring: A blank cassette A UM hymnal or the hymnal of your denomination A notebook for writing down your weekly assignments and vocal exercises Your weekly practice report.
CO 622 Theories of Personality
Harold W. Burgess
Theories of Personality, by Calvin Hall, Gardiner Lindzey, and John Campbell (Fourth edition).
MS 610 The Ministry of Evangelism
James B. Buskirk
Required Texts: Barna, George, Evangelism That Works, Regal Books, Ventura, Cal., 1995, 164 pp. Beckham, William A., The Second Reformation, Touch Pub. 1995, 241pp. Hybels and Mittelberg, Becoming a Contagious Christian, Zondervan, 1994, 221pp. *Seamonds, John T., Tell It Well, Beacon Hill Press, 1981, 223pp. Streett, R. Alan, The Effective Invitation, Kregel Publications, 1984, 218pp. Swanson and Clement, The Faith Sharing Congregation, Discipleship Resources, 1999, 104pp. Tuttle, Robert G., Jr., Can We Talk? Abingdon , 1999, 110pp.
PR 610 Servant as Proclaimer
James B. Buskirk
Craddock, Fred B., Preaching, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1985 Demoray, Donald E., Introduction to Homiletics, Second Edition, Light and Press, Indianapolis, 1990 Long, Thomas G., The Witness of Preaching, Westminster/John Knox, Louisville, 1989 Webb, Joseph M., Preaching Without Notes, Abingdon, Nashville, 2001
NT 501 Comprehensive Greek I
Holly J. Carey
(1) David Alan Black, Learn to Read New Testament Greek (expanded edition; Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1994). Learn. (2) David Alan Black, It’s Still Greek to Me: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to Intermediate Greek (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998). Still Greek. (3) Barbara Aland, et al., eds. Novum Testamentum Graece (27th ed.; Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993). NA27. (4) W. Bauer, F. W. Danker, W. F. Arndt, and F. W. Gingrich, eds. A Greek- English Lexicon of New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (3d ed.; Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2000. BDAG. (5) GreekFlash Pro 2 (Portland, Ore.: Paradigm Software Development, 1996-98). GFP.
CH 502 Church History II
Paul W. Chilcote
Justo Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity, Volume 2 (Story) Teresa of Avila, Let Nothing Disturb You Paul Chilcote, Her Own Story Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together
CH 550 Cambridge Summer Sschool In Contemporary Methodist Theology: A Wesleyan Paradigm Of Renewal For Today
Paul W. Chilcote
Paul Chilcote, The Wesleyan Tradition: A Paradigm for Renewal (Abingdon) Paul Chilcote, Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit (Upper Room) Michael Slaughter, Spiritual Entrepreneurs (Abingdon) Howard Snyder, The Radical Wesley (Wipf & Stock) (Confer with the instructor before purchasing any of the following books.) Theodore Jennings, Good News to the Poor (Abingdon) Randy Maddox, ed. Rethinking Wesley’s Theology (Abingdon) Ted Campbell, John Wesley and Christian Antiquity (Abingdon) Rosie Nixson, Liberating Women for the Gospel (Hodder and Stoughton)
CH 605 Women in Methodism
Paul W. Chilcote
Paul Chilcote, Her Own Story Paul Chilcote, She Offered Them Christ Jean Miller Schmidt, Grace Sufficient Rosemary Skinner Keller, Spirituality & Social Responsibility Selections from: Paul Chilcote, The Spirituality of Early Methodist Women manuscript Paul Chilcote, The Writings of Mary Fletcher manuscript
CH 655 Biographical Studies In Christian Leadership
Paul W. Chilcote
E. Glenn Hinson, Spiritual Preparation for Christian Leadership Upper Room ISBN 0835808882 James W. McClendon, Biography As Theology Wipf & Stock IBSN 157910021X Henri Nouwen, In the Name of Jesus Crossroad ISBN 0824512596 Lovett Weems, Leadership in the Wesleyan Spirit Abingdon ISBN 0687046920
DO 660 The Christian Doctrine of Holiness
Paul W. Chilcote
Robin Maas, Crucified Love: The Practice of Christian Perfection Abingdon ISBN 0687100097 Steven Manskar, A Perfect Love Discipleship Resources ISBN 0881773883 William Sangster, The Path to Perfection Epworth ASIN 0716204053
DO 690 John Wesley's Theology for Today
Paul W. Chilcote
Paul W. Chilcote, Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit (entirety) Paul W. Chilcote, Recapturing the Wesleys’ Vision (entirety) Tom Langford, “Charles Wesley as Theologian” (handout) Albert Outler, “John Wesley as Theologian” (handout) Albert Outler, John Wesley, 3-33, 51-69, 87-147, 177-209, 231-50, 271-344, 353-76, 384-424, 492-99 Albert Outler, Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit (entirety; but only theology section) John Wesley, Sermons, 39-68, 157-72, 193-206, 251-74, 287-98, 325-46, 419-40, 485- 500, 511-22, 541-58 Frank Whaling, John and Charles Wesley, 146-61, 192-95, 251-72, 289-91
DO 691 Readings in Wesley
Paul W. Chilcote
Ken Collins, John Wesley: A Theological Biography (Abingdon: 0-687-02788-8) Steven W. Manskar, A Perfect Love (Dis Res: 0-88177-388-3) Frank Whaling, ed., John and Charles Wesley (Paulist: 0-8091-2368-1)
CH 500 Turning Points in Church History
Meesaeng Lee Choi
Noll, Mark A. Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity, 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic Books, 2000. Olson, Roger E. The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999. Selected primary source and additional readings cited under each lesson (see the Course and Reading Schedule) are available in electronic and/or library reserves (Intra\School of Theology\Lecture Power Points\Choi, Meesaeng\CH500).
CH 501 Church History I
Meesaeng Lee Choi
Dale T. Irvin and Scott W. Sunquist, History of the World Christian Movement, vol. 1: Earliest Christianity to 1453 (Orbis Books, 2001) Roger E. Olson, The Story of Christian Theology (InterVarsity Press, 1999) Bart D. Ehrman, After the New Testament: A Reader in Early Christianity (Oxford University Press, 1999).
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