BT 825 Theology of Ministry
Stephen A. Seamands
Fee, Gordon. Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God. Nathan, Rich and Wilson, Ken. Empowered Evangelicals. Greg Ogden, The New Reformation. Thomas Oden, Pastoral Theology: Essentials for Ministry.
DO 501 Basic Christian Theology
Stephen A. Seamands
Thomas Oden, The Living God The Word of Life Life in the Spirit David Smith, A Handbook of Contemporary Theology
DO 501 Basic Christian Theology
Stephen A. Seamands
Thomas Oden, The Living God The Word of Life Life in the Spirit David Smith, A Handbook of Contemporary Theology
DO 603 The Person and Work of Christ
Stephen A. Seamands
Athanasius, On the Incarnation Jurgen Moltmann, The Way of Jesus Christ John Stott, The Cross of Christ Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew
DO 603 The Person and Work of Christ
Stephen A. Seamands
Athanasius, On the Incarnation Jurgen Moltmann, The Way of Jesus Christ John Stott, The Cross of Christ Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew
DO 610 Emotions, Passions and Feelings
Stephen A. Seamands
Karn Horney, eurosis and Human Growth Charles Kraft, Deep Wounds, Deep Healing Frank Lake, Clinical Theology Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul through Healing Prayer
DO 610 Emotions, Passions and Feelings
Stephen A. Seamands
Karn Horney, eurosis and Human Growth Charles Kraft, Deep Wounds, Deep Healing Frank Lake, Clinical Theology Leanne Payne, Restoring the Christian Soul through Healing Prayer
DO 650 The Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Stephen A. Seamands
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Life Together Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Ethics Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Letters and Papers from Prison Renate Wind - Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Spoke in the Wheel
DO 650 The Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Stephen A. Seamands
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Life Together Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Ethics Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Letters and Papers from Prison Renate Wind - Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Spoke in the Wheel
DO 770 United Methodist Theology
Stephen A. Seamands
William Abraham, Waking from Doctrinal Amnesia Ted Campbell, Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials Thomas Langford, Practical Divinity, vol 1. Stephen Seamands, Holiness of Heart and Life Thomas Schmidt, Straight and Narrow: Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
DO 770 United Methodist Theology
Stephen A. Seamands
William Abraham, Waking from Doctrinal Amnesia Ted Campbell, Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials Thomas Langford, Practical Divinity, vol 1. Stephen Seamands, Holiness of Heart and Life Thomas Schmidt, Straight and Narrow: Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
MI 600 History of the Christian Movement
Howard A. Snyder
Anderson, Gerald H., Robert T. Coote, Norman A. Horner, and James M. Phillips, eds. Mission Legacies: Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement. Orbis, 1994. 654 pp. BV3700.M55. Neill, Stephen. A History of Christian Missions. Rev. ed. New York: Penguin, 1986. 478 pp. BV2100.N4 1986. Tucker, Ruth A. From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya: A Biographical History of Christian Missions. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983. 511 pp. BV3700.T83.
MI 735 Wesleyan Theology of Mission
Howard A. Snyder
Wesley, John. Wesley’s 52 Standard Sermons, ed. N. Burwash. Salem, OH: Schmul Publishing Co., 1996. Heitzenrater, Richard P. Wesley and the People Called Methodists. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1995. Snyder, Howard A. The Radical Wesley and Patterns for Church Renewal (1980). Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1996, 1999. The Sermons of John Wesley - Sermons 54-64. Custom Course Packet.
MI 735 Wesleyan Theology of Mission
Howard A. Snyder
Wesley, John. Wesley’s 52 Standard Sermons, ed. N. Burwash. Salem, OH: Schmul Publishing Co., 1996. Heitzenrater, Richard P. Wesley and the People Called Methodists. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1995. Snyder, Howard A. The Radical Wesley and Patterns for Church Renewal (1980). Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1996, 1999. The Sermons of John Wesley - Sermons 54-64. Custom Course Packet.
CE 501 The Servant as Minister of Education
Catherine Stonehouse
Spring: The Confident Leader, Arlo Grenz. Teaching for Reconciliation, Ronald Habermass and Klaus Issler John Wesley’s Class Meeting: A Model for Making Disciples, D. Michael Henderson. Patterns in Moral Development, Catherine M. Stonehouse. “Learning from Gender Differences," Catherine M. Stonehouse. 2 2 Extraordinary Results from Ordinary Teachers, Michael D. Warden One of the following: For United Methodists, Foundations: Shaping the Ministry of Christian Education in Your Congregation A D Planning for Christian Education, Carol Fout Krau, Ed. Non United Methodists may read the Methodist material for ideas or comparable materials from your denomination which provide an introduction to the denomination’s educational ministries, or Ministry to Persons by Robert Crandall which is on reserve in the library.
CE 501 The Servant as Minister of Education
Catherine Stonehouse
Spring: The Confident Leader, Arlo Grenz. Teaching for Reconciliation, Ronald Habermass and Klaus Issler John Wesley’s Class Meeting: A Model for Making Disciples, D. Michael Henderson. Patterns in Moral Development, Catherine M. Stonehouse. “Learning from Gender Differences," Catherine M. Stonehouse. 2 2 Extraordinary Results from Ordinary Teachers, Michael D. Warden One of the following: For United Methodists, Foundations: Shaping the Ministry of Christian Education in Your Congregation A D Planning for Christian Education, Carol Fout Krau, Ed. Non United Methodists may read the Methodist material for ideas or comparable materials from your denomination which provide an introduction to the denomination’s educational ministries, or Ministry to Persons by Robert Crandall which is on reserve in the library.
CE 605 The Servant as Teacher
Catherine Stonehouse
The Pastor as Religious Educator, Robert L. Browning, ed. Teaching for Reconciliation, Ronald Habermas and Klaus Issler John Wesley’s Class Meeting: A Model for Making Disciples, D. Michael Henderson. Patterns in Moral Development, Catherine M. Stonehouse. "Learning from Gender Differences," Catherine M. Stonehouse Extraordinary Results from Ordinary Teachers, D. Michael Henderson United Methodists: 2 Foundations: Shaping the Ministry of Christian Education in Your Congregation A D Planning for Christian Education, Carol Fouts Krau, Ed. Non United Methodists may read the Methodist material for ideas, comparable materials from their denomination which provide an introduction to the denomination’s educational ministries, or Ministry to Persons: Organization and Administration, by Robert A. Crandall which is on reserve. If you choose materials describing your denomination’s philosophy of Christian education and organizational patterns, check with the professor on your selection. The Gospel of Mark
CE 605 The Servant as Teacher
Catherine Stonehouse
The Pastor as Religious Educator, Robert L. Browning, ed. Teaching for Reconciliation, Ronald Habermas and Klaus Issler John Wesley’s Class Meeting: A Model for Making Disciples, D. Michael Henderson. Patterns in Moral Development, Catherine M. Stonehouse. "Learning from Gender Differences," Catherine M. Stonehouse Extraordinary Results from Ordinary Teachers, D. Michael Henderson United Methodists: 2 Foundations: Shaping the Ministry of Christian Education in Your Congregation A D Planning for Christian Education, Carol Fouts Krau, Ed. Non United Methodists may read the Methodist material for ideas, comparable materials from their denomination which provide an introduction to the denomination’s educational ministries, or Ministry to Persons: Organization and Administration, by Robert A. Crandall which is on reserve. If you choose materials describing your denomination’s philosophy of Christian education and organizational patterns, check with the professor on your selection. The Gospel of Mark
CE 640 Ministering with Children Through the Church
Catherine Stonehouse
Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey, Catherine Stonehouse Childhood Education in the Church, Robert E Clark, Joanne Brubaker, Roy B. Zuck 1986 Revised and Expanded ed. -- chapters 1, 5-13, 17-22, 24, 25, 30-32, 34. 2 Read 200 pages from the chapters listed or skim all the designated material catching the main ideas. Experiencing the Bible with Children, Dorothy Jean Furnish. Young Children and Worship, Sonya Stewart and Jerome Berryman. Children in Crisis: A New Commitment
CE 640 Ministering with Children Through the Church
Catherine Stonehouse
Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey, Catherine Stonehouse Childhood Education in the Church, Robert E Clark, Joanne Brubaker, Roy B. Zuck 1986 Revised and Expanded ed. -- chapters 1, 5-13, 17-22, 24, 25, 30-32, 34. 2 Read 200 pages from the chapters listed or skim all the designated material catching the main ideas. Experiencing the Bible with Children, Dorothy Jean Furnish. Young Children and Worship, Sonya Stewart and Jerome Berryman. Children in Crisis: A New Commitment
CE 642 Curriculum Theory, Development, and Selection
Catherine Stonehouse
Fashion Me a People: Curriculum in the Church by Maria Harris Goal Analysis by Robert Mager Learning Styles by Marlene D. LeFever
CE 642 Curriculum Theory, Development, and Selection
Catherine Stonehouse
Fashion Me a People: Curriculum in the Church by Maria Harris Goal Analysis by Robert Mager Learning Styles by Marlene D. LeFever
CE 825 Ministry with Families and Children in the Faith Community
Catherine Stonehouse
Richards, Lawrence O. Children's Ministry: Nurturing Faith Within the Family of God. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1983. Coles, Robert. The Moral Intelligence of Children. New York: Random House, 1997. Dawn, Marva J. Is It a Lost Cause? Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1997. Ng, David and Virginia Thomas. Children in the Worshiping Community. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1981. Stonehouse, Catherine M. Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Books, 1998. Additional reading: Invest 10 hours in reading selections of your choice on the pastoral care of children dealing with divorce, grief, abuse, giftedness, handicapping conditions, or other challenges. Recommended Resource: Stewart, Sonja M. and Jerome W. Berryman. Young Children and Worship. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989). Does not need to be read prior to the course, but is recommended as a resource to use following the course.
CE 825 Ministry with Families and Children in the Faith Community
Catherine Stonehouse
Richards, Lawrence O. Children's Ministry: Nurturing Faith Within the Family of God. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1983. Coles, Robert. The Moral Intelligence of Children. New York: Random House, 1997. Dawn, Marva J. Is It a Lost Cause? Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1997. Ng, David and Virginia Thomas. Children in the Worshiping Community. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1981. Stonehouse, Catherine M. Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Books, 1998. Additional reading: Invest 10 hours in reading selections of your choice on the pastoral care of children dealing with divorce, grief, abuse, giftedness, handicapping conditions, or other challenges. Recommended Resource: Stewart, Sonja M. and Jerome W. Berryman. Young Children and Worship. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989). Does not need to be read prior to the course, but is recommended as a resource to use following the course.
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