

This essay examines the mother tongue biblical hermeneutics (MTBH) of selected works of the Ghanaian scholar, John D. K. Ekem. Contextual principles, approaches, and methods have been advanced by biblical scholars to elucidate the meaning of Scripture. However, many of the principles, approaches, and methods do not adequately address the socio-cultural context of Ghana (or Africa) since they are products developed in and for another context. Hence, Ekem’s assertion that biblical interpretation must critically engage and dialogue with local socio-cultural norms in the process of biblical interpretation in Africa. Not surprisingly, MTBH shares several principles with inductive biblical studies (IBS). Although MTBH faces numerous challenges, it has the potential to help African Christians to better apply the texts of the Bible to their existential situations. This essay honors the work of Ekem in an effort to bring awareness to MTBH and advance its growth in the African context.


