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" "God is not mocked." No one can deceive his far-reaching intelligence. That which" a mall soweth, that shall he also reap," however smooth the surface may have been rolled over the seed. Every thing which seems and is not, is an abomination to the Lord. Do we appear outwardly respectable among men, and yet are our hearts filled with uncleanness? Are we liberal when our liberality can Le seen, and yet covetous in our inner life? Do we go to church apparently for worship, and inwardly criticise the service? Do we come late and so manifest our disrespect for him to whose honor the hour has been consecrated? Do we put into his treasury any half-hearted service, any clipped coin, and think it will pass his all-seeing eye? "
Publication Date
August 2011
5:4, man, lying, appearances, outward, Acts, inward
Late 19th century Methodist Episcopal tract on issues from theology to ethics. Old URL: http://ecommons.asburyseminary.edu/xmlui/handle/10910/17260