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"Baptism, when rightly understood, is not the giving of a name to the child, but a giving of the child to God; not a sign of what it may become in the future, but a sign of what it is, as redeemed of the Lord and an heir of heaven; not the expression of a hope that in riper years it may be converted and saved, but an expression of the belief that it is redeemed by Christ, and that, under the divinely appointed instrumentalities of' the Christian family and Christian Church, it may be made to grow up in the knowledge of God and in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Publication Date
September 2011
consecration, /, baby, child, children, baptism
Late 19th century Methodist Episcopal tract on issues from ethics to theology, New Series. Old URL: http://ecommons.asburyseminary.edu/xmlui/handle/10910/17569