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Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Calling the church to purity: a study of church discipline


A missing millennium in Biblical chronology/ by Gerald E. Aardsma., Gerald E. Aardsma


Ad verbum or ad sensum: the Christianization of a Latin translation formula in the 4th century, William Adler and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1993 : Williamsburg, Va.)


Religio-Cultural thought among African women in British Colonial North America/ by Lillian Ashcraft-Eason., Lillian Ashcraft-Eason and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)

Nonconformity in an occult key: Point Loma Theosophists and American culture, William M. Ashcraft and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Coral Gables, Florida)


Nonconformity in an occult key: Point Loma Theosophists and American culture, William M. Ashcraft and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Coral Gables, Florida)


Christological aspects of beguine spirituality/ by Ellen L. Babinsky., Ellen L. Babinsky and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)


Civil punishment or church discipline: the controversy at Heidelberg, 1566-1576, J. Wayne Baker


The perspicuity of Scripture: the clarity of Scripture in an age of hermeneutical nihilism, Henry Scott Baldwin

Response to George Marsden/ by Randall Balmer., Randall Herbert Balmer and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)


Response to George Marsden/ by Randall Balmer., Randall Herbert Balmer and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)


P.F. Bresee: a convergence of Methodism and the Holiness Movement ; some reflections of the author's Phineas F. Bresse His Life in Methodism, the Holiness Movement, and the Church of the Nazarene (Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1995), Carl Bangs and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)

P.F. Bresee: a convergence of Methodism and the Holiness Movement ; some reflections of the author's Phineas F. Bresse His Life in Methodism, the Holiness Movement, and the Church of the Nazarene (Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, 1995), Carl Bangs and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)


Hermeneutical gymnastics: the misapplication of Scripture, Kenneth L. Barker


The high priesthood : a barometer reflecting the pressures of Hellenism on Judaism/ Herbert W. Bateman., Herbert W. Bateman


Theological spirituality: a summons to Christocentrism, Michael Bauman


Mormon philosophical apologetics/ Francis J. Beckwith and Stephen E. Parrish., Francis Beckwith and Stephen E. Parrish


Lessons for the church of the 90's gleaned from the Dutch second reformation (Nadere Reformatie)/ Joel R. Beeke., Joel R. Beeke


Fundamentalism and masculinity, 1900-1950/ Margaret Bendroth., Margaret Lamberts Bendroth and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1992 : Washington, D.C.)

From Dewey to Dobson: fifty years of advice to protestant parents and what came of it, Margaret Lamberts Bendroth and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)


From Dewey to Dobson: fifty years of advice to protestant parents and what came of it, Margaret Lamberts Bendroth and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)


Women, gender, and the church struggle: the German Christian movement's quest for a manly church, Doris L. Bergen and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1992 : Washington, D.C.)

Nazi revolution, Christian revival?: German Protestants responses to National Socialism, 1933, Doris L. Bergen and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Seattle, Wash.)


Nazi revolution, Christian revival?: German Protestants responses to National Socialism, 1933, Doris L. Bergen and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Seattle, Wash.)


An unnoticed excursus in Augustine of Hippo's De doctrina Christiana: a gordian knot in his exegetical theory, Robert William Bernard and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)

An unnoticed excursus in Augustine of Hippo's De doctrina Christiana: a gordian knot in his exegetical theory, Robert William Bernard and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)


Colloquy or Cul de Sac at Maulbronn in 1564/ Pamela Biel., Pamela Biel


Preaching the parables: preserving three main points, Craig Blomberg


Homosexuality: an alternative life-style, or sin?, James A. Borland


Concepts of religious freedom in Seventeenth-Century English Baptist literature/ by Stephen Brachlow., Stephen Brachlow

From revivalism to Whig politics: the strange career of Calvin Colton, James D. Bratt and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Lisle, Ill.)


From revivalism to Whig politics: the strange career of Calvin Colton, James D. Bratt and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Lisle, Ill.)

Female evangelism in the early Methodist movement, 1784-1845, Catherine A. Brekus and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Atlanta, Georgia)

Female evangelism in the early Methodist movement, 1784-1845/ Catherine A. Brekus., Catherine A. Brekus and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Atlanta, Georgia)


Female evangelism in the early Methodist movement, 1784-1845/ Catherine A. Brekus., Catherine A. Brekus and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Atlanta, Georgia)


Ordination-- meaning and process/ Gerry Breshears., Gerry (Gerry Everett) Breshears


The just shall live by faith-- or "by his faithfulness?": a study of the use of Habakkuk 2:4 in the New Testament, Ellis R. Brotzman


Quantum theology: Christianity and the new physics, William E. Brown


Roots of post-modernism: Also sprach Nietzsche, William E. Brown

The Dead Sea Scrolls: evidence against historic Christianity?, William E. Brown


The tongues of men: a survey of contemporary Pentecostal hermeneuties, Malcolm R. Brubaker


Hearing is believing: architectural space and Clarissan Nuns, Caroline Astrid Bruzelius


Selling Presbyterianism in Cincinnati's "Great Emporium," 1790-1855/ John D. Buggein., John D. Buggein and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)


Old Testament theology: structure, C. Hassell Bullock


The spirit filled marriage: Ephesians 5:21-23, David R. Bundrick


Born-again history?/ Jon Butler., Jon Butler; American Historical Association. Meeting (1992 : Washington, D.C.); and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1992 : Washington, D.C.)


The politics of religion and educational reform: some historic tensions between Catholic-Protestant missions to Plains Indians, late Nineteenth-Century Progressive policies, and tribal cultures, Michael Byrd and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)

The politics of religion and educational reform: some historic tensions between Catholic-Protestant missions to Plains Indians, late Nineteenth-Century Progressive policies, and tribal cultures, Michael Byrd and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)


The Sothic dating system: is the foundation cracked?, Glenn A. Carnagey

The spirit in the body: physical and psychological influence on holy anorexia in the case of Maria Janis, Linda L. Carroll and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)


The spirit in the body: physical and psychological influence on holy anorexia in the case of Maria Janis, Linda L. Carroll and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)


From sanctuary to saloon: the religious pilgrimage of Carry A. Nation, Fran Carver and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Atlanta, Georgia)

From sanctuary to saloon: the religious pilgrimage of Carry A. Nation, Fran Carver and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Atlanta, Georgia)


"The changes and chances of this mortal life": the nature of the modifications in the 18th Century Anglican Church, Jeff Chamberlain and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)

"God has made no mistake": Lincoln's assassination as an act of providence, David B. Chesebrough and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)


"God has made no mistake": Lincoln's assassination as an act of providence, David B. Chesebrough and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)


Ecumenical openness in the gilded age: some Protestant approaches to dialogue and reconciliation with Rome, Richard L. Christensen and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)

Ecumenical openness in the gilded age: some Protestant approaches to dialogue and reconciliation with Rome, Richard L. Christensen and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)


Self, flesh, and old self: a theological interpretation,, David K. Clark


Postholes and postmodernism: a textlingistic [sic] approach to prophetic discourse, E. Ray Clendenen


Philippians 2:1-4: the forgotten focus of Philippians, Neil Cole


Four ministries or five?: Ephesians 4:11 and the Granville Sharp rule : an exposition of Ephesians 4:11 to reaffirm the ministry of teachers today, Randy Colver

Toward an urban religious history: urbanism and religion in Chicago's West Town, 1871-1914, Scott Cormode and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Ill.)


Toward an urban religious history: urbanism and religion in Chicago's West Town, 1871-1914, Scott Cormode and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Ill.)

"True Manhood in City Life": gender, religion and urban America at the turn of the century, Scott Cormode and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)


"True Manhood in City Life": gender, religion and urban America at the turn of the century, Scott Cormode and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)


Was Jesus a feminist?: A case of mistaken identity, Jack Cottrell

[The Nag Hamadi discovery and the New Testament canon]/ Gerald Cowen., Gerald Cowen


I Samuel 8-12: directions for evangelical politics?, Timothy D. Crater


Secularization in Catholic colleges and universities in the United States/ John F. Crosby., John F. Crosby


A woman's way of holiness: an analysis of Phoebe Palmer's theology with reflection on its intrinsic feminist implications, Diane Cunningham-Leclerc and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Lisle, Illinois)


The use of narrative in theology: a study of the use of scripture in Karl Barth, James Dahl


Qohelet 12 : 1-8--Death: an impetuous for life, Barry C. Davis


The boxer and the biologist: Harry Rimmer (1890-1952), Samuel Christian Schmucker (1860-1943), and the "warfare" of science and religion, Edward Bradford Davis; American Catholic Historical Association. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.); and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)


Images of intolerance: John Calvin in nineteenth-century history textbooks, Thomas J. Davis and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)


"Signs and wonders" some serious reservations/ David A. Dean., David A. Dean


Here, but not yet: a paradigm toward understanding the role of women in ministry : existential reality, essential reality and process as applied to the debate between egalitarianism and hierarchicalism, James B. DeYoung and Sarah L. Hurty


Christology: a better basis for evangelical fellowship, David Waring Diehl


Agreeing with pagans: Paul's consequent nihilism in I Corinthians 15:32, Larry Dixon

Seeking triumphant union and being found in schism: historical patterns and present polarities among disciples, Anthony L. Dunnavant and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)


Seeking triumphant union and being found in schism: historical patterns and present polarities among disciples, Anthony L. Dunnavant and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)


Technology and personhood: a Wesleyan slant on apologetics, H. Ray Dunning


Seattle, the internment and the church: inside and outside Minidoka 1942-1948, Madeline Duntley and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)

Seattle, the internment and the church: inside and outside Minidoka 1942-1948, Madeline Duntley and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)


Attitudes for giving: Jesus' teaching in selected texts in Matthew,, Kendell H. Easley


The critical signs, apparatus, and marginal notes of the 26th edition of Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece: a basic guide to what they are and how to use them, Kendell H. Easley

[TO PNEUMA TOU THEOU OIKEI EN HYMIN]: a literal indwelling by the Spirit-as-substance or a figurative reference to a personal relationship, Kendell H. Easley


All in the family: the household of Obermèunster in Regensburg, Carolyn Edwards and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)


The curse on Coniah: (was Jesus' royal ancestry under a curse?), Stanley A. Ellisen

The uniqueness of Christ: shaping faith and mission, Charles Edward van Engen


Hosea, a prophet with style: rhetoric and the prophetic message, Archie W. England


Harold Camping's 1994?: an evaluation and assessment, Milton Eng


Civil religion and revolution within the revolution/ W.R. Estep., William Roscoe Estep


Rush Limbaugh: politically incorrect, biblically correct?, Daniel J. Evearitt


Sacred subordination among free individuals: Freemasonry and California religion, Tony Fels and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)

Sacred subordination among free individuals: Freemasonry and California religion, Tony Fels and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)


Catholics in colonial Virginia/ Gerald P. Fogarty., Gerald P. Fogarty and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1993 : Williamsburg, Va.)


Election in Romans 9: conditional or unconditional, F. Leroy Forlines


The Oxford Movement and science/ R. William Franklin., R. W. Franklin and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1993 : Williamsburg, Va.)


Babylon revisited: Isaiah 21, future or fulfilled?, Gordon Franz