OT 615 Minor Prophets
David Loren Thompson
1. A standard contemporary English translation. Revised Standard Version of the Bible, or some other contemporary, standard (non-paraphrasing) version such as The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, New American Standard Bible, with minimal editorial clutter in the layout. 2. A Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible. Either Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. 4th ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1990, or The NIV Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament. John Kohlenberger III, editor. Zondervan, 1993, or its equivalent. 3. Bible Study That Works. Revised edition. Evangel Press, 1994. David L. Thompson. Do not use the 1982 edition for class! 4. An Annotated List of Biblical Resources for Ministry. Hendrickson, 2003. David R. Bauer. 5. A concordance of the Hebrew Bible Either Even-Shoshan, A New Concordance of the Old Testament, Baker, or G. V. Wigram , The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance, Hendrickson or BibleWorks5 with its concordance search capability 6. A lexicon of the Hebrew Bible Either M. E. J. Richardson, The Hebrew & Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Brill, 1999. or William Holladay, A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Eerdmans, or BibleWorks5, with its lexical capabilities (outdated but OK for preliminary definition for this class). 7. A Syntax of Biblical Hebrew A Guide for the Perplexed or A Guide to the Syntax of Biblical Hebrew by Bill Arnold and John Choi, 2002
WO 510 Worship Leadership in the Church
Mark A. Torgerson
--Edited, Authentic Worship in a Changing Culture (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1997; ISBN 1-56212-257-6). --Thomas G. Long, Beyond the Worship Wars: Building Vital and Faithful Worship (The Alban Institute, 2001; ISBN 1-56699-240-0). --Timothy J. Mulder, So You've Been Asked To Lead in Prayer (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1996.) --Robert Webber, Planning Blended Worship: The Creative Mixture of Old & New (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998; ISBN 0-687-03223-7). --James F. White, A Brief History of Christian Worship (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993; ISBN 0-687-03414-0). --John D. Witvliet, So You've Been Asked To Plan a Worship Service (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1999; ISBN 1-56212-393-9). --John D. Witvliet, So You've Been Asked To Lead a Worship Service (Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1999; ISBN 1-52212-392-0). All are available from the Asbury Cokesbury bookstore. Contact them at exlbooks@asburyseminary.edu or (toll free) 866-855-8252. Note! Note! Note! Note! You will also need to purchase, if you don't already have them, your denomination's worship book (or book with services) and official hymnal.
MS 680 ST 680 Contemporary Cults
Steven Tsoukalas
After successfully completing this course, students should be able to . . . 1. Generate a working definition(s) of pseudo- and non-Christian cults and engage critically other definitions. 2. Discern the major theological errors of cults (and some aberrant groups) and engage critically their beliefs and practices from the standpoint of biblical faith / classical Christian orthodoxy. 3. Show familiarity with the history and basic beliefs of several cultic groups. 4. Demonstrate awareness of the sociological atmosphere of various cults. 5. Utilize all the above to . . . A. Know God more deeply by better understanding certain essential doctrines of Christianity. B. Develop strategies for presenting the biblical Christ and his gospel to adherents of these groups. C. Be able to equip the body of Christ for the same
CL 610 Theology of Servant Leadership
Thomas F. Tumblin
1. The Power of Servant Leadership: Essays by Robert Greenleaf, edited by Larry Spears (San Francisco: Berett Koehler, 1998) ISBN: 1576750353 (313 pages) 2. In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership by Henri Nouwen (NY: Crossroad/Herder & Herder, 1993) ISBN: 0824512596 (81 pages) 3. Being as Communion by John Zizioulis (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1997) ISBN: 0881410292 (269 pages) 4. Two of the following options: • Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God’s Agenda by Henry & Richard Blackaby (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2001) ISBN: 0805418458 (306 pages) • Jesus on Leadership by C. Gene Wilkes (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1998) ISBN: 0842318631 (251 pages) • Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders (Chicago: Moody Press, 1989) ISBN: 0802482473 (210 pages) AND A Servant’s Manual: Christian Leadership for Tomorrow by Michael W. Foss (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2002) ISBN: 0800634535 (135 pages) • The Congruent Life: Following the Inward Path to Fulfilling Work and Inspired Leadership by C. Michael Thompson (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2000) ISBN: 0787950084 (300 pages) • Journey to the East by Herman Hesse (NY: Noonday Press, 1956) ISBN: 0374500363 (118 pages) OR Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity by Eugene Peterson (Grand Rapids: Eerdman’s, 1990) ISBN: 0802802656 (200 pages)
CL 614 Leading Groups and Organizations
Thomas F. Tumblin
Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership, 2nd ed. by Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997) ISBN: 0787908215 (450 pages). Leading Congregational Change: A Practical Guide for the Transformational Journey by Jim Herrington, Mike Bonem and James H. Furr. (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2000) ISBN: 0787947652 (186 pages). Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2nd ed., by Edgar H. Schein (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997) ISBN: 0787903620 (448 pages). After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity by Miroslav Volf (GrandRapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998) ISBN: 0-8028-4440-5 (314 pages).
CH 600 History of Methodism
Robert G. Tuttle
Kinghorn, Kenneth, The Heritage of American Methodism, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999. Norwood, Frederick A., The Story of American Methodism, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1974. Those students who have read either of these books can arrange to read alternate materials.
ME 636 MS 640 World (Transcultural) Evangelism
Robert G. Tuttle
Paul Hiebert, Anthropological Insight for Missionaries. Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom. Oxford, 2002. Charles Kraft, Christianity and Culture. Don Richardson, Eternity in Their Hearts. Robert Tuttle, Jr., Can We Talk?
MS 610 The Ministry of Evangelism
Robert G. Tuttle
1. Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church, Ron Crandall (160 pp.). 2. To Spread the Power, George Hunter, III (200 pp.). 3. Becoming a Contagious Christian, Hybels and Mittelberg (221 pp.). 4. Can We Talk? Robert Tuttle, Jr. (110 pp.). 5. Someone Out There Needs Me, Robert Tuttle
SM 601, 602, 603 Supervised Ministry Handbook
Robert G. Tuttle
Supervised Ministries is a required core component of the academic curriculum. It aims to bridge the gap between strictly academic theology and ministry practice. It integrates the light of the chapel, classroom and library with the field laboratory. That is, we want to reduce the gap between learned theology and internalized theology which applies itself to Christian experience and ministry practice. As John Wesley, quoting an ancient, quipped, “God made divinity practical”.
IR 700 Senior Reflection Seminar
Frederick C. Van Tatenhove
This seminar is designed to be taken during your final semester at Asbury Theological Seminary. It seeks to integrate your seminary experiences of spiritual, intellectual and vocational formation with your personal views of ministry and your life experiences. The central project of this seminar is the preparation of a “Theology of Ministry” paper. This paper is to be the culmination of your understanding of ministry related to four areas. The final section of this paper will include the application of your theological and theoretical vision and understanding to a case. This seminar is also designed to share your spiritual journey and to celebrate with your colleagues their journey. This seminar seeks to foster a measure of closure to your academic development and personal experiences while at seminary.
CD 690 Discipleship Development Through Trail Camping
Steve Venable
BACKPACKERS FIELD MANUAL directed by Rick Curtis - a reference guide to remind you of crucial info while on the trail HOW TO USE CAMPING EXPERIENCES IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION by Stephen Venable and Donald Joy - a proposal for future use in recreating meaningful camping experiences EMPOWER YOUR KIDS TO BE ADULTS by Donald Joy - a reflection on the need for and how to’s of rites of passage WINDOWS OF THE SOUL by Ken Gire - a personal reflection paper on this devotional book that really touches the heart
MB 610 Learning a Language and Culture
Dale F. Walker
Required books for the course: 1. Abbott, Edwin A. (1884; 1979) Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. NY: Dover. 2. Brewster, E Thomas, and Brewster, Elizabeth S (1976). Language Learning Made Practical. Pasadena: Lingua House (book plus cassette). (The book plus cassette is available from the instructor for $20.00). 3. Marshall, Terry (1989). The Whole World Guide to Language Learning. Yarmouth: Intercultural Press. 4. Nida, Eugene A (1960; 1990). Message and Mission: The Communication of the Christian Faith. Pasadena: William Carey. 5. Sandoz, Mari (1953; 1992). Cheyenne Autumn. Lincoln: Univ of Nebraska Press.
MW 720 Mission to Muslim Peoples
Dale F. Walker
Readings: Students are expected to read widely throughout the semester. The goal should be a minimum of 1500 pages, or approximately 110 pages per week. Some readings will be assigned; others will be chosen by the student, according to each one's interests and needs, e.g. research for the papers. Browse in the library stacks, in the following areas: B 741-753 Islamic philosophy BP 1-399 Islam, in general BV 2625-2626 Missions to Muslims DS 35+ Historical, geographical, and political aspects HQ 1170 Women in Islam PJ 6000+ Arabic language and literature Don't neglect the periodicals. Glance through, at least, Islamic Horizons, a general magazine for the Muslim public in the U.S. The Qur'an: Read what you can of the Qur'an. Some sections will be assigned, or read in class; bring your copy to each class session. You will not be required to read the whole book during the course of the semester. Everyone in ministry to Muslims, however, should be able to say, "I've read it."
PH 501 Philosophy of Christian Religion
Jerry L. Walls
A. William Hasker, Metaphysics. B. Michael Peterson et al., Reason and Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, 3rd edition. C. Michael Peterson et. al., Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings, 2nd Edition (Readings
PH 615 Seminar in Philosophy: C.S. Lewis
Jerry L. Walls
1. The Abolition of Man 2. Mere Christianity 3. Miracles 4. The Four Loves 5. The Great Divorce 6. A Grief Observed 7. Burson and Walls, C.S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer
NT 520 New Testament Introduction
Joseph S. Wang
Achtemeier, Paul J.; Green, Joel B.; Thompson, Marianne M., Introducing the New Testament, Its Literature and Theology Green, Joel B., Hearing the New Testament, Strategies for Interpretation
NT 520 New Testament Introduction
Joseph S. Wang
Achtemeier, Paul J.; Green, Joel B.; Thompson, Marianne M., Introducing the New Testament, Its Literature and Theology Green, Joel B., Hearing the New Testament, Strategies for Interpretation Marshall, I. Howard, I Believe in the Historical Jesus
NT 602 Intermediate Greek II
Joseph S. Wang
Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Grammar beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament
NT 650 Exegesis of Selected Passages.
Joseph S. Wang
1. Bible study software (Gramcord, Bible works, etc.) 2. Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich-Danker, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 2nd ed. 3. New Testament Exegesis by Gordon D. Fee 4. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
NT 723 Exegetical Study of First Corinthians
Joseph S. Wang
This course will study exegetically the content of the First Corinthians. An emphasis will be on further development of skills in exegesis, specially, integration of the method used in IBR courses and that used in exegesis of the text in the original languages. The major theological themes of First Corinthians and their application to the situations in the church and the Christian life will be investigated.
CL 615 Cross Cultural Leadership
Russell W. West
• Michael Z. Hackman, Craig E. Johnson. Leadership: A Communication Perspective. Waveland Press; 3rd edition (June 8, 2000). ISBN: 1577660692 • William B. Gudykunst, Young Yun Kim. Communicating with Strangers. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 4th edition (August 1, 2002) ISBN: 0072321245 • Jeff Hitchcock. Lifting the White Veil: An Exploration of White American Culture in a Multiracial Context. Crandall Dostie & Douglass Books; (January 2003). ISBN: 0971901708 • Michael O. Emerson, Christian Smith. Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America. Oxford University Press; (November 2001) ISBN: 0195147073
CL 615 Cross Cultural Leadership
Russell W. West
Short History of Lp Theory ~ Due: 2/17 Communicating with Strangers ~ Due: 3/10 Lifting the White Veil ~ Due: 3/31 Divided by Faith ~ Due on: 4/21 Transcultural Management ~ 5/12
CL 615 Cross Cultural Leadership
Russell W. West
• Mindfulness. 10/14 • Lifting the White Veil 10/21 • Divided By Faith. 11/11 • Communicating with Strangers. Due: 11/18 • What Color is Your God? 12/2
ML 700 Developing the Leaders Around You
Russell W. West
Required Texts Richards, Lawrence O. and Hoeldtke, Clyde. Church Leadership. Assignment (Study): 4-Mat Report Due by Feb 19 Allen, Roland. Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours. Assignment (Study): 4-Mat Report Due by Feb 26 Coleman, Robert. Masterplan of Evangelism. Assignment (Light Reading): 4-Mat Report Due by Clinton, Richard. Selecting and Developing Emerging Leader. Assignment (Very Light Reading): 4-Mat Report Due by Mar 12 Clinton, J. Robert. Connecting Assignment (Light Reading): 4-Mat Report Due by Mar 26 Draves, William. How to Teach Adults. Assignment (Very Light Reading): 4-Mat Report Due by Reed, Jeff. 7th Priority Life Development Portfolio. Assignment: Use in retreats, mentoring, 2-page assessment due with portfolio, May 14.
ML 705 Transformative Leadership Theory
Russell W. West
Texts: • Newstrom and Pierce. Leaders and the Leadership Process. McGraw-Hill. No Report Due.* • Ket DeVries. Leaders, Fools and Imposters. 10/21 • Clemens. The Classic Touch: Lessons in Leadership through the Ages. Contemporary Press.12/3 • Movies to Manage By: Lessons in Leadership from Great Films 12/3~ Articles • “That’s Fine in Theory But” • “Emics and Etics: Culturally-Endorsed Implicit Leadership Theories” • “Leadership, Spirituality and Hope” • Harwick Case Studies, Recommended~ Film Clips • “12 Angry Men” • “A Face in the Crowd” • “A Man for All Seasons “ • “Citizen Kane” • “Dead Poet Society” • “Executive Decision” • “Ghandi” • “Glory” • “Henry V” • “Hitler: Rise of Evil” • “Homer’s “The Odyssey” • “Inn of the 6th Happiness” • “Hoosiers” • “King Lear” • “Lion King”• “Lord of the Flies” • “Norma Rae” • “Martha, Inc.” • “Orpheus,Real World” • Patch Adams • “Remember, Titans” • “Romero” • “Crouching Tiger, Sleeping Dragon” • “The Great Santini” • “The Road to Freedom” • “Twelve O’Clock High” • “U-571” • “The West Wing” • “Wizard of Oz”
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