SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders
Michael Pasquarello
Quentin Schultze, Habits of the High-Tech Heart: Living Virtuously in the Information Age Richard Winter, Still Bored in Culture of Entertainment: Rediscovering Passion and Wonder Augustine of Hippo, Teaching Christianity Stephen E. Lucas, The Art of Public Speaking
DM 849 Getting Premodern to go Post Modern: Wisdom from the Early Church for Preaching and Worship Today
Michael Pasquarello and Lester Ruth
Allen, Diogenes. Spiritual Theology: The Theology of Yesterday for Spiritual Help Today. Cowley Publications, 1997. Cuming, Geoffrey. Hippolytus: A Text for Students. Grove Books Limited, 1987. Greer, Rowan A. Broken Lights and Mended Lives. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1986. Harmless, William. Augustine and the Catechumenate. Pueblo, 1995. Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom: Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop. Cornell University Press, 1995. McLaren, Brian. A New Kind of Christian. Jossey-Bass, 2001 Webber, Robert. Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World. Baker, 1999
WO 655 Getting Premodern to go Post Modern: Wisdom from the Early Church for Preaching and Worship Today
Michael Pasquarello and Lester Ruth
Allen, Diogenes. Spiritual Theology: The Theology of Yesterday for Spiritual Help Today. Cowley Publications, 1997. Cuming, Geoffrey. Hippolytus: A Text for Students. Grove Books Limited, 1987. Greer, Rowan A. Broken Lights and Mended Lives. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1986. Harmless, William. Augustine and the Catechumenate. Pueblo, 1995. Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom: Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop. Cornell University Press, 1995. McLaren, Brian. A New Kind of Christian. Jossey-Bass, 2001
BS 400 Bible Survey
William J. Patrick
1. HarperCollins Study Bible (NRSV), Harper San Francisco, 1993 (Hard: ISBN 0060655801) or 1997 (Soft: ISBN 0060655275). 2. HarperCollins Concise Atlas of the Bible, edited by James B. Pritchard, 1997 (ISBN 0062514997).
NT 500 Concise Greek
William J. Patrick
Black, David Allen. It’s Still Greek to Me. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998). Cotterell, Peter and Max Turner. Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation. (London: S.P.C.K.; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1989). Douglas, J.D., ed. The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament. (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1993).
OT 501 Concise and Comprehensive I Hebrew
William J. Patrick
Arnold, Bill T. and John H. Choi. A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming (July 2003). Elliger, K., and W. Rudolph. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1967-77. Holladay, William L. A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1971. Scott, William R. A Simplified Guide to BHS. Berkley, Calif.: BIBAL, 1987. Seow, C. L. A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. Rev. ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 1995.
CD 552 Christian Education Seminar: Adult Ministry
Janet M. Peifer and Catherine Stonehouse
During the seminar participants will explore: * Biblical mandates for an adequate response to the elderly * Demographics of aging and the affect on congregational life * Ministry by and with Senior Adults; intergenerational involvement and ministry; need for lifelong learning * Ministry to Senior Adults; Visiting in the Nursing Home; ministry to those living alone or with family; addressing needs of caregivers of older adults * Loss and Grief Issues of Older Adults * Understanding the Aging Process and its Many Challenges * Meeting the spiritual needs of those affected by dementia and cognitive loss * A review of what various denominational groups are doing to address the aging phenomenon
IT 601 Advanced Video Production
Douglas Penix
The student showing competence in this course will be able to: •Understand how a television works. •Identify the major steps of video production. •Understand lighting equipment, the fundamentals of lighting design, and field lighting. •Identify camera mounts, the electronic components of cameras, and the basic design elements of picture composition. •Understand the nature of sound, the basic types and characteristics of microphones, •Discuss the technical principles for creating air quality graphics, set design, basic set elements, and production phases in a set design. •Operate the video switcher/complex effects and transitions. •Demonstrate competency in field production, electronic news gathering, electronic field production, and multicamera remote production. •Understand editing aesthetics and editing techniques. •Illustrate principles of video writing and basic script formats. •Understand producing and directing. •Discuss the aspects of television ministry.
DO 501 Basic Christian Doctrine
Zaida Maldonado Perez
1. González, Justo L. and Zaida Maldonado Pérez. Introduction to Christian Theology. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2002. 2. Grenz, Stanley J., David Guretzki, and C. F. Nordling,eds. Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms. Downers Grove, ILL: InterVarsity, 1999. (Or one of your choosing) 3. Harper, Steve. The Way to Heaven: The Gospel According to John Wesley. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2003. ISBN: 0-310-25260-1 4. Lawson, John. Introduction to Christian Doctrine. Wilmore, KY: Francis Asbury Publishing, 1980.
DO 501 Basic Christian Doctrine
Zaida Maldonado Perez
1. González, Justo L. and Zaida Maldonado Pérez. Introduction to Christian Theology. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2002. 2. Grenz, Stanley J., David Guretzki, and C. F. Nordling,eds. Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms. Downers Grove, ILL: InterVarsity, 1999. (Or one of your choosing)
DO 630 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Zaida Maldonado Perez
1. Barclay, William. The Promise of the Spirit. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001. ISBN 0-664-22383-4 (alk. paper) 2. McDonnell, Kilian and George T. Montague. Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Evidence from the First Eight Centuries. Collegville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1994. (2nd. Ed.) ISBN 0-8146-5009-0 3. Montague, George T. Holy Spirit: Growth of a Biblical Tradition. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1976. Second printing, 1998.*
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology
Zaida Maldonado Perez
1. Stone, Howard. W. and James O. Duke. How to Think Theologically. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996. 2. A Theological Dictionary(ies) of choice.
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology
Zaida Maldonado Perez
1. Stone, Howard. W. and James O. Duke. How to Think Theologically. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996. 2. Grenz, Stanley J. and Roger E. Olson. Who Needs Theology?: An Invitation to the Study of God. InterVarsity Press, 1996. 3. A Reading Packet is available through the ATS bookstore in Wilmore. You can reach them through the First Class system under ats bookstore or exlbooks. (See Appendix D) 4. A Theological Dictionary(ies) of choice. (For a small paperback version see: Grenz, Stanley J.,David Guretzki, and C. F. Nordling,eds. Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms. Downers Grove, ILL: InterVarsity, 1999.)
NT 510 The Gospel of Matthew
Glenn E. Pfeiffer
A- The Bible- (Wow that's a surprise :)Revised Standard Version is preferred B- Robert A. Traina, Methodical Bible Study (Grand Rapids, MI: Francis Asbury Press,1980) C- David L. Thompson, Bible Study That Works (Hereafter: BSTW) Revised edition. (Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1994). D- David R. Bauer, Biblical Resources for Ministry: A Bibliography of Works in Biblical Studies, (Hereafter: BRM), 2d ed. (Nappanee, Illinois: Evangel Publishing House, 1995).
MS 661 Urban Issues: Chicago
Christina Pohl
Breckenridge, James & Lillian (1995). What Color Is Your God? Multicultural Education in the Church. Baker Books, Grand Rapids: MI.
CS 601 Christian Ethics
Christine Pohl
To provide a biblical basis for the moral life. To describe various historical and contemporary Christian interpretations of social and personal moral issues. To use the basic vocabulary of ethical analysis. To use basic tools of social analysis. To explain the Wesleyan emphasis on the various dimensions of holiness, specifically the expectation for personal integrity, moral concern, and social responsibility. To recognize and explain at a basic level: the needs, contexts, and insights of various cultural groups and marginalized communities in society and in the church (these may include, but are not limited to, particularity arising from ethnic, gender, class, and geographic locations). To explain how responses to moral problems and moral integrity shape congregational life.
CS 610 Women in Church and Society
Christine Pohl
Clark, Elizabeth, and Herbert Richardson, eds., Women and Religion: The Original Sourcebook of Women in Christian Thought (Harper Collins, 1996). 2 Evans, Mary, Woman in the Bible, 2nd ed. (Paternoster, 1998). Japinga, Lynn, Feminism and Christianity (Abingdon, 1999). Storkey, Elaine, Origins of Difference (Baker, 2001). Selected readings on reserve in the library.
CS 650 Tutorial in Christian Ethics
Christine Pohl
Miles, Rebekah L. The Pastor as Moral Guide (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999). Packet (readings are not necessarily in order)
CS 652 Ethics of Hospitality and Contemporary Challenges
Christine Pohl
Philip Hallie, Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed. NY: HarperCollins, 1979, 1994. Christine Pohl, Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1999 Miroslav Volf, Exclusion and Embrace. Nashville: Abingdon, 1996. Reading Packet Bernard Adeney, Strange Virtues: Ethics in a Multicultural World. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1995. Henri Nouwen, Reaching Out, NY: Doubleday. Brett Webb-Mitchell, Unexpected Guests at God’s Banquet: Welcoming People with Disabilities into the Church. NY: Crossroad, 1994.
CS 652 Ethics of Hospitality and Contemporary Challenges
Christine Pohl
Philip Hallie, Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed. NY: HarperCollins, 1979, 1994. Christine Pohl, Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1999 Miroslav Volf, Exclusion and Embrace. Nashville: Abingdon, 1996. Reading Packet Bernard Adeney, Strange Virtues: Ethics in a Multicultural World. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1995. Henri Nouwen, Reaching Out, NY: Doubleday. Brett Webb-Mitchell, Unexpected Guests at God’s Banquet: Welcoming People with Disabilities into the Church. NY: Crossroad, 1994.
PR 610 The Theology and Practice of Preaching
David L. Rambo
Henderson, David W. CULTURE SHIFT. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, Inc. 1998 Due by February 26 Lowry, Eugene, THE HOMILETICAL PLOT. Atlanta, GA: John Knox Press, 1980. Due by May 7 Robinson, Haddon. BIBLICAL PREACHING. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2001 Due by February 14 Webb, Joseph M. PREACHING WITHOUT NOTES. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2001. Due by May 9
NT 520 New Testament Introduction
Ruth Anne Reese
The New Testament (RSV or NRSV; however, multiple translations are recommended) DeSilva, David A. Honor, Patronage, Kinship and Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture. Downers Grove: IVP, 2000. - 3 - Green, Joel B., ed. Hearing the New Testament: Strategies for Interpretation. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1995. Johnson, Luke Timothy. The Writings of the New Testament: An Introduction. 2nd ed. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999. Theissen, Gerd. The Shadow of the Galilean. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1987. Veyne, The Roman Empire. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Recommended Reading: Achtemeier, Paul J. Inspiration and Authority: Nature and Function of Christian Scripture. Peabody: Hendrickson, 1999. Camery-Hoggart, Jerry. Speaking of God: Reading and Preaching the Word of God. Peabody: Hendrickson, 1995. Felder, Cain Hope. Stony the Road We Trod Gonzalez, Justo L. Santa Biblia: The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes. Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.
NT 641 Exegesis of Hebrews
Ruth Anne Reese
Greek New Testament (Nestle-Aland for comprehensive students or an interlinear for concise students). DeSilva, David. Despising Shame: The Social Function of the Rhetoric of Honor and Shame in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995. Lindars, Barnabas. The Theology of the Letter to the Hebrews. New Testament Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
OT 520 Old Testament Introduction
Sandra Richter
LaSor, Hubbard & Bush, Old Testament Survey: The Message, Form and Background of the OT, 2nd edition (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996) James B. Pritchard, ed. The HarperCollins Concise Atlas of the Bible (HarperSanFrancisco, 1997) Roland de Vaux, Ancient Israel Its Life and Institutions in the Biblical Resource Series (Grand Rapids: Wm B Eerdmans/Livonia: Dove Book Sellers, 1997) WJ Dumbrell, Covenant and Creation: A Theology of OT Covenants (Paternoster Press, 2000) Recommended Jon Levenson, Sinai & Zion: An Entry into the Jewish Bible (HarperSanFrancisco, 1985) David Baker & Bill Arnold, eds., The Face of Old Testament Studies (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1999) Brevard S. Childs, OT Theology in a Canonical Context (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985)
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