NT 520 New Testament Introduction
Bart B. Bruehler
1. A Bible in translation with Old and New Testaments. The NRSV recommended, and the NIV is acceptable, but please avoid paraphrases like The Message. A Bible containing the Apocrypha may also be helpful. 2. deSilva, David A. An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods and Ministry Formation. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVars Press, 2004. 3. Treier, Daniel J. Introducing Theological Interpretation: Recovering an Ancient Christian Practice. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008. 4. Bauer, David R. An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry. Annotated Guides 16. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2003. Note: Use this book as an aid in finding the best NT interpretation resources (bible dictionaries, Greek grammars, lexicons, concordanc etc.).
NT 615 Exegesis of the Gospel of Luke
Bart B. Bruehler
Erickson, Richard J. A Beginner’s Guide to New Testament Exegesis. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2005. Wallace, Daniel B. The Basics of New Testament Syntax. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000.
CH 665 Seminar On Atonement
Thomas N. Buchan
Roy A. Harrisville, Fracture: The Cross as Irreconciliable in the Language and Thought of the Biblical Writers (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006) ISBN: 0-8028-3308-X Melito of Sardis, On Pascha, tr. Alistair Stewart-Sykes (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2001) ISBN: 0-88141-217-1 Athanasius of Alexandria, On the Incarnation, tr. A Religious of CSMV (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1993) ISBN: 0-912836-40-0 [FREE ONLINE OPTIONS AVAILABLE] Anselm of Canterbury, The Major Works, ed. Brian Davies and G. R. Evans (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998) ISBN: 0-19-282525-9 [FREE ONLINE OPTIONS AVAILABLE] Peter Schmiechen, Saving Power: Theories of the Atonement and Forms of the Church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005) ISBN: 0-8028-2985-6 Hans Boersma, Violence, Hospitality and the Cross: Reappropriating the Atonement Tradition (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004) ISBN: 0-8010-3133-8 Mark D. Baker, ed., Proclaiming the Scandal of the Cross: Contemporary Images of the Atonement (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006) ISBN: 0-8010-2742-X
DO 501 Basic Christian Doctrine
Thomas N. Buchan
T. Oden, The Living God, Systematic Theology: Volume One. (ISBN: 1598560379 / ISBN-13: 9781598560374) T. Oden, The Word Of Life, Systematic Theology: Volume Two. (ISBN: 9781598560 / ISBN-13: 9781598560381) T. Oden, Life In The Spirit, Systematic Theology: Volume Three. (ISBN: 1598560395 / ISBN-13: 9781598560398)
DO 665 Seminar On Atonement
Thomas N. Buchan
Roy A. Harrisville, Fracture: The Cross as Irreconciliable in the Language and Thought of the Biblical Writers (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006) ISBN: 0-8028-3308-X Melito of Sardis, On Pascha, tr. Alistair Stewart-Sykes (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2001) ISBN: 0-88141-217-1 Athanasius of Alexandria, On the Incarnation, tr. A Religious of CSMV (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1993) ISBN: 0-912836-40-0 [FREE ONLINE OPTIONS AVAILABLE] Anselm of Canterbury, The Major Works, ed. Brian Davies and G. R. Evans (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998) ISBN: 0-19-282525-9 [FREE ONLINE OPTIONS AVAILABLE] Peter Schmiechen, Saving Power: Theories of the Atonement and Forms of the Church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005) ISBN: 0-8028-2985-6 Hans Boersma, Violence, Hospitality and the Cross: Reappropriating the Atonement Tradition (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004) ISBN: 0-8010-3133-8 Mark D. Baker, ed., Proclaiming the Scandal of the Cross: Contemporary Images of the Atonement (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006) ISBN: 0-8010-2742-X
BS 400 Bible Survey
Holly J. Carey
1. HarperCollins Study Bible (NRSV), Harper San Francisco, 1993 (Hard: ISBN 0060655801) or 1997 (Soft: ISBN 0060655275). 2. HarperCollins Concise Atlas of the Bible, edited by James B. Pritchard, 1997 (ISBN 0062514997).
OT 520 Old Testament Introduction
John A. Cook
Coogan, Michael David [= COT] 2006 The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures. New York: Oxford University Press. Coogan, Michael D., ed. [= COH] 1998 The Oxford History of the Biblical World. New York: Oxford University Press.
OT 632 Exegesis of Ezekiel
John A. Cook
Hebrew Bible and lexicon required (as in 1. OT 501) Required commentaries (accessible or purchased) ONE of the following: Allen (1990 and 1994) (see bibliography below) Block (1997) 2 vols. (see bibliography below) Greenberg (1983 and 1997) (see biblography below)
OT 714 Minor Prophets
John A. Cook
J. Stevenson & W. H. C. Frend, ed., A New Eusebius: Documents Illustrating the History of the Church to AD 337, SPCK, 1987 J. Stevenson & W. H. C. Frend, ed., Creeds , Councils and Controversies: Documents illustrating the History of the Church AD 337-461, SPCK, 1989 History of Christian thought: Stuart G. Hall, Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church, SPCK, 1991 and Eerdmans, 1992
OT 501 Survey of Biblical Hebrew
Paul M. Cook
Arnold, Bill T. and John H. Choi. A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. [Guide, Arnold & Choi] Elliger, K., and W. Rudolph. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1967-77. [BHS] Holladay, William L. A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1971. [Holladay] Scott, William R. A Simplified Guide to BHS. 4th ed. Berkley, Calif.: BIBAL, 2007. [Scott] Seow, C. L. A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. Rev. ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 1995. [Seow]
DO 501 Basic Christian Doctrine
Allan Coppedge
Thomas Oden, The Living God. ________, The Word Of Life. ________, Life In The Spirit. John Oswalt, Call To Be Holy. Mildred Wynkoop, Foundations of Wesleyan-Arminian Theology. Allan Coppedge, The God Who is Triune Allan Coppedge, “Relational Life” (in mss. form)
DO 690 John Wesley's Theology for Today
Allan Coppedge
John Wesley, Wesley's Fifty-two Standard Sermons, ed. N. Burwash. (Other editions are acceptable) ___________, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. Kenneth Collins, The Theology of John Wesley. Harold Lindstrom, Wesley and Sanctification. Kenneth Collins, John Wesley, A Theological Journey.
MM 601 Title: Parish: Inside the Walls
Mike Currans
Bill Hybles Courageous Leadership Jim Collins Good To Great Mentored Ministry Handbook: MM 601/602 purchased from the professor for $5, or downloaded from the ATS website
IS 501 Christian Formation: Kingdom, Church and World
Robert A. Danielson
Carroll R., M. Daniel 2008 Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible. Baker Academic Press. Hauerwas, Stanley and William H. Willimon 1989 Resident Aliens. Abingdon Press. Jenkins, Philip 2007 The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. Oxford University Press. Snyder, Howard 2001 Models of the Kingdom. Wipf & Stock. Snyder, Howard 2001 Kingdom, Church, and World: Biblical Themes for Today. Wipf & Stock. (Originally published as A Kingdom Manifesto, 1985, InterVarsity Press.) Wakabayashi, Allen Mitsuo 2003 Kingdom Come: How Jesus Wants to Change the World. InterVarsity Press
MS 645 Cross Cultural Communication of the Gospel
Robert A. Danielson
Donovan, Vincent 2003 Christianity Rediscovered. Orbis Press. Elmer, Duane 1994 Cross-Cultural Conflict. InterVarsity Press. Jandt, Fred E. 2007 An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Community. Fifth edition. Sage Publications, Inc. Lingenfelter, Judith and Sherwood 2003 Teaching Cross-Culturally. Baker Academic. Richardson, Don 2007 Peace Child. YWAM Pub.
CO 740 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Janet B. Dean
•· Dobson, Keith, S.(ed.). (2001). Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies. (2nd. ed.). New York: Guilford Press. (446 pages). ISBN 57230-863-X •· Leahy, Robert, L. (2003). Cognitive-behavioral Techniques. New York: Guilford Press. (358 pages) ISBN 57230-905-9 •· Course lecture outlines, available on ATS Virtual Campus
CO 740 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Janet B. Dean
· Dobson, Keith, S.(ed.). (2001). Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies. (2nd. ed.). New York: Guilford Press. (446 pages). ISBN 57230-863-X · Leahy, Robert, L. (2003). Cognitive-behavioral Techniques. New York: Guilford Press. (358 pages) ISBN 57230-905-9 · Course lecture outlines, available on ATS Virtual Campus
IS 502 Christian Formation: Vocation of Ministry
Burrell D. Dinkins
Drury, Keith. (2004) Holiness for Ordinary People, Indianapolis, Indiana: Wesleyan Publishing House Gill, David W. (2000). Becoming Good: Building Moral Character Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press. Guinness, O. (1998). The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life,Waco,TX. Word. Rediger, G. Lloyd. (2003) Beyond the Scandals: A Guide to Healthy Sexuality for Clergy. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press Sire, James W. (2000). Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press. Stevens, R. Paul. (1999) The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective. Vancouver, British Columbia: Eerdmans/Regent
BS 503 Introduction to Inductive Bible Study
Joseph R. Dongell
1. English Bible: (NRSV) 2. Bibliography: Bauer, David R. An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2003. 1-56563-723-2 3. Dictionary: Green, Joel B., Scot McKnight, and I. Howard Marshall, eds. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 1992. 0-8308-1777-8 4. Commentary: Edwards, James R. The Gospel According to Mark. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002. 0-8028-3734-4
CS 601 Christian Ethics
Brian G. Edgar
Boulton, Wayne G., Thomas D.Kennedy, and Allen Verhey, eds., From Christ to the World: Introductory Readings in Christian Ethics (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994). Dayton, Donald W., Discovering an Evangelical Heritage (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1988). Hollinger, Dennis, Choosing the Good: Christian Ethics in a Complex World (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002). Miles, Rebekah L., The Pastor as Moral Guide (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999). In addition to these texts students will be required to access various electronic resources. Further information will be provided on this later. (A packet of readings has previously been required for CS601 and may still be required for students taking this class with other instructors, however, it will not be required in this class).
CS 630 Public Theology: Engaging the World
Brian G. Edgar
2004) 460 pages Sider, Ronald J, and Diane Knippers (eds), Toward an Evangelical Public Policy: political strategies for the health of the nation, (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005) 370 pages Hunsberger, George R. and Craig van Gelder (eds), The Church Between Gospel and Culture: the emerging mission in North America, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 350 pages Holmes, S. (ed), Public Theology in Cultural Engagement (Paternoster, 2008) 195 pages.
IS 501 Christian Formation: Kingdom, Church and World
Brian G. Edgar
John Wesley, A Plain Account of the People Called Methodist, also currently available at http://www.godrules.net/library/wesley/274wesley_h6.htm John Wesley, An Earnest Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion also currently available at http://www.godrules.net/library/wesley /274wesley_h2.htm John Wesley, A Farther Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion also currently available at http://www.godrules.net/library/wesley /274wesley_h3.htm . John Wesley, Thoughts on Methodism John Wesley, The Character of the Methodist also currently available at http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umhistory/wesley/character/ John Wesley, The General Spread of the Gospel (Sermon 63) also currently available at http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umhistory/wesley /sermons/63/
DO 501 Basic Christian Doctrine
Chris Fisher
The Bible (NRSV, NIV, or TNIV) The Mosaic of Christian Belief: Twenty Centuries of Unity & Diversity, by Roger E. Olson (Intervarsity, 2000). ISBN: 0830826955. Christian Theology: An Introduction, 4th Edition, by Alister E. McGrath (Blackwell, 2005), ISBN: 1405153601. The Christian Theology Reader, 3rd Edition, ed. Alister E. McGrath (Blackwell, 2005), ISBN: 140515358. The Way to Heaven: The Gospel according to John Wesley, by Steve Harper (Zondervan, 2003). ISBN: 0310252601. Theology in the Context of World Christianity, by Timothy C. Tennant (Zondervan: 2007), ISBN: 0310275113.
CO 730 Advanced Issues in Cross-Cultural Counseling
Anne Gatobu
1. Pedersen, Paul et al. Counseling Across Cultures. California: Sage Publications, 2001 2. Sue and Sue, Counseling the Culturally Diverse New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002. 3. Mucherera, Tapiwa N. Pastoral Care From a Third World Perspective: A Pastoral Theology of Care from an Urban Contemporary Shona in Zimbabwe New York: Peter Lang, 2001
PC 510 The Servant as Pastoral Care Giver
Anne Gatobu
1. Haugh, Kenneth C. Christian Caregiving: A Way of Life. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1984. 2. Headley Anthony, Reframing Your Ministry: Balancing Professional Responsibilities & Personal Needs, Indiana; evangel Publishing House, 2007. 3. Kollar, Charles Allen: Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1997 4. Kuenning, Delores. Helping People Through Grief. Minneapolis, Bethany House Publishers. 5. Nichols, Michael P. The Lost Art of Listening: New York, Guilford Press, 1995. 6. Seamands, S. A. (2005). Ministry in the Image of God: The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service. Downer’s Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. 7. Steinke, Peter. How Your Church Family Works: Undersatnding Congregation as Emotional Systems. Herndon, Virginia; The Alban Institute, 2006
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