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A. Regarding method and content, by the end of the course students will: 1. Distinguish between each of the major phases of inductive Scripture study: observation, interpretation, evaluation, application; 2. Analyze content and structure of a selected passage from the book of Mark, and locate that passage accurately in its immediate context as well as the larger, book context; 3. Apply a coherent set of interpretive questions to guide research aimed at discovering the meaning of a passage; 4. Answer these questions based on evidence from within and beyond the text; 5. Situate a text’s teaching in the Bible’s larger treatment of the issues raised by that text, with a view toward determining how it might speak to times and cultures beyond its own; 6. Draw valid and practical lessons from Scripture thus studied; 7. Present an overview of the Gospel of Mark without recourse to the text or notes, identifying major passages and delineating major themes. B. Regarding attitude, I purpose that by the end of the course you will desire to: 1. Apply the inductive method to other biblical books; 2. Make the Gospel of Mark the object of life-long study; 3. Use the Gospel of Mark as a resource for preaching, teaching and living.

Publication Date

January 2002


Asbury Theological Seminary


NT511X, NT511, EXL, online, Thompson, Fall, 2002, IBS, Mark



NT 511 X The Gospel of Mark
