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Local Church Lay Committee Handbook
You and your congregation are invited to be a part of a cooperative adventure in pastoral field education with Asbury Theological Seminary. The seminary is committed to preparing men and women for effective ministries in the local church. Experience has shown that this is best done through an educational partnership between the local church and the seminary in which students have an opportunity to integrate theology with ministerial practice. This provides balance that is essential to a student’s understanding and preparation for ministry. Local churches become teaching-churches in this model. You provide context, ministry experiences and opportunities for personal, theological and professional reflection to the student intern ministering in your midst. The Pastor-Supervisor and the Lay Intern Committee have the leading roles in this process. The quality of your relationship with the student intern largely determines the effectiveness of this approach to contextual education, both in the church and in the on-campus reflection groups. This booklet is designed to provide guidance for the Local Church Lay Committee within your church. Near the beginning of the student’s internship and in consultation with the student, your pastor will select three to five persons which you feel would be committed and qualified to carry out the educational ministry described in these pages by meeting with the student at least once a month during the internship. We look forward to partnering with you and your church to shape the ministry of tomorrow for Jesus Christ. Expecting our Lord to bless you,
Publication Date
January 2004
Asbury Theological Seminary
Kentucky, Fall, Spring, Handbook