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Required Texts: ME 501 Selected Articles Packet (125 pp.). 1. The Faith Sharing Congregation, Swanson and Clement (107 pp.). 2. To Spread the Power, George Hunter, III (200 pp.). 3. Becoming a Contagious Christian, Hybels and Mittelberg (221 pp.). 4. Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church, Ron Crandall (160 pp.). 5. Can We Talk?, Robert Tuttle, Jr. (110 pp.). Collateral Texts: Read at least one of the following not previously read. 1. The Heart of Youth Ministry, Goddard and Acevedo (Bristol, 1989). 2. Tell It Well, J. T. Seamands, Beacon Hill, 1981. 3. How to Reach Secular People, George Hunter, III (Abingdon, 1992). 4. A Song of Ascents, E. Stanley Jones (Abingdon, 1979). 5. New Testament Evangelism, Michael Green, OMF Literature, 1979.
Publication Date
January 2001
Asbury Theological Seminary
Fall, Florida, Evangelism, MS610