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This course will be offered through mixed mode delivery—with use of ExL technology integrated into the instruction of the course, and with networking activities constituting a regular part of the course grade. Additionally, course materials as well as conferencing, web links, and a chat room will be available on-line through an icon (“PH 501- CG”) placed on each student’s desktop, using the Seminary’s FirstClass Client program. This means that every student will need access to the Seminary’s e-mail system; access is possible through use of computers available on the Wilmore or Orlando campus Media Center, through dialing into the system from a home computer, or via the World Wide Web (and thus through any computer, such as those available at public libraries). For assistance with all technical matters related to access to course materials, send your questions by e-mail to
Publication Date
January 2004
Asbury Theological Seminary
Kentucky, ST501, Spring