Dr. Howard Snyder oral history (Video)
Howard A. Snyder and Robert Alden Danielson
Archives video productions, 2023
Interview with Dr. Howard Snyder on Dr. Gilbert James (Video)
Howard A. Snyder and Robert Alden Danielson
Archives video productions, 2022
Interview with Dr. John Bernbaum and Dr. Mark Elliott (Video)
Mark R. Elliott and John A. Bernbaum
Archives video productions, 2021
Camp meeting music: Dr. Bill Goold playing an antique collapsible pump-organ (Video)
Bill Goold
Archives video productions, 2018
Camp meeting music: interview with Dr. Bill Goold (Video)
Bill Goold and Robert Alden Danielson
Archives video productions, 2018
Camp meeting preaching: interview with Dr. John N. Oswalt (Video)
John N. Oswalt and Robert Alden Danielson
Archives video productions, 2018
Camp meeting history and the Christian Holiness Association: Interview with Dr. Darius L. Salter (Video)
Darius L. Salter and Robert Alden Danielson
Archives video productions, 2018
Esther Shelhamer James / interviewed by Don Joy (Video)
Esther Shelhamer James and Donald M. Joy
Archives video productions, 2005
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