Volume 6, Issue 1 (2014)
Alan McMahan
Reaching the Nations Through Our Cities
Chris Clayman
Why Is There a Silent Exodus of English-speaking Adults from Western Canadian Chinese Churches?
Matthew Todd
Why Multiply Healthy Churches?
Charles Van Engen
The Ecclesiology of Training for Trainers: The Issue of Method and I Timothy 3:6
John Henry Serworwora
McGavran’s Family Heritage
Gary L. McIntosh
My Pilgrimage In Church Growth
Ray Ellis
Book Reviews
Book Review: Replant: How a Dying Church Can Grow Again by Mark Devine and Darrin Patrick
Garrett R. Eaglin
Book Review: The Coffee Shop That Changed a Church: Discovering the Net Effect by Steve Parr
Peter Varosky
About the Great Commission Research Network
About the Great Commission Research Network
Alan McMahan

- General Editor
- Alan McMahan
- Editorial Board
- Mike Morris
- Gary McIntosh