Great Commission Research Journal | Vol 11 | Iss 2

Volume 11, Issue 2 (2020) Church Music's Influence on Church Growth

Editor's Note

The theme of this issue is “Church Music’s Influence on Church Growth.” Four of the articles deal with this issue.

Michael Sharp and Ed Steele discuss the growth of Christianity in Cuba and the part played in that growth by music. Winfield Bevins examines the American movement in which new churches utilize liturgical music, and he lists reasons that this music could be utilized to reach young adults. Elsen Portugal evaluates theologically the “musical worship moment” that is popular in Brazilian worship. Trevor Yoakum explains how indigenous music is being used in Africa for both evangelism and discipleship.

Billy McMahan utilizes his recent research to discuss how to reach Generation Z. Jim Roden refers to the receptivity principle and how it has been utilized at his church to reach particularly receptive groups, especially people with cognitive and emotional disabilities. Joshua Sorrows explains the biblical basis and applicability of micro-church planting.

Finally, Gary McIntosh provides that last chapter of his definitive biography of Donald McGavran: Donald A. McGavran: A Biography of the Twentieth Century’s Premier Missiologist (Church Leader Insights, 2015).

Three interesting book reviews are included in this issue. Thanks go to H. L. “Scooter” Ward, Sanejo Leonard, and Jim Roden for their submissions. I am also thankful for Alan McMahan, our book review editor for helping with these and other reviews. The other members of our staff—David Dunaetz, Kelton Hinton, and Moses Audi—have also been wonderful helpers.

This issue will be my last as general editor. I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. My career path is changing, however, and I will not have the time needed in the future to handle the general editing job. Our associate editor, David Dunaetz, will become the general editor. He is well equipped for the job, and I have full confidence in him.

I look forward to seeing many of our readers at future annual meetings of the GCRN. The meeting in Orlando went very well this spring, and I look forward to what God has in store for our organization in the future.

Mike Morris, Editor


Book Reviews


General Editor
Mike Morris
Associate Editor
David R. Dunaetz
North American Editor
Kelton Hinton
International Editor
Moses Audi
Book Review Editor
Alan McMahan