Illustrated History of Douglas Camp Meeting
Edward Davies
B. L. Fisher Library Camp Meeting Series; vol. 2
The Story of Indian Springs Holiness Camp, 1890-1965
Z. T. Johnson
When the writing of this book was begun, the author had every reason to believe that he would have access to many of the old records of the Indian Springs Camp Meeting Board of Trustees. The thought was to write a human interest story of the camp meeting but have it well authenticated by the documents kept by the officials.
You could imagine the dismay that came when it was discovered that most of the records had been burned in a fire in the home of Dr. J. M. Glenn, and that records for more than half of the life of the Camp were not available. A search began for old documents.
It was possible to read about twenty-two years of Minutes and to find a brief sketch annually in the Jackson newspaper. But it was impossible to get accurate documentary evidence except that found in this volume.