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These resources are useful for churches or for seminary or college/university classes who are equipping or learning to equip churches to be missional through outreach—both locally and internationally.
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Church, outreach, seminary, classes, Church outreach, Richard d. alba, victor nee, remaking the American mainstream: assimilation and contemporary immigration, Rebecca anne allahyari, visions of charity: volunteer workers and moral community, rufus Anderson, foreign missions: their relations and claims, arjun appadurai, modernity at large: cultural dimension of globalization, Benjamin barber, jihad vs. mcworld, david b. barrett, world Christian trends ad 30-2200: interpreting the annual Christian megacensus, david Beckman, debunking myths about foreign aid, Julia berger, religious Nongovernmental organizations: an exploratory analysis, peter berger, four faces of global culture, peter beyer, religion and globalization, amy black, of little faith: the politics of George w. bush’s faith-based programs, Robert blincoe, the strange structure of mission agencies, Part III: desired symbiosis: church and mission structures, International Journal of Foreign Missions 19, George Bush, President Bush, President, Washington, D.C., D.C., Globalism, Globalization, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Jewish, Muslims, Moslems, Muslim, Buddhists, Hinduism, Hindus, John Boli, Boli, John, George A. Thomas, Thomas, Constructing world culture: International Nongovernment Organizations since 1875, politics, Bosch, David, David Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm shifts in Theology of Mission, Elisabeth, Bumiller, Evangelicals sway Bush on Foreign Policy, Luis Bush, The Long and Short of Mission Terms, Mission Frontiers 22, short term missions, long term missions, Dale Buss, Taste: Houses of Worship, wall street journal, William carey, carey, William, an enquiry into the obligations of Christians to use means for the conversion of the Heathens, Leicester, k.k., Tony Carnes, The Bush Doctrine, Christianity Today, Christianiyt, Joel Carpenter, Carpenter, Wilbert Shenk, Earthen Vessels: American Evangelicals and Foreign Missions 1880-1980, Jose Casanova, Religion the new Millennium and Globalization, Pei-heng Chiang, Non-governmental Organizations at the United Nations: Identity, Role, and Function, Ram A. Cnaan, Stephanie C. Boddie, Philadelphia Census of Congregations and Their involvement in Social Service Delivery, Social Service Review, Wyndy Corbin, The Impact of the American Dream on Evangelical Ethics, Cross Current 55, Cross Current, Curti, Merle, Judith Green, Roderick Nash, Anatomy of Giving: Millionaires in the Late 19th century, American Quarterly 15, Corrie Cutrer, No Place Like Home, Today’s Christian Woman, Daniel Dennett, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, DiMaggio, Paul J., Walter W. Powell, The iron Cage revisited: institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields, American sociological review 48, David Dollar, dollar, globalization inequality and poverty since 1980, World Bank development research group, Ross Douthat, the Christian future, policy review 117, John drane, after McDonalization: mission ministry and Christian discipleship in an age of uncertainty, uncertainty, Julia Duin, evangelicals urged to vote and shape public policy, Washington Times 2004, Foster Rhea Dulles, Dulles, Foster, the American Red Cross: a history, Alfred E. Eckes, Thomas Zeiler, globalization and the American Century, Cambridge University press, Eileen Egan, Catholic relief services: the beginning years 1988, James Engel, William Dryrness, changing the mind of mission: where have we gone wrong?, Inter-varsity press, Samuel Escobar, the new global mission: the Gospel from everywhere to everywhere inter-varsity press, Bruce Evensen, Gods man for the Gilded age: D. L. Aoody and the rise of modern mass evangelism, Oxford University press, 2003, John Fairbank, introduction: the many faces of Protestant missions in China and the United States in the missionary enterprise in China and America, Glen Firebaugh, empirics of world income inequality, American Journal of sociology 104, Michael Foust, 86% of evangelicals say Bush has their vote, Baptist press news, 2004 Jonatho Fox, Sandler Shumel, bringing religion into international relations, Randy Frame, TBN, Christian television, Christianity today, Growth has bred criticism, IThomas Friedman, The world is flat” A brief history of the twenty-first century, Bryan Froehle, Mary Gautier, Global Catholicism: Portrait of a World-Church, Edwin scott gaustard, phillip barlow, new historical atlas of religion in America, Patrick Gilbo, The American Red Cross: The First Century, Giving USA Foundation, Giving USA 2006, American Association of Fundraising Counsel, Marlies Glasius, Mary Kaldor, Helmut Anheier, Global Civil Society 2002, Brian Goesling, Changing Income Inequalities within and between Nations: New Evidence, American sociological review 66, Fred Field Goodsell, You shall be my witnesses, American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Laurie Goodstein, More Religion but not the Old-time kind, Graham Bradley, Glenn Kessler, Rice Explains Aid Restructuring to USAID Employees, Washington Post 2006, Rice Explains Aid Restructuring to USAID Employees Washington Post 2006, John Green, John C Green, The American Religious Landscape and Political Attitudes: A Baseline for 2004, Pew forum for Religion and Public Life, Pew research, Evangelical Protestants and Civic Engagement: An Overview In a Public Faith: Evangelicals and Civic Engagement, Michael Cromartie, Leon Greene, A Guide to Short Term Missions: A Comprehensive Manual for Planning an Effective Mission Trip, Gabriel Publications, Darrell Guder, Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America, Bruce Jentleson, America Foreign Policy: The Dynamic of Choice in the 21st century, Todd Johnson, countdown to 1900: world evangelization at the end of the 19th century, center for the study of global Christianity, 2002, Demographic Futures of Christianity and the World Religions, A Journal of Theology 43, Douglas Johnston, Faith-Based Dimplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik, Introduction: Beyond Power Politics In Religion: The Missing Dimension of Statecraft, Douglas Johnston, Cynthia Sampson, Introduction: Beyond Power Politics In Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft, Douglas Johnston, Esther Kaplan, Follow the Money, The Nation 2004, The Nation, With God on Their side: How Christian Fundamentalists Trampled Science Policy and Democracy in George W. Bush’s White House, Dean Kelley, Why conservative churches are Growing: a study in sociology of Religion, Mercer University Press, David Kilpatrick, Club of the Most Powerful Gathers in Strictest Privacy New York Times, Robert Korzeniewicz, Timothy Patrick Moran, World-Economic Trends in the Distribution of Incomes, American Journal of Sociology 102, Matthew Kraatz, Edward J. Zajac, Exploring the Limits of the New Institutionalism: the Causes and consequences of Illegitimate Organizational Change, American Sociological Review 61, Nicholas Kristof, Bleeding Hearts of the World Unite, Where Faith Thrives New York Times, Where Faith Thrives, The Structure of scientific revolutions, Thomas Kuhn, university of Chicago press, Lester Kurtz, Kelly Goran, Love your enemies? Protestants and foreign policy in the united states In the quiet hand of God: Faith-based Activism and the Public Role of Mainline Protestants, Robert Wuthnow, John Evans, University of California Press, Episcopal, Anglican, Methodists, Lutheran, Reformed, George Lakoff, Nailing the Frames of the Republican National Convention, whose freedom? The battle over America’s Most Important Idea, Thomas Langham, Review of the Next Christendom, Sociology of Religion 65, John Errett Lankford, Protestant Stewardship and Benevolence 1900-1941: A study in Religion Philanthropy, philanthropy, Kenneth Scott Latourette, A History of the Expansion of Christianity, Missionaries Abroad, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Kim Lawton, Faith without borders: How the Developing World in Changing the Face of Christianity, Christianity today, Henry Smith Leiper, The Ghost of Caesar Walks: The conflict of Nationalism and World Christianity, Christianity Today 41, Eileen Linder, Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches 1998, Abingdon Press, Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches 2005, Michael Lindsay, Elite Networks as social power: New Modes of Organization within American Evangelicalism, Sociology of Religion 67, Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite, the national prayer breakfast and the Christian mafia: religious publicity and secrecy in the corridors of power, William lobdell, pastor’s empire built on Acts of Faith and cash, TBN’S Promise: send money and see riches, Los Angeles Times, Dwight Longenecker, Christianity is Not on the Wane in the World, It’s Just Reshaping and Relocating, London, The Times, London Times, Alex MacLeod, A New Reformation is happening in Global Christianity, Presbyterian Record 128, Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man: studies in the ideology of Advanced Industrial Society, Paul Marshall, Religion and Global Affairs: Disregarding Religion: SAIS preview 18, William Martin, With God on their side: Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy In Religion returns to the public square: faith and policy in America, hugh heclo, Wilfred McClay, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, John Hopkins University, Martin Marty, The True Believers, Karl Marx, Fredrick Engels, The German Ideology, Tomoko, Masuzawa, The invention of World Religions, Charles Maxfield III, Charles A. Maxfield III, The Reflex Influence of Missions: The Domestic Operations of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 1810-1850, Dissertation, Dissertations, Union Theological Seminary, Dan P. McAdams, The Redemptive Self: Stories Americans Live By, Kathleen McCarthy, American Creed: Philanthropy and the Rise of Civil Society 1700-1865, Chris McConnell, Trinity: Praying and Paying. Broadcasting and Cable, Trinity Broadcasting, Christian Television, Hugh McCullum, Healing and Reconciliation Theme, Conference on World Mission and Evangelism News, John W. Meyer, John Boli-Bennett, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Convergence and Divergence in Development, Annual Review of Sociology, Basil miller, William Carey, The father of modern missions, Donald E. Miller, Testunao Yamamori, Global Pentecostalism: The New Face of Christian Social Engagement, Ben Mitchell, Why Southern Baptists Should not Support the ONE campaign Florida Baptist Witness, Cynthia D. Moe-Lobeda, Healing a Broken World: Globalization and God, Augsburg Fortress, Journey Between Worlds: Economic Globalization and Luther’s God Indwelling Creation, Word & World 21, Scott A. Moreau, Putting the Survey in Perspective, Mission Handbook, Dotsey Welliver, Minnette Northcutt, Billy Graham Center, Wheaton, Moody Bible, John MacArthur, Charles Clayton Morrison, The Missionary Conference, Christian Century, Viggo Mortensen, What is Happening to Global Christianity, Dialogue: A Journal of Theology 43, Bryant L Myers, Bryant Myers, Walking with the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development, David Nash, Reconnecting Religion with Social and Cultural History: Secularization’s Failure as a Master Narrative, Cultural and Social History 1, Stephen Neill, A History of Christian Missions, A History of Christian Missions, Leslie Newbigin, Foolishness to the Greeks, Bill Nichols, Barbara Slavin, Foreign Aid Hike Pushed, USA Today, Mark Noll, Review of Christian Encyclopedia: A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions in the Modern World, Church History 71, Pippa Norris, Ronald Inglehart, Sacred and secular: Religion and politics Worldwide, Cambridge, Ted Olsen, Pilot’s Evangelistic Efforts Freak Out Passengers Country, Christianity Today, Susan Page, Christian right’s Alliances Bend Political Spectrum, Gretchen Passantino, Barbara Walters to Interview Bush Advisor Karen Hughes, Answers in Action, Roger Peterson, Aeschliman Gordon, R. Wayne Sneed, Maximum Impact Short-term Mission: The God-Commanded Redemptive Development of Swift Temporary Non-Professional Missionaries, STEM Press, Clifton Jackson Philips, Protestant America and the Pagan World: The First Half-Century of the America Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 1810-1860, Daniel Philpott, The challenge of September 11 to Secularism in International Relations, World Politics 55, Alejandro Portes, Rumbaut Ruben, Immigrant America: a portrait, walter powell, paul dimaggio, the new institutionalism in organizational analysis, ben primer, protestants and American Business Methods, Robert D. Putnam, Bowling Alone: the collapse and revival of African Community, Simon & Schuster, Jean L. Pyle, Sex Maids and Exporting Processing: Risks and Reasons for Gendered Global Production Networks, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 15, Martin Ravallion, The Debate on Globalization povert and inequality: why measurement matters, world bank policy research working paper 3038, the mcdonaldization of society, George ritzer, Roland Robertson, Globalization Social Theory and Global Culture, Glocalization: Time-Space and homogeneity-heterogeneity in Global Modernities, Mike Featherstone, Scott Lash, Roland Robertson, Wade Clark Roof, Community and Commitment: Religious Plausibility in a Liberal Protestant Church, Michael Sandel, Democracy’s Discontent: American in Search of a Public Philosophy, Schossler, Eric Scholesser, Fast Food Nation, Glenn Schwartz, How Short-term missions can go wrong, International Journal of Foreign Missions 20, Theda Skocpol, Marshall Gantz, Munson Ziad, A Nation of Organizers: The InstitutionalOrigins of Civic Volunteerism in the United States, American Political Science Review 94, Brian Smith, More than Altruism: The Politics of Private Foreign Aid, Max L. Stackhouse, Don S. Browning, Peter J. Paris, God and Globalization volume 2, The Spirit and modern authorities, Diane Openchain, God and Globalization volume 3 Christ and the Dominions of Civilization, Philadelphia, Peter Paris, God and Globalization volume 1: Religion and the Powers of the common life, Paul Starr, Freedom’s Power: The True Force of Liberalism, Gene Teseele, Scholars Look at Religion in Society, witherspoon on the Web, George Thomas, John Meyer, The Expansion of the State, Annual Review of Sociology, Craig Thompson, Zeynep Arsel, The starbucks brandscape and consumer’s anticorporate experiences of Glocalization, Journal of Consumer Research, Scott Thumma, David Travis, Beyond Megachurch Myths: What we can learn from America’s largest churches, Lilia Tse, International Leaders Launch the Micah Challenge, Ecumenical Press, Martha Van Cise, Successful Mission Teams: A Guid for Volunteers, Kurt Van Beek, Robert Priest, Do Short-term mission change anyone, Christianity today, Peter waldman, Evangelicals Give U.S. Foreign Policy an Activist Tinge, Wall Street Journal, Steven Waldman, John Green, It wasn’t just (or even mostly) the religious right, Ken Walker, Agencies Announce Short-term Mission Standards, Immanuel Wallerstein, Geopolitics and Geoculture, Andrew Walls, Culture and Coherence in Christianity History, Evangelical Review of Theology, The Mission Movement in Christian History: studies in transmission of Faith, Andrew Walls, Andrew F. Walls, The American Dimension in the history of the missionary movement in earthen vessels: American evangelicals and foreign missions 1880-1980, joel a. carpenter, Wilbert r. shenk, world Christianity the missionary movement and the ugly American In world Order and Religion, Wade Clark Roof, Max Weber, The protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Alan Whaites, Pursuing Partnership: World Vision and the Ideology of Development - - a case study, Development in Practice 9, Alan Wisdom, Erik Nelson, Churches Repeating Past Mistakes on Human Rights – and Making New Ones, Faith & Freedom, bob woodward, Plan of Attack, Robert Wuthnow, Acts of Compassion: Caring for Others and Helping Ourselves, Beyond quiet influence? Possibilities for Protestant Mainline In quiet Hand of God: Faith-Based Activism and the Public Role of Mainline Protestantism, John Evans, Boundless Faith: The Global Outreach of American Churches, Contents: At home and abroad: the changing contours of American religion the global Christianity paradigm: from cultural connection to demographic distance four faces of globalization debating heterogeneity and inequality the evolution of transnational ties changing patterns of social organization the global role of congregations: bridging borders through direct engagement faith and foreign policy: does religious advocacy matter? The challenges ahead: good for America good for the world?, Learning to Care: Elementary Kindness in an Age of Indifference, Poor Richard’s Principle: Recovering the American Dream through the Moral Dimension of Work Business and Money, Saving America? Faith-Based Services and the Future of Civil Society, John h. Evans, John Evans, The Quiet Hand of God: Faith-Based Activism and the Public Role of Mainline Protestantism, Valerie Lewis, Religion and Altruistic U.S. Foreign Policy Goals: Evidence from a National Survey of Church Members, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 47, Steve Offutt, Transnational Religious Connections, Sociology of Religion 69, Daniel Yankelovich, Poll Positions, Foreign Affairs, Michael P. Young, Michael Young, Bearing Witness Against Sin: The Evangelical Birth of the American Social Movement, Confessional Protest: The religious Birth of U.S. national Social Movements, American Sociological Review