"A Fisher of Men and a Fisherman"

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This is a story of a fisherman who hurried in from his work to hear the Word of God having recently found salvation. The fisherman happens along another and by his fervor draws the other into a service and ultimately to salvation as he hears the Word preached. The story ends: "The words of the noble preacher that day fell on at least two hearts that were as prepared soil. The old fisherman, with glistening face, listened to the truth, and to him it was "meat and drink." The intelligent, refined man, to whom life had already brought so many good gifts, but who had never found the satisfying food for which his immortal nature craved, listened too, and he felt that the Saviour had said truly, "the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." ... He· resolved, "If that verse be true for me, henceforth-I will live, by the grace of God, as a man should live who has been washed ill the blood of Jesus Christ!" "



Publication Date

November 2011


men, salvation, fisher, fishermen


Late 19th century Methodist Episcopal tract, New Series, on issues of the day. Old URL: http://ecommons.asburyseminary.edu/xmlui/handle/10910/18292



A Fisher of Men and a Fisherman
