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Alternative Title
A Treatise Shewing the Causes by Which, the Cases Wherein, the Ends for Which God Leaves His Children to Distresse of Confidence
This is a detailed collection of works on Christian life by Thomas Goodwin, distributed in 1643.
Publication Date
October 2011
justification, love, light, vanity, Christ, Prayer, darkness
This book contains these works: Childe of Light Walking in Darknesse; A Childe of Darknesse Walking in Light; The Returne of Prayers; Tidings of Peace to be Spoken to Consciences Distressed; The Tryall of a Christians Growth in Mortification, or Purging Out Corruption, and Vivification, or Bringing Forth More Frait; The Vanity of Thoughts Discovered: With Their Danger and Cure; Aggravation of Sinne and Sinning Against Knowledge [and] Mercie; Christ Set Forth in His Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Sitting at God's Right Hand, Intercession as the Cause of Justification [and] Object of Justifying Faith; The Heart of Christ in Heaven Towards Sinners on Earth OR A Treatise Demonstrating the Gracious Disposition and Tender Affection of Christ in His Humane Nature Now in Glory, unto His Members Under All Sorts of Infirmities, Either of Sin or Misery; Old URL: http://ecommons.asburyseminary.edu/xmlui/handle/10910/18194