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"Reader, it may be that YOU HAVE COME to the waters. Happy being! Have you ever regretted coming to the waters? No, never. Your only regret is that you did not come before. Had you accepted the invitation earlier many willful practices would have been prevented, many evil companions would have been avoided, and you would have been spared many bitter reflections. Have you not been amply repaid for coming to the waters? Yes. You parted with sin, but you found holiness. You gave up the world, but you obtained Christ. You incurred, perhaps, the displeasure of relatives and friends, but you have enjoyed the presence and friendship of God. To come to Christ is to be blessed for time and for eternity. This you know. Rejoice then, yourself, and invite others to the waters which have afforded you so much refreshment and delight."
Revised Series;33
Publication Date
August 2011
salvation, waters, cleansing
Late 19th century Methodist Episcopal tract, Revised Series. Old URL: http://ecommons.asburyseminary.edu/xmlui/handle/10910/17336