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Alternative Title
The Most Holy Babe of Rome and Its Miracles, Il Santissimo Bambino
This pamphlet was written about a famous idol of modern Rome: a carved wooden doll "richly clothed and covered with jewels, meant to represent the infant Jesus" called "the most holy Babe." The Roman citizen who wrote this wants Americans to have a clear, full, and authentic statement of what is believed and done in Rome about this doll giving its history, an account of its worship, and of the miracles ascribed to it as found in a pamphlet published by the Franciscan keepers of the holy doll, in 1875, under this title; Notizie storiche della miracolosa immagine del Santo Bambino di Ara Coeli (Historical Notices of the Miraculous Image of the Holy Baby of Ara Coeli).
Publication Date
August 2011
Late 19th century Methodist Episcopal tracts on issues from theology to ethics. Old URL: