On race. Church leadership
Donna Covington, Kyle Ray, E. Dale Locke, Carolyn Moore, and Gregg Parris
Chapel services, 2020
On race. Church leadership (Video)
Donna Covington, Kyle Ray, E. Dale Locke, Carolyn Moore, and Gregg Parris
Chapel services, 2020
On race. Kingdom leadership
Donna Covington, Charles Savage, Jo Anne Lyon, Joseph Harris, and Steve Moore
Chapel services, 2020
On race. Kingdom leadership (Video)
Charles Savage, Jo Anne Lyon, Joseph Harris, Steve Moore, and Donna Covington
Chapel services, 2020
On race. Theology and race, pt. 1
Donna Covington, Craig S. Keener, Ruth Anne Reese, Bill T. Arnold, and Timothy C. Tennent
Faculty chapel services, 2020
On race. Theology and race, pt. 1 (Video)
Donna Covington, Craig S. Keener, Ruth Anne Reese, Bill T. Arnold, and Timothy C. Tennent
Faculty chapel services, 2020
On race. Theology and race, pt. 2
Donna Covington, Craig S. Keener, Ruth Anne Reese, Bill T. Arnold, and Timothy C. Tennent
Faculty chapel services, 2020
On race. Theology and race, pt. 2 (Video)
Donna Covington, Craig S. Keener, Ruth Anne Reese, Bill T. Arnold, and Timothy C. Tennent
Faculty chapel services, 2020
Opening ceremonies for the E. Stanley Jones School of Evangelism and World Mission
David L. McKenna
Ministers Conference, 1984
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