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Introduction: This bibliography cites books, articles, and other published works that study Christian strategies to advocacy and aid.

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Christianity, Theology, Poverty, Advocacy, Aid, Assistance, Christian advocacy and faith-based strategy, 2012 candidates asked to sign religious freedom:, national Catholic reporter, 48, Chadwick Alger, grass roots perspectives on global policies for development, Journal of peace research, evangelical voices for immigration reform grow, Christian Century 127, Adelle Banks, fighting for God in the right wing, time magazine, time 142, Laurence Barrett, Robert Bates, political and economic interactions and economic policy reform: evidence from eight countries, black well, Bruce Ellis Benson, Peter Goodwin Heltzel, evangelicals and Empire: Christian alternatives to the political status quo, Brazos press, Craig Smith, Landrum Rymer Bolling, private foreign aid: US philanthropy for relief and development, Erica Bornstein, Westview press, 1982, 2011, the spirit of development: Protestant NGOs morality and economics in Zimbabwe, Stanford University press, 2005, bread for the world, coalition of faith and other leaders announce circle of protection around programs for vulnerable people, Stephen Brint, Jean Reith Schroedel, evangelicals and democracy in America: religion and society, Russell Sage Foundation, 2009, Wesley S. Chiang, to what extent does Jesus’ teaching about the kingdom of God provide a helpful basis for Christian socio-political thinking today, evangelical quarterly, Christian alliance to fight trade exploitation, Christian Century 120, Gerard Clarke, Michael Jennings, development and civil society and faith-based organizations: bridging the sacred and the secular, Palgrave MacMillan, 2008, Michael Cromartie, a public faith: evangelicals and civic engagement, Rowman & Littlefield, Francis Davis, ideas institutions and poverty reduction in the European Union: questions for a theology of government, international Journal of public theology, religion in development: rewriting the secular script, severine Deneulin, Masooda Bano, Zed Books, B. Prince Devanandan, Mission is in and I are you enough you are Good Neighbor: social policy of the Methodist Mission northern in the 21st century, and Auckland University of technology, E. J. Dionne, Ming Hsu Chen, sacred places civic purposes: should government help faith-based charity, Brookings institution press Darren Dochuk, redeeming the time: conservative evangelical thought and social reform in central Canada, 1885, 1915, Bruce Michael Douville, Brian Fikkert, Steve Corbett, Justo L. Gonzalez, Virgilio Elizondo, Who is my neighbor: Christian faith and social action, Jo Marie Griesgraber, Lowell Ewert, Roland Hoksbergen, and the evangelical road: the attitudes of Anglican church newspapers in Canada West toward American slavery and related issues 1837-1865, Queens University 1998, a public faith: a balanced approach to social and political action, nave press publishing group, Christian citizenship and political advocacy in United States of America, Baptist quarterly, Baptist quarterly 38, Mark David Emmert, the question of face: US-based religious NGOs and international relief and development, thesis, local ownership global change: will civil society save the world, world vision, world vision 2002, when helping hurts: alleviating poverty without hurting the poor… And yourself, Moody publishers, Moody publishers 2009, who is my neighbor: Christian faith and social action, Abingdon press, forgive us our debts: the Third World's financial crisis, Christian Century 114, Christian Century, 1997, Daniel G. Groody, David P. Gushee, Charles Gutenson, Stanley Hauerwas, Jean Vanier, William Willimon, Jeffrey Haynes, Joseph Hough Jr., David Hulme, Michael Edwards, James Davison Hunter, Sandra Joireman, James Stanley Kabala, David Korten, Kumarian Press, Bruce Kuklick, Darryl Hart, Carol Lancaster, John Langlois, Robert Lupton, globalization spirituality and justice: navigating the path to peace, Peter Phan, Orbis books, the future of faith in American politics: the public witness of The Evangelical Ctr., Baylor University press, 2007, 2008, Christians and the common good: how faith intersects with public life, living gently in a violent world: the prophetic witness of weakness, IVP books, resident aliens: a provocative Christian assessment of culture and ministry for people who know that something is wrong, conflict or cooperation, religion and development: conflict or cooperation, Christian social ethics as advocacy, the Journal of religious ethics, states and donors: too close for comfort, to change the world: the irony tragedy in possibility of Christianity in the late modern world, tragedy, irony, donors, aliens, pussyfoot, church state and citizen: Christian approaches to political engagement, a Christian nation: church state relations in the early American Republic 1787 – 1846, Republic, early America, church and state, Constantine, getting to the 21st century, voluntary action in the global agenda, religious advocacy and American history, American history, evangelicals and US foreign policy, international studies Association, international studies Association annual meeting 2009, the Christian legislator: seeking to pursue social justice in a globalized world, evangelical review of theology, evangelical review of theology 27, government, parliamentarian, legislator, lawmakers, compassion justice in the Christian life: rethinking ministry to the poor, toxic charity: how churches and charities hurt those they help, 2011, Jeffrey Marishane, Lee Marsden, Katherine Marshall, Marisa Van Saanen, World Bank Publications, Richard Marsh, Marisa Van Saanen, Matlhole, Ezekiel, Mokwele Katiso, William McElvaney, Brian McLaren, Elisa Padilla, Ashley Bunting Seeber, Katha Miller-Winder, Ronald nash, John Perkins, John M. Perkins, Emily Rahe, Stephen Rock, David K. Ryden, prayer profit and power: US religious right and foreign-policy, review of African political economy, review of African political economy 18, for God's sake: the Christian right and US foreign-policy, millennium challenges for development and faith institutions, World Bank publications, development and faith: where mind heart and soul work together, the Christian witness in the context of poverty with national reference to the South African charismatic evangelicals, becoming a justice speaking congregation: responding to God's justice initiative., The justice project, the justice project 1st edition, Christian denominations and the nuclear issue, Christian denominations in the nuclear issue 1945-1985: a model of pressures and constraints, Vanderbilt University, missionaries of dignity: pastors for peace, editora politica, social justice in the Christian church, beyond charity: the call to Christian community development, pew forum on religion and public life lobbying for the faithful: religious advocacy groups in Washington, DC, Pew Research Ctr., Philippine Protestant and Catholic leaders plan continued activism, opposing oppression, Faith and foreign-policy: The Views and influence of U.S. Christians and Christian Organizations, continuum international publishing group, is the good book good enough: evangelical perspectives on public policy, Lexington books, Christopher Scheitle, Blake Charles Scott, Kylie Louise Sheppard, Ronald Sider, Ronald J. Sider, Diane Knippers, David R. Swartz, Gerrie Ter Haar, Lori Thomas, Lori M. Thomas, Scott Todd, Scott C. Todd, Miroslav Volf, John Howard Yoder, David Zietsma, Wendy Murray Zoba, beyond the congregations: Christian nonprofits in the United States, Pennsylvania State, Penn State, the crossroads of religion and development, Pentecostalism and sustainability: conflict or convergence, toward an Evangelical public policy: political strategies for the health of the nation, the scandal of evangelical politics: why are Christians missing the chance to really change the world, left behind: the evangelical left and the limits of evangelical politics, 1965-1988, religion and development: ways of transforming the world, faith-based organizations and legislative advocacy: a qualitative inquiry, Virginia Commonwealth University, fast living: how the church will and extreme poverty, compassion international, compassion international 2011, public faith: how followers of Christ should serve the common good, the Christian witness to the state, the Christian witness to the state 2nd edition, the politics of Jesus, the politics of Jesus second edition, imagining heaven and hell: religion and nationality national identity and US foreign relations 1930 – 1953, through bombs and bullets: aid and advocacy to persecuted Christians

Christian Advocacy and Faith-based Strategies
