Content Posted in 2012
Principle and practice: Karl Barth's scripture principle and his exegetical practice , Mark Ian McDowell
Principles for the development of appropriate church planting training modalities in Venezuela, Ernest Marvin Dyck
Principles for the effective use of audio-visual electronic media in teaching adults, Daniel W. DeHass
Principles of music in worship from Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16, Ann Flasschoen
Principles of reconciliation for the local church: the step beyond forgiveness, Cal Anthony Hultgren
Principles of Spiritual Survival, Lawson Stone
Principles to assist the introduction of change in congregational worship , Paul Borgman
Problem and approach to theology, Peter Stuhlmacher
Problems after sanctification, Walter Curry Mavis
Problems of epistemology in the integration of psychology and theology , Keith E. Johnson
Problems of middle and late Bronze Age chronology : toward a solution, Paul J. Ray
Problem solving with middle school students: a program evaluation, Deborah O'Bryan
Procedural capacity in marriage nullity cases: developments in the revised Code of canon law, William B. Schardt
Processions, belief, and national identity in London during the reign of Mary I/ Gary G. Gibbs., Gary G. Gibbs and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Processions, belief, and national identity in London during the reign of Mary I/ Gary G. Gibbs., Gary G. Gibbs and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Proclaiming "peace and good": a communidad eclesial de base program for Dios Con Nosotros Parish, Thomas J. King
Proclaiming truth through nonviolent dissent: working to close the U.S. Army School of the Americas, Kathleen Long
Proclaiming what we have seen and heard : the role of prayer in hermeneutics for homiletics, James Joseph Mindling
Proclamation and presence: the pastoral role of the preacher, Kathleen R. Matsushima
Proclamation by invitation: inviting postmodern hearers to transformation, John Edward Morgan
Productive Learning, David Baer
Productive pastors, John Ed Mathison
Professional development program, Andrew H. Hines
Programa de cuidado pastoral para el fortalecimiento espiritual y desarrollo de liderazgo en los hombres de la iglesia, Angel M. Colon-Mejias
Program design of an educational seminary for pastors and church leaders: a socio-structural model for domestic violence prevention, Karla Annette Torres
Program development, implementation and evaluation of "Armageddon and beyond : multimedia presentations", Mark A. Piland
Program evaluation: exploratory investigation of the problem of client attrition at Outreach Community Center, Jana Pressley
Program evaluation of the course "Discipleship for leadership" at Coppell Bible Fellowship, Barkef K. Osigian
Program evaluation of the course Discipleship For Leadership at Rock Creek Church, Galen L. Huck
Program evaluation of the leadership course Discipleship for Leadership at Burlingame Church, Portland, Oregon, Bradley Kenneth Little
Program for developing shepherds at the Metro Church of Christ, Ronald R. Clark
Program for helping Campus Crusade staff develop into more effective evangelists in pluralistic cultures, Michael W. Metzger
"Progress" among Western Virginia Baptists, 1830-1860/ Jana Mayfield., Jana Mayfield and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Lisle, Ill.)
"Progress" among Western Virginia Baptists, 1830-1860/ Jana Mayfield., Jana Mayfield and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Lisle, Ill.)
Progressive dispensationalism: a paradigm shift for dispensational theology with ministry relevance for dispensational churches in Kenya, Joseph Uvai Mutisya
Progress to perfection: dynamic perspectives on gender, marriage and virginity in the writings of St. Gregory of Nyssa, Eleni A. Monas
Prohibition against eating meat , Kendell H. Easley
Project Bridge of Honor: collaboration between the school, church and community to equip and empower youth for success in life, Timothy A. Williams
Promise and contradiction in an integrated congregation, Georgiana M. Kugle
Promise Mchenga Talking with Dr. Russell West, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Promise Mchenga Talking with Dr. Russell West - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Promise Mchenga Talking with Dr. Russell West - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Promise Mchenga Talking with Dr. Russell West - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Promise Mchenga Talking with Dr. Russell West - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Promise of the Holy Spirit, Paul Wesley Chilcote
Promoting short-term missions as a means of making long-term disciples at the Westfield Evangelical Free Church, David K. Young
Promoting the sacrament of penance through norms, catechesis and preaching, James M. DiPerri
Property, Jubilee, and redemption in ancient Israel, Mary Renae Carter
Prophecies and paradise: the Shamballa Ashrama, G. Randall Phillips
Prophecy in Genesis, Andrea Bishop
Prophetic ecstasy in Ezekiel, Bruce W. Barbour
Prophetic exposure of secret sin , Thomas R. Edgar
Prophetic fulfillment in Matthew 1-2, Eric Rowe
Prophetic symbolism, or purifying zeal?: an assessment of N.T. Wright's view of the temple incident in the ministry of Jesus, Chang Woo Lee
Prophetic Zion in Jesus' ministry, James Steven Brutocao
Prophets of the Judean restoration : the social roles and social locations of second Temple prophecy, Byron G. Curtis
Prophets on trial: judging 'words from God' today with the model found in 1 Corinthians 14:29-33, J. Garrett Kell
Proposed models for cross-cultural church planting in the United States of America, Clâaudio DaFonseca Divino
Pros and cons of borrowing, Mike Graham
Prosperity Gospel, Femi Adelye, Lausanne 2010 Capetown, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Prosperity Gospel Video, Femi Adelye, Lausanne, 2010 Capetown, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Protestant and public: Protestant periodicals and selected issues of American public life since the mid-1950s, Mark G. Toulouse and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Coral Gables, Florida)
Protestant and public: Protestant periodicals and selected issues of American public life since the mid-1950s, Mark G. Toulouse and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Coral Gables, Florida)
Proverbs and mentoring as resources for moral development in the campus ministry at West Virginia University, Karl J. McLarty
Proverbs in the Epistle of James, Bradley Michael Williams
Providence and prayer: an evaluation of Tiessen's proposal, Steve Lemke
Providence and predestination in the theology of Pierre Viret: a study of reformed doctrine, A. David Anders
Providing a process for spiritual growth and leadership development in men, David Martin Miracle
Providing LifeWay with an analysis of how well the FAITH Sunday school evangelism strategy works in a small church context, Danny Ray Decker
Providing new or plateaued Christians with some basic necessities for spiritual growth at Hope Community Church, Richard Lee Hines
Psalm 110 in New Testament Christology, Jeffrey de Waal Dryden
Psalm 131, Jerry Mercer
Psalm 16:9c-10ab, the Jewish tradition , Gordon E. Whitney
Psalm 22 and its use in the New Testament , Robert Lillo
Psalm 2 in the New Testament: a theological paradigm for the exposition of Scripture, Abraham Kuruvilla
Psalm 89 as a Midrash on the Davidic covenant, Scott P. Nassau
Psalm 95 and intertextuality, Bernard Maurer
Psalms 90-94 and the editing of the Psalter , David M. Howard
Psalms for the journey: a study using the Psalter to help the dying find peace, Thomas Madison Swift IV
Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs for the use of the people called Christians, Susan J. Hammond
Psychological assessment and consultation in service of the church: a collaborative case study using the Multi-method Church Assessment Process, Heidi L. Vermeer Quist
Psychological incapacity for marriage and the survivor of incest , Mary Elizabeth Butler
Psychological problems presented by the doctrine and experience of holiness, John L. Maes, National Holiness Association, and Paul Kindschi
Psychological theory and the communication aspect of Christian education, Jesse H. Ziegler
Psychologist-clergy collaboration: an evaluation of services offered by Catholic Social Services of Lincoln, Nebraska, J. Gregory Ryan
Psychology serving the Chinese church: development of the support group for Chinese Christian women, Donna Ho Lee
Psychosocial needs and resources of Korean children in Christian homes, Eunnie Ran Rhee
Publication of the acts: an historical and canonical analysis of Canon 1598, James Michael Maggart
Public juridic persons and statutes: the application of Canon 117 to parishes, Anna Marie McKendry Chamblee
Public reason vs. rhetoric: John Rawls and Aristotle, Luke Patrick O'Connell
Public relations and church growth, Donald D. Burgess
Public Theology and Poverty, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Public theology and scientific method , Hugh G. Gauch, John A. Bloom, and Robert C. Newman
Public values? Public virtues?: a critique of John Rawls' idea of public reason, Andrew Joseph Martin
Pulling the Plug, Andrew H. Hines
Pulpit rhetoric: the role of persuasion in preaching as examined in 1 Corinthians 1:17-2:5, Lucas O'Neill
Pulpit speech: a college-level course in verbal and nonverbal style for preaching, Dwayne Carl Morris
Pulp Jesus: reconsidering communication in the hyper-sensate culture of technology, Ernie J. Park
Pure and Blameless: The Real Test, Raymond Francis
Purifying the heart of sexual idolatry, John David Street
Purim: a time to mourn or a time to dance?, Ronald W. Pierce
Puritans divided: the conflicting definitions of sin and grace in English reformed theology, R. N (Ron N) Frost
Purpose-driven infinitives: can the accusative articular infinitives in Philippians 2:13 have the syntax of purpose, Jill Lynn Sedlacek
Purpose driven strategy to reach unchurched Harry, Lee Strobel
Pursuing purity in a pornographic culture, Jerry Kirk, Barbara Steffens, and Gary Salquist
Put Feet to Faith, Bryde McGreer
Putting God at risk: a critical analysis of John Sanders' The God who risks: a theology of providence, Ardel B. Caneday
Qinae: the wax and gold of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Jacob Madison Moore
Qohelet 12 : 1-8--Death: an impetuous for life, Barry C. Davis
Qoheleth's pedagogical structure : cynic, critic, or cre to his profession?, Earl L. Brown
Qohelet's attitude toward women in Eccl. 7:26 and 7:28b as it relates to his search for wisdom, May Liao Whisman
Qohelet's pedagogy: a model for inspired teaching?, Edward M. Curtis
Qualifications for ruling elders, John Riva Furman
Qualifications for sponsors for baptism and confirmation from the 1917 code of canon law to the present , Alexander J. Palmieri
Qualifications for the Lord's supper: historic Baptist practice, Donald R. Rouse
Qualitative and quantitative growth for a small plateaued/declining congregation , Kenneth R. Gibson
Qualities of Divine Love, Margaret Therkelsen
Quality caring ministry in Chinese churches: theory and practice = Hua ren jiao hui you zhi yu guan gu shi gong de li lun yu shi wu, Joe Che-Hau Fong
Quantum theology: Christianity and the new physics, William E. Brown
Question and answer session, Joel B. Green and Mathias Zahniser
Question and answer session with William F. Albright after his lecture, Archaeology and the Hebrew patriarchs, William Foxwell Albright
Questioning psychological distress in religiously mediated change, Jon S. Ebert
Questioning psychological distress in religiously mediated change, Jon S. Ebert
Questions cessationists should ask : a biblical examination of cessationism, Charles Edward Powell
Quite the week, Marilyn Iva Elliott
Race relations and New Testament identity in Churches of Christ 1900-1929, Matthew C. Cass
Racial and Ethnic Identity: Social Scientific and Biblical Perspectives in Dialogue, Ruth Anne Reese and Steven Ybarrola
Racial Reconciliation Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary
Racism and one minister's strategy of dealing with its reality in a small southern town, Brian Eugene Clark
Radical commitment, Anthony Campolo
Radical discipleship is formed in authentic community, Michael Slaughter
Radicals for righteousness: an examination of the Black Panther Party as a model for ministry, Calvin Danny Johnson
Raging Love, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Raging Love - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Raging Love - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Raging Love - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Raging Love - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Raging Love - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Raising faith-full children: a handbook for parents of early adolescents, Donald J. Hoekstra
Rajamani Thangam and Ebi Peter in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rajamani Thangam and Ebi Peter in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ralph Beeson ceremony, David L. McKenna
Rationale for the distinctiveness of the new covenant work of the Holy Spirit, Bruce A. Ware
Rationalistic presuppositionalism : an exposition and analysis of Carl F.H. Henry's apologetics, Richard M. Wade
R.A. Torrey-- defender of the faith/ Roger Martin., Roger Martin
Raunch and Roll: How Can You Tell the Difference?, Ken Abraham
Ray Strachey ARC1983 -010 - Finding Aid, Ray Strachey
Reaching and assimilating seekers through the implementation of an evangelistic strategic plan at Second Street Community Church, Thayne Alan Thompson
Reaching Hindus with the Gospel through the medium of the World Wide Web: "Karma to Grace", Paul Stewart Reid
Reaching internationals without leaving town: mobilizing local congregations to show biblical hospitality to the resident aliens in their midst, Gary Wallace Buffington
Reaching Muslims in America with the gospel, Paul T. Martindale
Reaching out: a strategy for increasing command religious program participation within Marine Forces Pacific, Alan Nichols Keiran
Reaching secular people, George G. Hunter III
Reaching Secular People, part B, George G. Hunter III
Reaching Secular People, part C, George G. Hunter III
Reaching Secular People, part D, George G. Hunter III
Reaching Secular Peoples: A Review of the Books of George G. Hunter, III, Gary L. McIntosh
Reaching the fruitful years : long term ministry relationships in the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, Robert Knowles
Reaching the heart of the city the street-smart way : strategic principles for urban ministry, Dan Sandoval
Reaching the next generations in North American Chinese churches, Kenneth P. Carlson
Reactive attachment disorder: helping adoptive parents think biblically about attachment, Kevin Hollinger
Reading and Mis-Reading Matthew, Mark Allen Powell
Readings from the Desert Day Chapel, Jerry Mercer and J. Steven O'Malley
Reading the landscapes of their lives: an exploration of and resource for the spirituality of women teachers in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand, Elizabeth Mary Julian
Readmission to the clerical state after voluntary laicization, Michael Thomas Martine
Readmission to the clerical state after voluntary laicization, Michael Thomas Martine
Ready, Willing, and Able, Brian Matherlee
Reality, religion and the Marxist retreat , Michael Bauman
Real presence: a confession of the Lord's Supper : the origin and development of the term in the 16th century, Ursula Biemann
Reaping the harvest for Christ in Australia, Steven Kendall Schoof
Rearranging the furniture or renovating the house, John David Walt
Reason and imagination: G.K. Chesterton's case for Christianity, Martin Cothran
Reason, rhetoric, and authorities: the ratio of Erasmus' New Testament translation method and hermeneutic as seen in his Annotations on Romans 5, Joi S. Christians
Reassessing and reconfirming the major arguments for a pretribulation rapture , James A. Borland
Rebooting the mission: back to the future, Gary Gonzales
Rebuilding the Pulpit (November 10, 2009), Timothy C. Tennent
Rebuilding the Pulpit (November 17, 2009), Timothy C. Tennent
Recalibrating Compass Ministries: an evaluation and strategic plan for the core classes of the Foothills Bible Institute of Foothills Bible Church Littleton, Colorado, Donald R. McReavy
Recapturing the spirit and soul of community through art as a means of creating sacred space, C. Siddha Webber
Receiver, bearer, and giver of God's Spirit: Jesus' life and mission in the Spirit as a ground for understanding christology, Trinity, and proclamation, Leopoldo Antonio Sanchez Merino
Receiving Christ better: the eucharistic theology of Robert Bruce, Jeffrey T. Hamling
Recent creationism: why scientists say no!, John A. Bloom
Recent criticsms of D. T. Suzuki, Michael Anderson
Recent developments in Syrian archaelogy and their implications for biblical studies , Mark W (Mark William) Chavalas
Recent discoveries at biblical Dan , Keith N. Schoville
Recent jurisprudence and the future of 'öböoönöuöm öpöröoölöiös', Margaret Ellen Romano
Recipe for enhancing holiness: counseling implications for today's women from the minor prophets, Deborah Hope Ross
Reciting the book of James, Rhoda Brumfield
Reclaiming and cultivating the Christian contemplative tradition, Phileena Heuertz
Reclaiming our identity as partners: a foundation for the future in Kentuck Presbyterian church, Oscar Neil McCarter
Reclaiming the Biblical story, Brian Matherlee
Reclaiming the broken home : assimilating the divorced into the church, Glenn A. Griffis
Recognition and reciprocity: a critical analysis of personhood in G.W.F. Hegel's Philosophy of right, Henry Raymond Maklakiewicz
Recognizing Jesus, Robert Solomon
Reconciliation and the Catholic Church in China, Xinghao John Zhang
Reconciliation and the ministry of accompaniment, Yoko Kokubun
Reconciliation as social mission to immigrants, Harold Hyunchung Shin
Reconciliation discussion, William H. Myers
Reconciliation in a revolutionary situation: towards a model of pastoral care in a "post revolutionary" South Africa, Alan F. Kimber
Reconciliation not required, Laura Louise Hamman
Reconciliation through storytelling: deconstructing and reconstructing houses for intercultural intimacy, Robert James Price
Reconciling our tresspasses, Virginia Todd Holeman
Reconciling the generation gap between parents and their adolescent children in a Taiwanese church context, Biak Hlei Mang
Reconciling within a changing church: how do we move forward?, Jeanne Lassandrello
Reconfigured Torah and the liberation of Israel, Maxie D. Dunnam
Re-constructing biblical worship for postmodern times, Jeffry B. Iskra
Recovering a transformative perspective in theological education: portraits in the history of education, Steven T. Elich
Recovering full and conscious worship among the youth at First Baptist Church, Sanford, North Carolina, Sharon Howell Updyke
Recovering God in the age of therapy , Gary Shogren
Recovering ministry to the divorced women at Sarang Church, Sung Ja Song Karry
Recovering one of the lost tools of Christian spirituality: praying the Psalms, Richard G. Cain
Recovering recovery : toward a new missional understanding in the local church, M. David Calhoun
Recovering the catechumenate: implications for Presbyterians, Thomas G. Nelson
Recovering the feminine voice: the language of virginity in Methodius of Olympus, Ambrose of Milan, and Hildegard of Bingen, Amy Kathleen Brown
Recovering the function of deacons in Rutherfordton Presbyterian Church, Donald G. Scofield Jr.
Recovering the historic view of Baptist origins: the seventeenth-century Baptists' theological identity interpreted through a progressive illumination paradigm, Brenton Hunter Cook
Recovering the historic view of Baptist origins: the Seventeenth-Century Baptists' theological identity interpreted through a progressive illumination paradigm, Brenton Hunter Cook
Recovering the practice of the spiritual disciplines at Bethany Lutheran Church, Long Beach, CA, Carol R. S. McDaniel
Recovering the role of the congregation in Sunday worship: a curriculum for adult members of Central Baptist Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Richard T. Hunt
Recovering the sacred way: cultivating wholeness through storytelling among survivors of organized violence, Anton DeWest
Recovery as sanctification: helping addicted men become holy men, Charles Schumacher
Recovery of covenant, Henry H. Bradshaw
Recruiting a new generation of missionaries: doing missions with older millennials in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Richard Alan Noble
Recursiveness and congruence: preaching as worldview formation, C. Richard Wells
Redaction criticism and historicity : the travel narrative in Luke as a test case, Myron C. Kauk
Red Door Partially Opened, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Redeeming The Now, Fred Long
Redeeming the time: diachrony and synchrony in biblical hermeneutics, Jesse Greendyk
Redefining identity and vision as a strategy for renewing energy for mission in a context characterized by change, diversity and ambiguity, W. Thomas Holmes
Redemption and Lordship as motivations for worship : a study of Hebrews 13:7-17, Dennis Stoutenburg
Redemption in Suffering, Jeannine Brabon
Redemption in the reels of cinema, Adam Christopher Kipp
Redemptive power: a theological framework for using social power, Peter R. Howard
Red Flower, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Red Flower - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Red Flower - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Red Flower - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rediscovering a holistic approach to Orthodox pastoral care in youth ministry in the urban arena, Nicholas George Louh
Rediscovering connectionalism: the church as a mediated fellowship, Gregory A. Goodwiller
Rediscovering grace: a turning point for First Presbyterian Church, T. Mark Verdery
Rediscovering meaningful worship in the local church, William P. Boyd
Rediscovering old paths: a study of the impact of traditional formative practices on contemporary Brethren in Christ spiritual formation, Charles Edward Burkett
Rediscovering our Reformation heritage : the pastoral theology of John Calvin, Marcus J. Serven
Rediscovering theology in the local congregation: key questions discussed in a trinitarian framework, Thomas L. Jenkins
Re-engaging the church in mission through coaching, Phil Newell
Reengineering of the national organization of the General Association of General Baptists , John L. Comer
Reevaluating the authorship of Ecclesiastes, Eric Earle Engleman
Reexamining the introduction of Proverbs , John E. Johnson
References to St. Augustine in the Works of John Wesley, John C. English
Reflections from Plato's cave : musings on the history of philosophy, Donald T. Williams
Reflections of God: the Christian life as imitation of God's character : a Bible study curriculum, Jeremy D. Gott
Reflections on American congregations: the congregational history project, James W. Lewis; American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.); and Congregational history project.
Reflections on American congregations: the congregational history project, James W. Lewis; Congregational history project.; and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)
Reflections on Harare 1998: whither the World Council of Churches?, Donna F G Hailson
Reflections on Sabbatical, Steve Moore
Reflections on the devout reading of Holy Scripture , Raymond C. Ortlund
Reflections on the spiritual intimacy of the pastor using the beloved disciple as a model: interviews with ministers, Jeffrey C. Garner
Reflections on Wayne Grudem's ETS 1992 presentation, The New Testament gift of prophecy : a response to my friends , R. Fowler White
Reflective Teaching in the Context of Community, Ruth Anne Reese
Refocusing, for revitalization, and renewal: the road to being harvest-minded, Joseph L. Cusack
Reforming Foreign Aid, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Reforming ministry to youth in the postmodern context: archetypes, reactions, and solutions from a biblical-covenantal perspective, Greg Schneeberger
Reforming ontology and logic in the light of the Trinity : an application of Van Til's idea of analogy, Vern S. Poythress
Reforming the pastorate: Richard Baxter as a biblical and historical model for contemporary ministry, Robert E. Davis
Reform or restoration: a theological enquiry into William Laud's liturgical programme in early Stuart England, Greg Alan Cowley
"Refreshed in the company of my brethren": the campus religious establishment and student agency at the College of New Jersey, Daniel Edward Sack; American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois); and NJ) Philadelphian Society College of New Jersey (Princeton
"Refreshed in the company of my brethren": the campus religious establishment and student agency at the College of New Jersey, Daniel Edward Sack; NJ) Philadelphian Society College of New Jersey (Princeton; and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)
Refreshing an ethnic church's understanding of growth by preaching, Ioan Crisan
Regaining regional influence through the creation and communication of a strategic and long-range plan for a plateaued county seat first Baptist church, Timothy Edward Watson
Regeneration in light of historical and biblical evidence, James Richard Olivas
Rehabilitating good works: the meaning of "ergon", Kent L. Yinger
Reign delay: preaching sermons to strengthen faith for people who fear death and dying, Robert A. Sullivan
Re-imagining catechesis: an approach to intergenerational cooperative learning in sacrament preparation, J. David McNamara
Reintegrating Black male ex-inmates into community, family, and the church through ministry, Leroy Dumas
Rejection and center, mission at edges, Timothy C. Tennent
ReJesus, Alan Hirsch
Rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, James B. Van Hook
Rekindling the flame: a journey through pastoral depression, John F. Henry
Rekindling vision for doing biblical ministry in leaders of a declining congregation through application of the major New Testament metaphors for the church, Freddy Vander Campbell
Relating Wesley's explicit and implicit ecclesiology to capital issues in the Methodist church in Latin America, Jose Miquez Bonino
Relational aggression and the influence of self-esteem in middle school girls ages 12-14, Corinne L.K. Hirst
Relational evangelism among nominal Christians, Charles Stephen Townsend
Relational Leadership: A Study of Organizational Health and Clergy within the Wesleyan Church, Brian Voyght Bradford
Relational spirituality, Todd Hall
Relationship between the diocesan bishop and religious institutes of pontifical right in the exercise of the apostolate according to the 1983 code of canon law , Mariano Gonzalez Martin
Relationship issues: a curricular response, Vivian Poindexter-Bryant
Releasing A Staff Member the Right Way, Dan Reiland
Releasing a staff member the right way, Dan Reiland
Releasing God's people in a ministry of excellence through total quality ministry: a case study of Southern Acres Christian Church , Michael Dale Currans
Relevant and Effective Theological Education in the Twenty First Century India, Joshva Raja
Relevant Indigenous Disciple-Making in the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA): a Case Study of the Kaninkon People in Nigeria, Bauta D. Motty
Relevant preaching and contemporary worship, Mike Breaux
Religio-Cultural thought among African women in British Colonial North America/ by Lillian Ashcraft-Eason., Lillian Ashcraft-Eason and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
Religioius realism and non-realism in John Hick's pluralistic hypothesis: is Hick really safe from Feuerbach, Jonathan D. Parsons
Religion and Fishing (October 11, 2005), Jeffrey E. Greenway
Religion in the Decapolis: data from Abila, Willard W. Winter
Religious and Politics, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Religious art in Armenian theology, Daniel Kochakian
Religious commitment, coping effectiveness and psychological adjustment: a portrait of adolescent males responding to stress in the inner city, Katharine J. Meese
Religious conscientization and political socialization in modernizing Korean society, Young Hwan Cho
Religious education and curriculum for the mentally disabled adult in the local church: especially for churches with limited resources, Randall W. Rucker
Religious narratives: creating a democratic print culture, 1790-1825, Cathleen McDonnell Schultz and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)
Religious narratives: creating a democratic print culture, 1790-1825, Cathleen McDonnell Schultz and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)
Religious obedience in universal law and the proper law of the Swiss-American Benedictine Congregation, Patrick M. Cooney
Religious pluralism and conflicting conceptions of the divine : an examination of John Hick's proposal, Paul R. Eddy
Religious, psychological, and cultural factors in church worship, Jose Angel Rodriguez-Flores
Religious publishing and print on demand : a comparison of Warner Press with representative religious publishers between 1980--2005, Steven V. Williams
Religious Trends of Today, J. C. McPheeters
Religious vows: a comparison of the simple and solemn in the 1917 code with the public perpetual vow in the 1983 code, Audrey Straub
Remember, Eric Crisp
Remember, Emily Oliver
Remember, Edwin R. Wadsworth
Remembering Jesus Christ, George Bashore
Remembering Rus in Modern Russia: the Orthodox Church and its cultural mission before the revolution, John D. Strickland and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Remembering Rus in Modern Russia: the Orthodox Church and its cultural mission before the revolution, John D. Strickland and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Remember where you came from, Tammy Cessna
Remember Where You Came From, Bob Putnam
Remembrance of God in all things: a pastoral approach to work and prayer, Christopher J. Foley
Remove not the old landmarks, Mary Jane Newman
Remuneration and honest sustenance for clerics in twentieth-century canon law , Robert J. McCann
Remuneration, benefits, and privacy: canonical standards for lay employees in the Church, Mary E. Santi
Remuneration, benefits, and privacy: canonical standards for lay employees in the church, Mary E. Santi
Renegade or reformer?: Oswald J. Smith and the Christian and Missionary Alliance, 1921-1930, Kevin Fawcett
Renegotiating gender: religious order on the Western Reserve of Ohio, 1800-1830, Traci Hodgson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)
Renegotiating gender: religious order on the Western Reserve of Ohio, 1800-1830, Traci Hodgson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)
Renemal and development of a small size church-- lessons from a survey of Glad Tidings Denomination, Shu Mei Huang
Renewal and revitalization through the spiritual disciplines, Jimmie M. Chaffin
Renewal at American Baptist Church through pastoral administration, James D. Stark
Renewal at American Baptist Church through pastoral administration, James D. Stark
Renewal of a mid-sized "old first" church in Carlsbad, New Mexico, Anthony L. Bryant
Renewing baptismal spirituality through daily devotions and reflection at Ascension Lutheran Church, Edmonton, Canada, Lawrence Arthur Kochendorfer
Renewing baptism through spiritual formation education and liturgy at Watson Memorial United Methodist Church Chatham, Virginia, Jarrod H. Brown
Renewing chapel worship through the formation of worship planning groups at Concordia Junior, John M. Sproul
Renewing church growth in the Portland Avenue Baptist Church through the revitalization of prayer, Walter Lee Mullican
Renewing community in the American church, Allen C. Hughes
Renewing the local church's ministry through personal prayer life enhancement, William T. Adams
Renewing the mind: a model for transformational discipleship, Gerry Dupuis
Renewing the mind: the key to transformed living (Romans 12:2A), Bob Boerner
Renewing worship at Green Lake Presbyterian Church, Seattle, WA through insights from tabernacle, priesthood, and sacrifice, Steven R. Moll
Renew us, heal us, rebuild us, use us: a Biblical and historical study of American revival for congregational churches, Carlton Keith Walker
Renovating the people: a pastoral approach to parish renovations, Mary A. Amore
Repentance, Wilber Thomas Dayton
Repentance in the lordship controversy and the soteriology of John Owen, James Otwell Smith
Repentance reconsidered: it's time to change our mind about repentance, Bob Wilkin
Repent and believe in the gospel : repentance in the Lordship salvation debate, Daniel Poggemiller
Report of the seminary, Frank Bateman Stanger
Report on the opening of Wesley's City Road Chapel in London, Frank Bateman Stanger
Report on the revival in Indonesia, John T. Seamands and Henry V. Lacy
Report on the World Congress on Evangelism, Robert Emerson Coleman and Julian Claudius McPheeters
Representations of YHWH in the Hebrew Bible, Allen Charles Hamlin
Repressed complexes and holiness, Walter Curry Mavis
Reproducing the hermeneutic of Jesus : kingdom reality as a biblical hermeneutic, James B. DeYoung and Sarah L. Hurty
Reproductive technologies and the theology of the family , Scott B. Rae
Requirements and effects of perpetual or definitive profession in religious institutes: a comparative canonical study, Francis X. Yacobi
Requirements and rewards of discipleship in Mark 8:34-9:1: a Vietnamese-American perspective, Thang Cao Hoang
Requisites for those admitted to orders, Francis Thomas Cancro
Research of the missions strategy of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Taiwan = Taiwai Jidu jiao xuan dao hui chai chuan ce lèue de yan jiu, Ruth Ming Hao Yang
Research on accomplishing church team ministries with high EQ, Jen Chin Liu
Reshaping an understanding of sixteenth century Anabaptism: recovering a lost narrative, Willard Metzger
Reshaping the way leaders at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church experience God in prayer, Bud Surles
Resistance and tolerance in early Christian Corinth , Duane Warden
Resistance by Formation, Marva J. Dawn
Resource list for video production in the local church, Timothy N. Gascho
Resources for church planters in urban Latin America, Paul William Brink
Resources for church planters in urban Latin America, Paul William Brink
Respect of persons in H. Tristam Engelhardt, Jr.: a critical analysis based on the ethic of 1 Peter 1-2, Peter L. Jaggard
Responding biblically to dissociative identity disorder, Curt Jones
Responding to cultural identity in the age of globalization: a look at the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Phillip H. Kim
Response, forum on 1992 presidential address, "The ambiguities of academic freedom," Church History, June 1993: (Scott Appleby, Thomas G. Alexander, Randall Balmer, and Amanda Porterfield, commentators), George M. Marsden; Scott Appleby; Thomas G. Alexander; Randall Herbert Balmer; Amanda Porterfield; and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)
Response, forum on 1992 presidential address, "The ambiguities of academic freedom," Church History, June 1993: (Scott Appleby, Thomas G. Alexander, Randall Balmer, and Amanda Porterfield, commentators), George M. Marsden; Thomas G. Alexander; Randall Herbert Balmer; Amanda Porterfield; Scott Appleby; and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)
Response to Daniel B. Wallace's paper, "John 5:2 and the date of the fourth gospel" , William H. Vermillion
Response to George Marsden/ by Randall Balmer., Randall Herbert Balmer and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)
Response to George Marsden/ by Randall Balmer., Randall Herbert Balmer and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)
Response to "Hope and dispensationalism : a historical overview and assessment" by Gary L. Nebeker , Richard Mayhue
Response to John Wesley Appeal to American Colonies, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Response to Stan Conrad, Japanese resistance to the gospel : fact and fiction, Don N. Howell
Response to "Toward a theology of development", by Wallace Johnson , Donald Hohensee
Responsible apocalypticism: the absolute defense of the faith, John R. Noe
Responsible Christian financial stewardship, Allen K. Lowe
Restart: an alternative for reclaiming churches, Terry Tolleson
Resting in God's guidance, G. Mark Cushman
Restless until, Frank Bateman. Stanger
Restless until--, Frank Bateman Stanger
Restoration and resurrection in the Old Testament, Stephen W. Sickels
Restoration Ministry, Jim Hukill
Restoration of the Lord's Supper in the Restoration Church: a study of the Lord's Supper for students at Hope International University, Christopher Brian Gillette
Restore joy, Donald E. Demaray
Restoring counseling to the church, Ted L. Shelton
Restoring inactive members of Churches of Christ, Gary M. Bradley
Restoring the balance between doing and being : the functional pastor and Adrian Van Kamm's formative spirituality, H. Fred Meadows
Restoring the celebration of the Lord's Supper in today's Chinese Evangelical Churches of Hong Kong, Teresa Kar Man Ho
Restoring the doctrine of conscience to pastoral counseling, James E. Dolezal
Restoring the phoenix: pastoral care and preaching --post 9/11 as a concept for ministry, Scott J. Schiesswohl
Restoring the vision of a traditional church, James Perry King
Restoring trust in God : an observation of the process, Carol Blanken Saenger
Restoring women's wholeness: a perspective based on the history of salvation = Cong jiu en li shi kan nèu xing de zheng quan ji qi hui fu, Priscilla HuiWen Lo
Restructuring Christian education in an African-American church, Mary Thompson Watkins
Results of implementing a partnership strategy of missions in South Carolina Baptist Churches, S. Norman Rogers
Results of the implementation of turnaround strategies for the Maquoketa United Methodist Church based on natural church development, Jeffrey Mark Dadisman
Resurrection, N.T. Wright
Resurrection before Christ: an exegesis of Old Testament and intertestamental literature, Carlos Manuel Maria A Llagas
Resurrection in relationship, Kermit Lajoie Long
Resurrection in the flesh: it makes a worldview of difference, Norman L. Geisler
Resurrection or reincarnation : the clash between east awest over the nature of humanness, H. Wayne House
Retaining and dismissing volunteer adult youth ministers, Les John Christie
Retaining relocating members in the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec , William G. Norman
Rethinking Baptist worship: examining Baptist worship traditions and evaluating their impact upon the American Baptist Churches USA within a postmodern context, Kregg Franklin Burris
Rethinking God's immutability , Bruce B (Bruce Barnett) Miller
Rethinking missiological research methodology : exploring a new direction, Enoch Wan
Rethinking the female status/function question : the Jew/Gentile relationship as a paradigm, Stephen D. Lowe
Rethinking the Roman restructuring of slavery for the synoptic gospels , Douglas V. Heck
Re-thinking Titus: implementing a grammatical methodology of interpretation, David Charles Perry
Retirement dinner for Dr. Stanger, Various
Retributive justice, divine child abuse or restoration of relationships: a study of reconciliation as a metaphor of the atonement in the theology of the apostle Paul, Mikhail Alexandrovich Medvedev
Retributive justice in the Gospel of Luke, Donald E. Lockhart
Retroactive Redemption, Timothy C. Tennent
Returning grace: a study of gratitude as a central element in personal and corporate renewal, John Gerard Cuyler
Re-use of the tradition in the second temple period: a rhetorical analysis of Neh 9:6-37, David I. Shaw
Revealing the mysterion: the use of mystery in Daniel and early Judaism with its bearing on First Corinthians, Benjamin Gladd
Revelation and chiasm: the drama of supernatural warfare, Montgomery Paul Webb
Revelation: A Tale of Two Cities, Part 1, Robert M. Mulholland
Revelation: A Tale of Two Cities, Part 1, Robert M. Mulholland
Revelation: A Tale of Two Cities, Part 2, Robert M. Mulholland
Revelation: A Tale of Two Cities, Part 2, Disc 1, Robert M. Mulholland
Revelation: A Tale of Two Cities, Part 2, Disc 2, Robert M. Mulholland
Revelation: A Tale of Two Cities, Part 3, Robert M. Mulholland
Revelation: A Tale of Two Cities, Part 4, Robert M. Mulholland
Revelation of the thought of the heart in Luke 9:46-48, Ann M. Mitsakos
Reversions in the African church: a case study of the Bagisu Christians of Uganda, Francis Manana
Revised American standards: living values in . . . Part 1 (disc 1), Joy J. Moore
Revised American standards: living values in . . . Part 2, Joy J. Moore
Revised American standards: living values in . . . Part 2 (disc 1), Joy J. Moore
Revised American standards: living values in . . . Part 3 (disc 1), Joy J. Moore
Revised American standards: living values in . . . Part 3 (disc 2), Joy J. Moore
Revised American standards: living values in . . . Part 4 (disc 1), Joy J. Moore
Revised American standards: living values in . . . Part 4 (disc 2), Joy J. Moore
Revised American standards: living values in . . . Part 5, Joy J. Moore
Revitalization after conflict, Joyce Ann Rife
Revitalization of ethnic churches: an attempt to help the Hungarian Reformed Church in Columbus, Ohio towards a blessed future, Agoston Dobos
Revitalization of the urban church: a multi-case study of turnaround churches, Lisa Marie Sullivan
Revitalizing a dormant evangelical church: an ethnographic case study of changes leading to qualitative and quantitative growth at a small church, Skyline Fellowship in Mesa, Arizona, Karen Kathleen Bennett
Revitalizing refocus churches: a case study, James Whitney Cowman
Revitalizing smaller congregations through local mission, Melissa Bane Sevier
Revitalizing the vision of a local church using evangelism as the catalyst, Robert Russ Christian
Revitalizing traditional Sunday school through the integration of home cell groups, Warren Keasler Smith
Revival in the twentieth century, James Edwin Orr
Revival of Wexford Heights United Church: which path should it take?, Stephen Arthur McAllister
Revival types: a look at the leaders of the great awakening through the lens of psychological type and temperament, Yvette D. Garcia
Revive us again: the conflicted missions of two evangelical colleges during the progressive era, L. B. Gallien and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
Revive us again: the conflicted missions of two evangelical colleges during the progressive era, L. B. Gallien and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
Reviving the season of Easter at Third Christian Reformed Church, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Patricia Lewis Stromsta
Rev. Nam Koh and Susie Patrick in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rev. Nam Koh and Susie Patrick in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rev. Nam Koh and Suzie Patrick Talking in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rev. Nam Koh Leading Prayer in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rev. Nam Koh Leading Prayer in Estes Chapel - Aisle Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rev. Nam Koh Leading Prayer in Estes Chapel - Far Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rev. Nam Koh Leading Prayer in Estes Chapel - Horizontal Aisle Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Reward and sanctification, Paul David Kim
Rhetorical criticism and the development of dogmatic statements, James A. Dennison
Rhetorical function of rãuaòh in Ezekiel 37:9-10, Patrick Ta-Chi Yoon Chen
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton in Orlando - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rhonda Stapleton's Home in Orlando, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Richard Baxter: a model for the pastor, preacher, and writer, David J. Whitcomb
Richard Baxter and the family of love/ Jean Dietz Moss., Jean Dietz Moss and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1992 : Washington, D.C.)
Richard Baxter's concept of the centrality of the home in religious education, Drew W. Gentile
Richard Baxter's theory of the atonement , David J. Richards
Richard Davis (1658-1714): a study of a late 17th century pastor and itinerant evangelist, a precursor of Calvinistic Methodism, David Sercombe
Richard Lints' Fabric and the question of postmodernity , Brad Green
Right-brain/left-brain communication in the church, Christine Buchanan Woody
Righteousness in three contexts : Old Testament covenant, 4QMMT, and Pauline theology, Harold Reese Mosley
Righteousness Redefined, Esther Rodriguez
Rights of church workers, Andrew Joseph Russell
Rise Up, Lazarus!, Leslie Andrews
Rise up men of God , Mike Somerville
Risky mission, Walther P. Kallestad
Ritual dynamic structure in the ancient Israelite "Day of Purgations" , Roy Gane
Ritual, Romanism, and rebellion: the disappearance of the evangelical Episcopalians, 1853-1873, Allen C. Guelzo and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1992 : Washington, D.C.)
Robert Adam's new anti-Molinist argument , William Lane Craig
Robert Coleman ARC1983 -005 - Finding Aid, Robert E. Coleman
Robert Dickerson ARC2010 -001 - FindingAid, Robert Dickerson
Robert Emerson Coleman (circa 1970), Robert Emerson Coleman
Robert Oldham Fife: a "classical Disciple" in the Stone-Campbell movement, Philip Dwayne Curry
Robert Pearsall Smith ARC1983 -009 - Finding Aid, Robert Pearsall Smith
Robertson versus ReedThe Christian Coalition's two versions of religious nationalism, Justin Watson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Robertson versus ReedThe Christian Coalition's two versions of religious nationalism, Justin Watson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Robin Hood As Deacon : Vocation and the Global Diaconate, Viv Grigg
Roger Hedlund ARC2012 -002 - Finding Aid, Roger Hedlund
Roger Hedlund Collection Banner, Asbury Theological Seminary
Role of the Senior Pastor in Developing Staff Teams, Adam Hamilton
Romanian evangelical Christianity: historical origins and development prior to the Communist period, Adrian Stæanculescu
Romans 1:16-17: an apologetic for the gospel, Shawn Gillogly
Romans 1:17: text and content, John C. Wilking
Romans 13:1 in political perspective, Paul Silas Peterson
Romans 3:1-8 and the righteousness of God, Robert B. Price
Romans 5:18-19 and the ground of justification : a biblical and theological defense of Christ's righteousness as the only ground of justification, Stefan T. Lindblad
Romans 7:14-25, George K. Rosier
Romans 9-11 and election: textual analysis or theological agendas?, Jeff (Jeffery Lynn) Capshaw
Romans 9-11 within the purpose of the letter , Mark A. Seifrid
Romans: a demonstration of Paul's model of spiritual formation, J. David Hart
Romans, part 1, Robert Angelo Traina
Romans, part 1, Robert Angelo Traina
Romans, part 2, Robert Angelo Traina
Romans, part 2, Robert Angelo Traina
Romans, part 3, Robert Angelo Traina
Romans, part 3, Robert Angelo Traina
Romans, part 4, Robert Angelo Traina
Romans, part 5, Robert Angelo Traina
Rome's rationale for persecuting the early church , John C. Wallace
Ron Crandall, Ronald K. Crandall
Roots of post-modernism: Also sprach Nietzsche, William E. Brown
Rosario Picardo Celebrating Communion at Embrace Church, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Celebrating Communion at Embrace Church - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo in Front of Embrace Church, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo in Front of Embrace Church - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Praying with a Woman at Embrace Church, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Seated in a Chair, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Shaking Hands with Dr. Ellsworth Kalas, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Speaking at Embrace Church, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Speaking at Embrace Church - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Speaking at Embrace Church - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Speaking at Embrace Church - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Speaking at Embrace Church - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Speaking at Embrace Church - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Talking with a Man at Embrace Church, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Talking with Church Attendees, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Talking with Church Attendees - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rosario Picardo Talking with Church Attendees - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Rousas John Rushdoony's intellectual influence on the Christian day school movement, Ted L. Hollingsworth
Royal Good News!, Joseph Dongell
Royal priesthood: an Old Testament messianic motif, Eugene H. Merrill
Running From Your Past, Jorge A. Acevedo
Running the race in second place : how to be a winning associate pastor, Philip Paul Schmunk
Running With Jesus, James L. Loftin
Run straight ahead with joy, James B. Van Hook
Rural communities and mental health care, Natalie J. Sandbulte
Rural congregations facing change: a case study of Indian Lake Baptist Church, Worthington, Minnesota, Terry L. Johnston
Rush Limbaugh: politically incorrect, biblically correct?, Daniel J. Evearitt
Russell H. Conwell: an American Spurgeon?, William C (William Clayton) Varner
Ruth: a life challenging Bible study and introduction to Biblical Hebrew, Katherine L. Squires
Ruth: an exemplar of faithfulness and redemption, Samuel Cooper Long
Ruth Harnett and Scot Hoeksema in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ryan Cook in Dr. John Cook's Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ryan Cook in Dr. John Cook's Class - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ryan Lectures: Talkback Session, Jürgen Moltmann
Ryan Smith Laughing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ryan Smith Laughing in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Ryan Smith Listening in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sabbath as Community Discipline, Brad Johnson
Sabotaged submission , Carmen J. Bryant
Sabotaged submission/ Carmen J. Bryant., Carmen J. Bryant
Sacramental elements of creativity in the work of Dorothy L. Sayers, Scott Burtis Bradley
Sacramental living: encountering God out of the ordinary, Michael Thomas Kerrick
Sacred actions and sacramentality: a course development for the worship ministries degree at Trinity College of Florida, Rodney K. Shores
Sacred actions to bring reconciliation and claim an anti-racist identity in the faith community of Three Rivers, Michigan, B. Jo Ann Mundy
Sacred conversations: viewing liturgy through art, Brian Todd Johnson
Sacred fires Pacific margins: Sisters of the Good Samaritan : women in solidarity encountering internationality for mission, Geraldine Agnes Kearney
Sacred imaging: prayerful dancers as icons of God, Ann Theresa McNeil
Sacred place and collective memory: San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas, Timothy M. Matovina and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Sacred place and collective memory: San Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Texas, Timothy M. Matovina and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Sacred space: God's architectural design for God-Centered worship, Malachy Marie Williams
Sacred space: the dance of compassion in Southminster Presbyterian Church, Charles G. Yopst
Sacred subordination among free individuals: Freemasonry and California religion, Tony Fels and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)
Sacred subordination among free individuals: Freemasonry and California religion, Tony Fels and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : San Francisco, Calif.)
Sacrifice among the Tiv and sacrifice in Leviticus: a comparative approach, Jonathan Terzungwe Iorkighir
Sacrificial giving, Dave Stone
Safety and security, Jeffrey W. Hanna
Safety Net: ministering to hurting ministers, Paul Dennis Ratzlaff
Safety Security and Risk Management, Asbury Theological Seminary
Saint Basil the Great's use of Scripture in On the Holy Spirit, Kenneth James Reid
Sainthood in the writings of Frederick Buechner, Michael Scot Pendleton
Saint Paul's theology of the cross, Robert Foster
Saints and sinners among the French Jesuit missionaries of New France: missionaries of their time, prophets for the future, Daniel Abram Maul
Salient Experiences that Shape My Pedagogy, Frances S. Adeney and William A. Benfield
Salt and light, Sandra L. Richter
Salt and Matthew 5:13, Kenneth Sceirine
Salvation and resurrection in the Epistle of Barnabas/ by Markus Vinzent., Markus Vinzent and North American Patristic Society. Meeting (1994 : Chicago, Ill.)
Salvation Army married officer leadership: for such a time as this, Richard J. Munn
Salvation as divinization: Athanasius's theological thought, James K. Kwah
Salvation as healing : John Wesley's missional theology, R. Jeffrey Hiatt
Salvation for the nations: a beacon of hope from the Old Testament, Scott Michael Lingo
Salvation means creation healed, Howard A. Snyder
Salvation Means Creation Healed: Creation, Cross, Kingdom and Mission, Howard A. Snyder
Salvation of the religious alien :is universalism true, Aubrey Spears
Samaritan hearts club, John David Walt
Sam Donica in the Dining Hall, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Samuel A. Moffett's evangelism and training ministry in Korea (1890-1907), Kwang Sup Shin
Samuel Miller (1769-1850) and professional education for the ministry, R. John Robertson
Samuel Miller: a study in Princetonian theology, David A. White
Samurai mentality and Christianity, Toru Takei
Sanctification in East Asian perspective: a model of sanctification in light of yin, Seong-Hun Kim
Sanctification: Old Testament support for a relationship model with God, others, and self, Ken Hertzler-Walters
Sanctuary in time : the effect of Sabbath keeping on the lives of missionaries, Cynthia Shomo North
Sanctuary: the right of asylum in the Corpus iuris canonici, Larry Joseph Kirby
Sandra McKinney Listening in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sarah Jackson, Mel Howard, and Jordan McFall Talking on Campus - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sashi Jamir Listening in Dr. Steve Ybarrola's Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sashi Jamir Listening in Dr. Steve Ybarrola's Class - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sashi Jamir Listening in Dr. Steve Ybarrola's Class - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sashi Jamir Listening in Dr. Steve Ybarrola's Class - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sashi Jamir Listening in Dr. Steve Ybarrola's Class - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sashi Jamir Listening in Dr. Steve Ybarrola's Class - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Satanic subversion in the kingdom , Paul A. Beals
Satan's raison d'etre, Brandon Michael Smith
Satellite cities opportunity for Christ in Hong Kong , Harry Ambacher
Saturday afternoon lay witness service, Robert G. Mayfield, Rose Thisuason, Dean L. Griffith, William Broadhurst, Arnold Prater, and Mrs. Nelson
Saved by grace, Kenneth J. Collins
Save us who sing to you: the form and function of the three antiphons of the divine liturgy, Sloan Rolando
Saving discipleship, Dan C. Phipps
Saving more than souls: a recovery support group ministry of the church, Thomas A. Smith
Scene and obscene: seeing and performing late medieval childbirth, Gail McMurray Gibson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Scene and obscene: seeing and performing late medieval childbirth, Gail McMurray Gibson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Schleiermacher's influence on contemporary worship music, Matthew J. Kasper
Scholars on Fire (October 27, 2009), Timothy C. Tennent
Scholars on Fire (September 2, 2010), Timothy C. Tennent
Scholars on Fire (September 3, 2009), Timothy C. Tennent
School can be the pits, J. Ellsworth Kalas
School can be the pits, J. Ellsworth Kalas
School counseling practices in alternative schools of Pennsylvania, David J. Gibbs
Science and the Bible : two epistemic necessities, James Stambaugh
Science and Theology in Conversation: Emergence Theories of Consciousness and Entire Sanctification, Nathan Crawford
Science versus faith in the correspondence between John Henry Newman and William Froude , Gerard H. McCarren
Science vs. Prayer: the prayer-gauge debate of the 1870s, Rick Ostrander and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1999 : San Diego, CA)
Science vs. Prayer: the prayer-gauge debate of the 1870s, Rick Ostrander and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1999 : San Diego, CA)
Scientific problems for scientism , Robert C (Robert Chapman) Newman
Scot Hoeksema Singing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Scott Todd - How the Church Will End Extreme Poverty, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Scream in the Dark, Rick Gray
Screening theology: an orthodox perspective, Georgios Konstantinidis
Scribal education in iron age Israel, Heather Dana Davis Parker
Scribal sigla for variant readings in Vaticanus: with a response to Philip Payne's conclusions in "Fuldensis, sigla for variants in Vaticanus, and 1 Cor 14.34-5", Jeffrey E. Miller
Scriptural and rational piety : the development and use of a curriculum for teaching authentic Wesleyan worship, Todd Alan Stepp
Scriptural grounds for divorce and remarriage : a plea for compassion within the Biblical framework, Robert Vincent Rakestraw
Scripturalism and interpretive instability in Puritan New England/ Lisa M. Gordis., Lisa M. Gordis and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Seattle, Wash.)
Scripturalism and interpretive instability in Puritan New England/ Lisa M. Gordis., Lisa M. Gordis and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Seattle, Wash.)
Scriptural meditation: a participatory workshop method for teaching an augmented form of Lectio divina to Episcopalians, Calvin Shields Girvin
Scripture and tradition in Protestant worship, James Hastings Nichols
Scripture as text for spirituality: the love command in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Mark, Gisela Hildegard Kreglinger
Searching for an adequate life : the devotional theology Thomas R. Kelly, J. R (Jerry R) Flora
Searching for Pentecost: the origins and development of modern doctrines of spirit baptism, Jason Aaron Johansen
Searching for roots and fruits : historiography of fundamentalism, 1970-1980, James A. Patterson
Seattle, the internment and the church: inside and outside Minidoka 1942-1948, Madeline Duntley and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)
Seattle, the internment and the church: inside and outside Minidoka 1942-1948, Madeline Duntley and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : New York, N.Y.)
Secondary separation and 2 Thessalonians 3 , Michael M. Canham
Second Baptism and Baptism in Blood as motifs in the martyrdom and patristic literature of the second-fourth-centuries A.D., Casey Crosby
Second coming, Tony Marshall Anderson
Second Mile Youth Ministry, Mike Nygren
Secret in Suffering, Jeannine Brabon
Secularization and the apologetics of C. S. Lewis , Kenneth C. Harper
Secularization in Catholic colleges and universities in the United States/ John F. Crosby., John F. Crosby
Securing soul freedom as a Baptist distinctive: cultivating appreciation and preservation of soul freedom in the local church, John A. Petty
Seditions, confusions and tumult: sixteenth century Anabaptism as a threat to public order, Layton Boyd Friesen
Seeds of subversion: a study of the parables in Mark 4, Andrew Todd Higle
Seeing as believing: growing faith through the visual experience, Gary W. McCoy
Seeing hell: whether heaven and its inhabitants can see the torments of the wicked, Trevor Johnson
Seeing only Jesus, Timothy C. Tennent
Seeing Only Jesus (February 09, 2010), Timothy C. Tennent
Seeing Only Jesus (February 11, 2010), Timothy C. Tennent
Seeing Only Jesus (March 23, 2010), Mike Watson
Seeing the big picture : a study of Walk Thru the Bible's Old Testament storyline seminar's impact on the spiritual health of participants, Robbie D. Phillips
Seeing the reflections of the Torah : reading cycle intertextuality and the letter of James, Gary Edward Schnittjer
Seeker targeted events: a strategy to assist personal evangelism and church growth, Donald R. Walker
Seeker targeted events: a strategy to assist personal evangelism and church growth, Donald R. Walker
Seeking an effective ministry for the mentally retarded, Jerry Ray Goff
Seeking balance between subjective and objective criteria for music in the liturgical assembly of the Orthodox Church in America, David F. Arnold
Seeking God: meaning and metaphor in Gustav Mahler's Symphony no. 3, Nancy M. Raabe
Seeking students: a case study of the Poseidon Academy mentoring program, Emery Petchauer
Seeking the great mother among the magnolias: Southern women and the search for spiritual wholeness, Nancy Hardesty and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)
Seeking the great mother among the magnolias: Southern women and the search for spiritual wholeness, Nancy Hardesty and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1997 : Nashville, Tenn.)
Seeking triumphant union and being found in schism: historical patterns and present polarities among disciples, Anthony L. Dunnavant and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)
Seeking triumphant union and being found in schism: historical patterns and present polarities among disciples, Anthony L. Dunnavant and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Chicago, Illinois)
See that ye love one another with a pure heart, fervently, S. H. Turbeville
Seize the moment-- meaning in Qohelet , Ronald Barclay Allen
Seize the moment-- meaning in Qohelet/ Ronald B. Allen., Ronald Barclay Allen
Selah Merrill, 19th century American expolorer-diplomat , Jack Pearl Lewis
Select canonical issues in diocesan plans for parish restructuring, Thomas P. Chester
Selected Biblical qualities of an effective father, Kenneth C. Draper
Selected canonical issues: in the closing of parishes, Gary P. Applegate
Selected essential practices for the intercultural local church, Lars A. Peterson
Selected ministry factors that may contribute to the interracial status of Dothan Community Church: a case study, W. Charles Lewis
Selected obligations and rights of clerics as applied to the permanent diaconate in the Diocese of Arlington, William Jeremiah Donovan
Selected rights of religious in chemical dependence intervention : an analysis of the chemical dependency policy of the Indiana Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross, James Gregory Karaffa
Selecting and evaluating an existing premarital mentoring curriculum for first time marriages at First United Methodist Church, Lancaster, PA, Katherine G. Spear
Selecting spiritual leaders: spiritual discernment and the selection of church leaders at the North Davis Church of Christ, Douglas B. Peters
Self-abandonment as self-discovery in Hans Urs von Balthasar/ by Mark A. McIntosh., Mark Allen McIntosh and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
Self-abandonment as self-discovery in Hans Urs von Balthasar/ by Mark A. McIntosh., Mark Allen McIntosh and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
Self assessment and competency growth in lay ecclesial youth ministers, Catherine Louise Becker
Self-care and the African-American woman, Barbara Ann Perryman
Self-counseling: changing hearts and growing in Christ, a case study of the Church of Christ in the Sudan among the Tiv (NKST), Samuel Iorbee Amoor
Self determination: ministering to West Indians in a land of social change and cross cultural conflict, Victor A. Price
Self, flesh, and old self: a theological interpretation,, David K. Clark
Self-identified retention factors by Western missionaries in Africa who have experienced traumatic events, Ronald W. Brown
Selflessness: a motif in the Biblical theology of Philippians, Jerome Valdez
Self-love: theological interpretations and political implications,, David K. Clark
Self-perceptions of Latino high school students on exercising pro-social character traits while engaged in a service learning project, Lydia Klingforth
Selling Presbyterianism in Cincinnati's "Great Emporium," 1790-1855/ John D. Buggein., John D. Buggein and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
Semantic coherence: theological conceptualization in Word of God communication, a discovery process in a confirmation class setting, Mark David Whitsett
Seminar On Abuse, David A. Seamands
Seminar On Abuse, Disc 1, David A. Seamands
Seminar On Abuse, Disc 2, David A. Seamands
Seminar on Self-Esteem, David A. Seamands
Seminar on Self-Esteem, David A. Seamands
Seminar on Self-Esteem, David A. Seamands
Seminary Logo - Second Floor Crary McPheeters, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Seminary without walls: evaluating a working alternative to traditional theological education, Kenneth M. Nelson
Senior address, Frank Bateman Stanger
Senior adult ministry for lay leaders, Hugh Rodger
Senior awards chapel (2004), Asbury Theological Seminary
Senior Chapel, Don M. McCurry
Senior chapel, Jerry Moore
Senior Chapel (May 12, 1992), Dan Slagel
Senior Chapel (May 20, 1991), Rita Smurr
Senior Chapel (May 3, 1991), Jimmy Jackson
Senior Chapel (May 7, 1992), Jeff Garrett
Senior communion service, Frank Bateman Stanger
Senior praise chapel, Kevin Gruen, Troy Powers, Tammy Hutchins, and Russ Noland
Senior testimonies, (1994, June 06)
Senior week chapel, May 5, 1987, Nancy Charville
Senior week chapel, May 6, 1987, Sylvia Strickland
Senior week chapel, May 8, 1987, Dennis Blackwell
Senior week vespers service, May 6, 1987, Cheryl Blough
Senncherib's [sic] invasion of Judah in 701 B.C., J. Russell Stibitz
Sensible exercises of the soul : a study of conversion in Jonathan Edwards, Elizabeth Pipes
Sensing the presence of God, Frank Bateman Stanger
Separating the most holy from the holy : the "veil" in the Tabernacle and First and Second Temples, Tim Hegg
Separating the wheat from the tares : evaluating Christian theories of personality and counseling, Rodger K. Bufford
September 01, 1999 - ATS 2000 by Joel Green, Joel B. Green
September 01, 2004 - Orientation Chapel by Jeff Greenway, Jeffrey E. Greenway
September 01, 2006 - New Student Orientation by Sandra Richter, Sandra L. Richter
September 02, 1992 - Chapel by Jerry Mercer, Jerry Mercer
September 02, 1999 - ATS 2000 by Rayford Steele, Rayford Steele
September 02, 2005 - NSO Chapel - Covenant Friends by Jeff Greenway, Jeffrey E. Greenway
September 02, 2008 - Opening Communion by J.D. Walt, John David Walt
September 03, 2010 - Hypostasis by J.D. Walt, John David Walt
September 04, 1997 - One in Christ by Reg Johnson, C. Reginald Johnson
September 04, 2007 - Opening Chapel by Steve Harper, J. Steven Harper
September 04, 2008 - Commendable Ministry by Steve Harper, J. Steven Harper
September 05, 2005 - NSO Chapel - Covenant and Community by Sandra Richter, Sandra L. Richter
September 05, 2006 by Ellsworth Kalas, J. Ellsworth Kalas
September 05, 2006 by Hugo Magallanes, Hugo Magallanes
September 06, 2001 - Behind the Music by J.D. Walt, John David Walt
September 06, 2005 - Formed Into Christ by Steve Harper, J. Steven Harper
September 06, 2007 - Opening Communion by J.D. Walt, Lance Watson
September 07, 2000 - Communion by Reg Johnson, C. Reginald Johnson
September 07, 2005 - Worship Leads to Resurrection by Marcus Green, Marcus Green
September 07, 2006 - Answer for Life's Biggest Questions by Bill Arnold, Bill T. Arnold
September 07, 2006 by J.D. Walt, John David Walt
September 07, 2010 - Herrnhut by J.D. Walt, John David Walt
September 07, 2010 - Missional Holiness in a Post-Christendom World by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 08, 2005 - Remembering What We Are About by Jeff Greenway, Jeffrey E. Greenway
September 08, 2009 - Already - Not Yet by J.D. Walt, Teri Lucas and Tom Lucas
September 08, 2009 - The Translatability of the Christian Gospel by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 08, 2010 - Prayer Walk by J.D. Walt, Richard J. Mouw
September 09, 1999 - Mephibosheth by Reg Johnson, C. Reginald Johnson
September 09, 2008 by James Miller, James Miller
September 09, 2008 by Terry Teykl, Terry Teykl
September 09, 2010 - Are You Ready? Get Set, Go! by Zaida Perez, Zaida Maldonado Perez
September 09, 2010 - Missional Holiness in a Post-Christendom World by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 10, 1998 - Friends by Reg Johnson, C. Reginald Johnson
September 10, 2002 - Walk Before Me and Be Perfect by Stephen Seamands, Stephen A. Seamands
September 10, 2008 - Sermon on the Mount by Michael Pasquarello III, Michael Pasquarello
September 10, 2009 - n d bginin wz d wrd by Rebekah Maul, Rebekah Maul
September 10, 2009 - The Translatability of the Christian Gospel by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 11, 2001 - Prayer Chapel by J.D. Walt, John David Walt
September 11, 2002 - No Greater Love by Reg Johnson, C. Reginald Johnson
September 11, 2007 by Richard Allen Farmer, Richard Allen Farmer
September 11, 2007 - Student Conference Chapel by Jose Hernandez, Jose Hernandez
September 11, 2008 - Be Filled With the Spirit by Anthony Graham, Anthony Graham
September 11, 2008 by Kandace Brooks, Kandace Brooks
September 12, 2006 by Gene Chambers, Gene Chambers
September 13, 2005 - An Incomplete Banquet by Hugo Magallanes, Hugo Magallanes
September 13, 2007 - 24/7 Prayer Movement by Pete Greig, Pete Greig
September 13, 2007 - Student Conference Chapel by Katie Nash, Katie Nash
September 14, 2005 - Personal Testimony by Felicia Putnam, Wesley Putnam
September 14, 2006 - Asbury at Worship by Sam Kamaleson, Samuel Kamaleson
September 14, 2006 by Claude Solano, Claude Solano Solano
September 14, 2010 - Perfecting Holiness - Personal Holiness by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 15, 1993 - Chapel by Dave Carrol, Dave Carrol
September 15, 2005 - Remembering September 11 by Bob Bushong, Bob Bushong
September 15, 2005 - The Way of the Cross by David Thompson, David L. Thompson
September 15, 2009 - Its All Inside by Marilyn Elliott, Marilyn Iva Elliott
September 15, 2009 - Who do you say that I am? by Kandace Brooks, Kandace Brooks
September 15, 2010 - Gods Presence in the Temple - Corporate Holiness by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 16, 2004 - Bring Your Hearts to the Cross by Stephen Seamands, Stephen A. Seamands
September 16, 2008 - Fools for Christ by Jay Therell, Jay Therell
September 16, 2008 - Holiness Emphasis - You are Israels Teacher, and You do not Know These Things by Steve Deneff, Steve Deneff
September 16, 2009 - The Kingdom of Heaven is - Multi-Cultural by Steven Ybarrola, James Thobaben, James Thobaben and Steven Ybarrola
September 16, 2010 - The Church is on Fire - Global Holiness by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 17, 1991 - Biblical Equality - Models of Diversity and Oneness Part 1 by Ruth Tucker, Ruth Tucker
September 17, 2002 - Bread of the Presence by Paul Chilcote, Paul Wesley Chilcote
September 17, 2002 - Does He Have Your Attention? by Rick Gray, Rick Gray
September 17, 2008 - Holiness Emphasis - Jesus Call by Steve Deneff, Steve Deneff
September 17, 2009 - Christians in a World of Religion by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 17, 2009 - What's in your basket? by Peggy Kirkpatrick, Peggy Kirkpatrick
September 18, 2001 by Reg Johnson, C. Reginald Johnson
September 18, 2001 - Chapel by Reg Johnson, C. Reginald Johnson
September 18, 2007 by Brian Russell, Brian D. Russell
September 18, 2007 - Holiness Week 1 by Joseph Dongell, Joseph Dongell
September 18, 2008 - Holiness Emphasis - Hard Load and Easy Yoke by Terry Wardle, Terry Wardle
September 18, 2008 - Student Conference Chapel by Joanne Solis-Walker, Joanne Solis-Walker
September 19, 2006 by Kandace Brooks, Kandace Brooks
September 19, 2006 - Holiness - The Reason for Redemption by Lawson Stone, Lawson Grant Stone
September 19, 2007 - Holiness Week 2 by Joseph Dongell, Joseph Dongell
September 20, 2005 - Creating a Culture of Grace and Truth by Christine Pohl, Christine D. Pohl
September 20, 2005 - Oh God, What Have I Gotten Myself by Matt Horan, Matt Horan
September 20, 2006 - Holiness Week by Stephen Martyn, Steve Martyn
September 20, 2007 by Kandace Brooks, Kandace Brooks
September 20, 2007 - Christian Healing Ministries by Francis MacNutt, Francis MacNutt
September 21, 2005 - A Compliant Arose by Kyle Ray, Daniel Baer
September 21, 2006 by Phillip Barkley, Phillip Barkley
September 21, 2006 - Holiness and Wholeness by Lawson Stone, Lawson Grant Stone
September 21, 2010 - Show Up - Pay Attention by James Miller, James Miller
September 21, 2010 - When Good Intentions Aren't Enough by Peter Greer, Peter Greer
September 22, 2005 - It Doesn't Matter by Debra Meyer, Debra Meyer
September 22, 2009 - Becoming a Missional Worshipping Community by Brian Russell, Brian D. Russell
September 22, 2009 - Worship Fuels the Flame by Doris Khalaf, Doris Khalaf
September 23,2004 - Integrity by Victor Gooden, Victor Gooden
September 23, 2008 - The Tabloid Reputation of Jesus by Steve Beard, Steve Beard
September 23, 2010 - Gods Presence in the Temple by Timothy Tennent, Timothy C. Tennent
September 23, 2010 - Jesus Dual Invitation by Maxie Dunnam, Maxie D. Dunnam
September 24, 2002 - Hi, Im Helen by Helen Musick, Helen Musick
September 24, 2008 - Sermon on the Mount by Marilyn Elliott, Marilyn Iva Elliott
September 24, 2009 - Becoming a Missional Worshipping Community by Brian Russell, Brian D. Russell
September 24, 2009 - Jesus Healing the Paralyzed Man by Mark Pearson, Mark Pearson
September 25, 2007 by Art McPhee, Art McPhee
September 25, 2007 by Betsy McKeeby, Betsy McKeeby
September 25, 2008 - The Commands of the King by Ben Witherington III, Ben Witherington III
September 26, 2006 by Thomas Buchan, Thomas Buchan
September 26, 2006 - by Craig Gross, Craig Gross
September 27, 2006 - Chapel by William Hollser, William Hollser
September 27, 2007 by Mariana Boyles, Mariana Boyles
September 28, 2005 by Dan Lewis, Dan Lewis
September 28, 2006 - Gods Providence by Irma Rodriguez, Irma Rodriguez
September 28, 2006 - I Believe Therefore I Speak by Betsy Ouellette, Betsy Ouellette
September 28, 2010 - Reclaiming and Cultivating the Christian Contemplative Tradition by Phileena Heuertz, Phileena Heuertz
September 28, 2010 - Surprise Surprise by Steve Harper, J. Steven Harper
September 29, 2009 - Holiness, What Is It by John Oswalt, John Oswalt
September 29, 2009 - Let's Talk about Healing by Robert Tuttle, Robert G. Tuttle
September 30, 2008 - Theta Phi Lectures - Evangelicals and Catholics Together, Part 1 by Kenneth Collins, Kenneth J. Collins
September 30, 2008 - Use What You Have by David Green, David Green
September 30, 2009 - Holiness, How Is It Achieved by John Oswalt, John Oswalt
September 30, 2010 - Hope Dies Last by Tom Davis, Tom Davis
September 30, 2010 - Yours are the Hands of God by Melisa Miller, Melisa Miller
Series On Entire Sanctification, Robert W. Lyon
Sermon, Jeff Peppers
Sermon application : a guide for biblical accuracy and contemporary relevance, Daniel Lee Overdorf
Sermon contextualization for postmodern ears, Kenneth G. Arndt
Sermon On the Trinity, Mike Pasquarello
Sermon preparation for hearers: a collaborative approach to preaching in the Mitchell Church of Christ, Allen Wayne Burris
Sermons for the Times, Henry Clay Morrison
Serpent imagery in Revelation 12:7-12, Darin J. McFarland
Servant church, a local congregation responds to the third paradigm, Roger J. Martin
Servant discipleship in the gospel of Matthew, Thomas G. Yoakum
Servant leadership and the Brazilian ministerial reality, Sergio Elias de Faria
Servant leadership and theological understandings: does the theology of the Brethren in Christ impact the way we choose to lead?, Kenneth O. Hoke
Servant leadership-- building effective leadership teams within the parish council, Larry Richard Lawrence
Servant leadership development: a servant leadership development plan for the Southpark Baptist Church of Oklahoma City, Preston Collins
Servant of all, David L. McKenna
Servants of Christ and His Church, Douglas Carew
Servant stewardship, David L. McKenna
Serving Communion at Embrace Church, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Serving the Lord with tears, Harold Barnes Kuhn
Serving Under the Saffron Shadow: Hindu Nationalism, Violence and Christianity in Gujarat, India, PrabhuSingh Vedhamanickam
Setting all the captives free: liberation theology in the suburbs, Kathryn Louise Hoffmann McNicholas
Settlement pattern in late Bronze Age Transjordan : a preliminary look, Paul J. Ray
Seven churches, seven wonders , Mark W. Wilson
Seven contextual preaching strategies for reaching postmodern Paul and Paula, Chris Altrock
Seven habits of a visionary leaders, Dale E. Galloway
Seven keys to successful church, Ray Cotton
Seven Keys to Successful Church Finances, Ray Cotton
Severing Jesus from Christ: the alternate reading of First John 4:3, K. Neill Foster
Sexual formation: theology for integrating sexuality into spiritual formation for evangelical churches, Jennifer E. Ould
Sexual immorality: a biblical and interrogative overview, Leslie R. Keylock
Sexual purity for non-sexually addicted Christian men, Roger S. Fankhauser
SF 500 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Steve Harper
SF 500 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Steve Harper
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Steve Harper
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Steve Harper
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 501 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 502 Spiritual Life of the Minister, Stephen L. Martyn
SF 502 The Spiritual Life of the Minister, Stephen L. Martyn
SF 502 The Spiritual Life Of The Minister, Stephen L. Martyn
SF 502 The Spiritual Life of the Minister, Steve Harper
SF 502 The Spiritual Life Of The Minister, Stephen L. Martyn
SF 502 The Spiritual Life of the Minister, Steve Harper
SF 502 The Spiritual Life of the Minister, Stephen L. Martyn
SF 503 The Life of Prayer, Reginald Johnson
SF 503 The Life of Prayer, Reginald Johnson
SF 503 The Life of Prayer, Reginald Johnson
SF 503 The Life of Prayer, Reginald Johnson
SF 503 The Life of Prayer, Reginald Johnson
SF 511 Praying All Ways, Steve Harper
SF 511 Praying All Ways, Steve Harper
SF 550 Healing and the Christian Faith, Donald E. Demaray
SF 550 Praying Toward Purpose, Reginald Johnson
SF 550 Spiritual Disciplines, Ruth C. Rambo
SF 550 The Praying Church, Reginald Johnson and Steven A. Seamands
SF 550 Tutorial: Formational Reading- E.Stanley Jones”, Reginald Johnson
SF 550 Tutorial in Spiritual Formation-- “Lectio Divina”, Steve Harper
SF 550 Tutorial in Spiritual Formation-- “Lectio Divina”, Steve Harper
SF 601 Spiritual Guidance, Reginald Johnson
SF 601 Spiritual Guidance, Reginald Johnson
SF 601 Spiritual Guidance, Reginald Johnson
SF 620 The Spiritual Life of the Minister, Samuel Kamaleson
SF 620 The Spiritual Life of the Minister, Steve Harper
SF 650 Christian Devotional Classics, Donald E. Demaray
SF 650 Comtemporary Prayer Movements, Reginald Johnson
SF 650 Tutorial In Spiritual Formation: The Life Of Prayer, Steve Harper
SF 660 Christian Devotional Classics, Donald E. Demaray
SF 660 Christian Devotional Classics, Donald E. Demaray
SF 710 The Life of Prayer, Reginald Johnson
SF 800 Seminar in Spiritual Formation, Reginald Johnson
SF 840 Devotion, Balance, and Fire: Living the Heart of It All, Stephen L. Martyn
SF 840 Devotion, Balance, and Fire: Living the Heart of It All, Stephen L. Martyn
Shady Greens Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shalom and spiritual maturity, L. Brooks Walker
Shalom Christian Church, a community confessing Christ: meditatio for a new church plant in the postmodern age, Nathan Aaron Hawkins
Shalom: the role of truth telling in creating communities of racial reconciliation within institutions of Christian higher education, James J. Puglisi Jr.
Shame and restoration: an exegetical exploration of shame in Ezekiel's restoration prophecies, Eric Nels Ortlund
Shame and the church dropout: the effect of embarrassment, humiliation, and shame on church attendance in small rural churches , Wallace Bernard Cason
Shame, guilt, and the Heidelberg Catechism: proposal for a fresh reading of the Heidelberg Catechism, Istvan S. Nyeste
Shame reduction in sexually addicted men, David A. Griffin
Shaped by the Truth: Paul as Teacher of the Church, Luke Timothy Johnson
Shaping blended worship at Spring Valley Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina, Rick McCollum
Shaping leaders Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: Ignatian spirituality and servant leadership in Jesuit higher education, Stephen J. Corder
Shaping the future: the role of the local church in nurturing a Christian worldview, Kenneth W. Bush
Shared responsibility for mission: pastoral planning for the new millennium, Daniel J. Condon
Shared vision for a long term pastorate, Bruce R. White
Sharing a Hug in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sharing and Testimony, Jerry Mercer
Sharing Christian faith in a relativistic world: how Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod leaders can assist members in sharing their faith in a relativistic world, Philip John Schamehorn
Sharing in Christ's sufferings (1 Peter 4), Matthew L. Winquist
Sharing Ministry Together, Dale E. Galloway
Sharing ministry together, Dale E. Galloway
Sharing ministry together, Dale E. Galloway
Sharing our stories, remembering our journey: congregational history in a culture of amnesia, W. Carter Lester Jr.
Sharing the feast: fostering a climate of hospitality, Douglas E. Thrasher
Sharing the gospel with a postmodern world : practical applications from Jesus' example in John 4, James T (James Theodore) Haider
Sharing the joy we know, Maxie D. Dunnam
Sharpening Albert Borgmann's notion of "focal things and practices" through the insights of Alasdair MacIntyre's moral philosophy, Jeffrey C D Bjorgan
Sharpening Our Wesleyan Distinctives: Panel Discussion, Dennis F. Kinlaw, Timothy Smith, and David L. McKenna
Shawnda Dykhoff and Dr. Anne Gatobu Singing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shawnda Dykhoff and Dr. Anne Gatobu Singing in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shawnda Dykhoff and Dr. Anne Gatobu Singing in Estes Chapel - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shawnda Dykhoff and Dr. Anne Gatobu Singing in Estes Chapel - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shelhamer Family ARC2008 -003 - Finidng Aid, Shelhamer Family
She must and shall go free: Paul's Isaianic gospel in Galatians, Matthew S. Harmon
Sheperding the lamb-less sheep: a pastor's guide to ministry with infertile couples, Rodney (Rich) Cundall
Shepherding in Christ's church , Carl T. Martin
Shepherds and shepherding , Mark Ziese
Shifting left/shifting right: the Stone-Campbell eucharistic tradition since 1940, Keith Watkins and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
Shifting left/shifting right: the Stone-Campbell eucharistic tradition since 1940, Keith Watkins and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
Shifting patterns in Euro-American Baptist identity: worship and theology in tension, Philip E. Thompson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Shifting patterns in Euro-American Baptist identity: worship and theology in tension, Philip E. Thompson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, Fla.)
Shinto and the emperor system, 1989 , Benson Cain
Shocked by Flannery O'Connor: the possibility of new endings, Richard Polson
Shooting Basketball in the Gym, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shopping in Cokesbury, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shopping in Cokesbury - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shopping in Cokesbury - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Shopping in Cokesbury - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Short story in Revelation 4-5, Jennifer Roettjer
Short Term Marriage Counseling, David A. Seamands
Short-term missions: a gateway to church renewal, Kevin Scherer
Should evangelical theologians engage in extended dialogue with unregenerate theologians? , Darrel W. Cox
Should I remove my kippah?: a Jewish perspective of I Corinthians 11:2-16, Timothy J. Hegg
Should we talk as Nancey Murphy talks?/ R. Scott Smith., R. Scott Smith
Show me a story: a plan for the effective use of video illustrations in preaching, Timothy John Erickson
Show Up - Pay Attention, James Miller
Shrines in the 1983 Code of canon law , Anthony S. Czarnecki
Sibling response to the disturbed child: fostering differentiation of self, boundary maintenance, balanced roles, Larry J. Watnemo
Significant issues encountered by bi-vocational pastors in the Pennsylvania Christian and Missionary Alliance, Thomas Carl Gramling Jr.
Signs and significance: a Christian analysis of two postmodern perspectives, Dennis Michael Cox
"Signs and wonders" some serious reservations/ David A. Dean., David A. Dean
Signs of grace: Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic, Jeremy Allan Keay
Silence in Ignatius, Daniel Belonick
Silence, solitude, prayer and contemplation as spiritual disciplines essential to formation of effective preachers, Preston Busch
Silent submission: a reformed path toward integrative leadership, Robert Lancaster Jordan
Simon and His Money, Stephen Toth
Sin, Howard Fenimore Shipps
Sinful fear, Shannon McHenry
Singing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Estes Chapel - Front Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Estes Chapel - Front Shot 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing in Fletcher Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing new theology: the reinvention of doctrine in liberal hymnody, Stephen (Stephen Lenard) Huebscher
Singing Sems Rehearsal, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing Sems Rehearsal - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing Sems Rehearsal - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing Sems Rehearsal - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing Sems Rehearsal - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing Sems Rehearsal - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing Sems Rehearsal - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing Sems Rehearsal - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing Sems Rehearsal - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Singing the word:: the role of the Old Testament in selected hymns of Charles Wesley and some implications for Twenty-First Century worship in terms of the 'Blueprint' model, Randall D. McElwain
Single Dorm Construction - North View, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single Dorm Construction - North View, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single Dorm Construction - North View, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single Dorm Construction - North View, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single Dorm Construction - West View, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single Dorm Construction - West View, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single Dorm Construction - West View, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single Dorm Construction - West View, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single Dorm Kitchen, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Single-Minded Living in a Double-Minded World, Jeffrey E. Greenway
Singleness among African American women with children: developing an assessment to determine needs for ministry, Douglas E. Summers
Single-subject experimental design using melodic intonation therapy with an adult Hispanic male: a case study, Juan Carlos Lastra
Sin in believers, Leo George Cox
Sin in Genesis 3 and the understanding of sin in Confucius and Mencius, Zhixiong Niu
Sin is a shortcut, Bob Pierce
Sinners who are forgiven, or saints who sin? , Robert L. Saucy
Sin, redemption, and the animal kingdom, John Hartog II
Sins of ignorance and presumptuous sins in the Old and New Testaments , F. Leroy Forlines
Sins of the tongue: gossip and slander, Brady Clark
Sisters of the spirit : three Black women's autobiographies of the nineteenth century, Jarena Lee, Zilpha Elaw, Julia A J Foote, and William L. Andrews
Sisters of the spirit : three Black women's autobiographies of the nineteenth century, Jarena Lee, Zilpha Elaw, Julia A J Foote, and William L. Andrews
Sitting around the table: a course for churches experiencing conflict, depression, and burnout and for churches looking afresh at their vision and mission in the Bahamas, Reginald W. Eldon
Situating the Word: The Significance of Christian Space for Evangelism, Laceye Warner
Six ministry strategies for planting a seeker sensitive church , Mark Steven Davenport
Sixteenth century Anabaptism's response to the modern seeker sensitive movement, Glen Andrew Sykes
Six year Sunday school theological topic sequence and basic curriculum guide: year one for grades six through twelve at Memorial Park Presbyterian Church, Allison Park, Pennsylvania, Kristen Star Koepfer
Skateboarding in Kalas Village, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Slavery, a colossal crime: a religious and political biographical thesis of Ovid Butler (1801-1881), Corban Dean Thomas
Slavery in New Testament times and the implications for spiritual servitude, Richard H. Battis
SM 511 611 711 and SM 512, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 511 SM 611 SM 711 and SM 512 SM 612 SM 712 Christian Education and Youth Ministries Supervised Ministry Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 514 Christian Leadership Practicum, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 514 Christian Leadership Practicum, Thomas F. Tumblin
SM 514 Christian Leadership Practicum, Thomas F. Tumblin
SM 514 Christian Leadership Practicum, Thomas F. Tumblin
SM 514 Christian Leadership Practicum, Thomas F. Tumblin
SM 601 602 603 EXL Supervised Ministries Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 601, 602, 603 Supervised Ministry Handbook, Daryl L. Smith and James Loftin
SM 601, 602, 603 Supervised Ministry Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 601, 602, 603 Supervised Ministry Handbook, H. O. Thomas
SM 601, 602, 603 Supervised Ministry Handbook, Robert G. Tuttle
SM 601, 602, 603 Supervised Ministry Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 601 602 Supervisor Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 601 602 The Supervised Ministries Program, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 601 602 X Field Supervisor's Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 601 SM 602 Local Church Placement and SM 603 Institutional Placement, H. O. Thomas
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Daryl L. Smith
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Daryl L. Smith
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Daryl L. Smith
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, C. Milton Lowe
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Robert G. Tuttle
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Robert G. Tuttle
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Robert G. Tuttle
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Bryan D. Collier
SM 601 Supervised Ministry, Daryl L. Smith
SM 601 Supervised Ministry Calendar, Daryl L. Smith
SM 601 Supervised Ministry Calendar, Daryl L. Smith
SM 602 603 MM Mentored Ministry, Joy J. Moore
SM 602 Supervised Ministry, George Cruz
SM 602 Supervised Ministry, Burrell D. Dinkins and James L. Loftin
SM 602 Supervised Ministry Handbook, Daryl L. Smith and James Loftin
SM 603 Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 603 Institutional Field Supervisors Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 603 X Field Supervisor's Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 610 Supervised Ministry Handbook and Syllabus, Daryl L. Smith
SM 614 Christian Leadership Practicum, Thomas F. Tumblin
SM 615 Supervised Mission Experience, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 615 Supervised Mission Experience, Asbury Theolgoical Seminary
SM 615 Supervised Mission Experience, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 650 A Readings Tutorial in Supervised Ministry, Daryl L. Smith
SM 650 A Readings Tutorial in Supervised Ministry, Daryl L. Smith
SM 701 Internship, Barbara C. Holsinger
SM 701 Internship, H. O. Thomas
SM 701 Supervised Ministries, H. O. Thomas
SM 701 Supervised Ministries Internship, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM 701 Supervised ministry, H. O. Thomas
SM 711 712 Senior Closure, Catherine Stonehouse
SM 711 SM712 Supervised Ministry in Christian Education/Youth Ministry, Chris Kiesling
SM 714 Advanced Christian Leadership Practicum, Thomas F. Tumblin
Small acts of faithfulness: an analysis of selected works of Tolkien, Ruth Elizabeth Lindauer
Small Christian communities and the parish, Vincent J. Dulock
Small groups: a strategy for ministry with young single adults in the United States Air Force, Bobby Vincent Page
Small groups: a strategy for ministry with young single adults in the United States Air Force, Bobby Vincent Page
Small groups at Victory Christian Church, Billy Joe Daugherty
Smashing Babies, Ron Marlar
SM EXL Extended Case Guidelines, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM EXL Lay Committee Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
SM EXL Student Pastor Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
Snapshots of Jesus of Nazareth, the Jesus of history, Mary Elizabeth Neven
Snowy Admin Building, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Admin Building, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Admin Building - Close Up, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Admin Building - Front Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Asbury Inn, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Bookstore, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Bookstore and Larabee Morris, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Campus Greens, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Courtyard, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Courtyard, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Courtyard - Ground Level, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy June Ryan Circle, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy June Ryan Circle - Partial, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Larabee Morris, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Library and Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Library - Corner Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Library - Front Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy McKenna Chapel - Front Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Rear Shot - Admin Building and Crary McPheeters, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Rear Shot - Admin Building and Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Seminary Sign - Old Logo, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Seminary Sign - Old Logo, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Stanger Hall - Corner Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Stanger Hall - Side Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Student Center, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Wesley Square, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Wesley Square, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Snowy Window, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Social boundaries in Luke-Acts, David Brack
Social creativity in 1 Peter: symbolic universe and identity construction, Rafael Rodriguez
Social evangelism plays an important part in church growth, Roger Koster
Social justice and eschatological hope, Paula Beth Rummel
Social justice in the worship life of the urban church, Richard A. Johnson
Social memory theory and Lukan theology: ancient Jewish and early Christian memory in Acts 7, Jacpb Eli Christian
Social reform: an Evangelical imperative, Claude Holmes Thompson
Social transformation through pastoral transformational leadership : a case study of Mombasa Synod, Pius N. Kagwi
Social trinity as a model for multicultural fellowship, Garrick Christian Roegner
Social welfare and the transformation of polity in Geneva/ Jeannine E. Olson., Jeannine E. Olson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Atlanta, Georgia)
Social welfare and the transformation of polity in Geneva/ Jeannine E. Olson., Jeannine E. Olson and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1996 : Atlanta, Georgia)
Sociocultural strategies of indigenous evangelism and church building among preindustrial people groups, D. Bruce Fivecoat
Socrates: a Messianic type for the Gentiles, James Sanford Spiegel
Sola fidei, Howard Fenimore Shipps
Sola fide: the doctrine of justification and its relationship to the "Evangelicals and Catholics together" dialogue, Robert C. Weaver
Sola gratia, Charles G. Turkington
Sola scriptura, Robert William Lyon
Solidarity: from the heart of Jesus to the heart of the world, Judith Anne Thompson
Some additional thoughts on the Lordship question , W. E (Wayne E) Bell
Some aspects of Romanian ecclesiastical developments, Walter Daniel Rohan
Somebody's calling my name: discerning worship in the African American Catholic community, Coretha Vanessa White
Some chapters of Old Testament theology in a canonical context, Rolf Rendtorff
Some current thought about the beasts, the Ancient of Days, the Son of man and the saints of the most High in Daniel 7 , Robert Duncan Culver
Some encouragements toward an evangelical doctrine of the deification of man , James B. Jordan
Some factors in black African Islam which impact evangelistic strategy: megatrends in Muslim evangelism in black Africa, Godsave L. Azilah
Some general principles for sermon preparation in cross-cultural preaching, Samuel Shangchi Pan
Some hermeneutical methods in the Westminster standards , John Allen Delivuk
Some implications for biblical interpretations of "The art biblical poetry" by Robert Alter , Dave Dussault and Robert Alter
Some key determinants of effectiveness for teams in organizations, Terrie Lillie
Some of the dynamic personalities in the early history of Asbury Theological Seminary, William E. Savage, Jacob Harold Greenlee, and William Melvin Arnett
Some of the problems of the minister today, Russell R. Patton
Some old Persian calques in the Aramaic of Daniel , John Makujina
Someone Out There Needs Me, Robert G. Tuttle
Some possible roles of temporal overlap in recognizing paragraph and section breaks in Old Testament narrative , Andrew Bowling
Some propositions for a theistic arguement , Donald T. Williams
Some questions and observations regarding the New Covenan , John R. Master
Something old, something new: a deductionist's journey to inductive preaching, Billy Wayne Jones
Some things of strength in a nations life, or, The things we live by, Arthur James Moore and William David Turkington
Somewhere Between Here and There is Always Sychar, Rhonda Stapleton
Song of Songs 8:12a: who said it?, Robert L. Alden
Songs for a stranger, Arch Hart
Songs For A Stranger, Jerry Mercer
Sonship for Africa: discipleship by grace, John Wade Long
So old it seems new: Cedar Park Assembly of God and the Cathedral Church model, Geoffrey Roland Gannon
Soren Kierkegaard: an unlikely model for Christian apologetics, William Riley Hill
Soteriology of the Bantu in the thought of John Hick, Willy L. Mafuta
Soul competency in the S.B.C. in the early twentieth century/ by Almer J. Smith., Almer J. Smith
Soulistic health: the church's ministry of healing intercession , David Waite Yohn
Soul to soul: spiritual preaching which speaks to the soul of the congregation, Beverlee Bell
Soul winning in a black church, Joann Springer Thomas
Sound and Video Recordings on Poverty and Hunger, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Sounding a clear call: a study of church growth as a function of responsibility to a community's vocation, William F. Jorgensen
Soundings in the moral significance of glossolalia/ by Murray W. Dempster., Murray W. Dempster
Sources for theological exploration: a quadrilateral approach to elementary biblical education, David Alan Butzu
Southeast Leadership, Brett John DeYoung
Southeast's bequest and stewardship strategy, Mike Graham
Southeast's many volunteers, Darren Walter
Southward Greens Overview, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sowing and reaping, Donald Demaray
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric , Stacy R. Minger
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric, Joy J. Moore
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric, Stacy R. Minger
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric, Fred Fitch
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric, Stacy R. Minger
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric, Carolyn Smith
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric, Carolyn Smith
SP 501 Communication As Christian Rhetoric, Stacy R. Minger
SP 501 Communication As Christian Rhetoric, Charles D. Killian
SP 501 Communication As Christian Rhetoric, Charles D. Killian
SP 501 Communication As Christian Rhetoric, Carolyn Smith
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric, Stacy R. Minger
SP 501 Communication as Christian Rhetoric, Stacy R. Minger
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Charles D. Killian
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Clint Baldwin
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Clint Baldwin
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Joy J. Moore
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Michael Pasquarello
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Charles D. Killian
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Fred Fitch
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Fred Fitch
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Michael Pasquarello
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Michael Pasquarello
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Michael Pasquarello
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Michael Pasquarello
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Michael Pasquarello
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Charles D. Killian
SP 501 Communication for Christian Leaders, Michael Pasquarello
SP 501 X Communication for Christian Leaders, Fred Fitch
SP 550 The Ministry of Writing, Roger C. Palms
Spanish Language Christian Academic Publishing, Robert A. Danielson
Speaking out from within: a theology of preaching, Gabriel James Taylor
Speaking Paulistano: some foundations toward communicating the gospel to Säao Paulo's middle-class, James G. Medin
Special Collection Banner, Asbury Theological Seminary
Special Collection Box Banner, Asbury Theological Seminary
Speech act theory and conditional sentences in the Greek Testament , Richard A. Young
Speech act theory and its implications for the doctrine of the inerrancy/infallibility of Scripture , Gregg R. Allison
Spener's Proposals to Correct Conditions in the Church as the basis for the Evangelical Covenant Church's affirmations, James W. Ptak
Spirit and Truth: a handbook on expository preaching for Pentecostal students, Jeff C. Magruder
Spirit of the team: ministers of care as a relational team, Patricia JoAnne Wallingford Genck
Spiritual abuse in the Christian community, Barbara Olivia Berry
Spiritual allegory in medieval Armenian parables, Levon Kirakosyan
Spiritual and emotional growth as experienced by participants in "The Weigh Down Workshop" , John Coleman Tyler
Spiritual and social determinants of marriage satisfaction as practiced in a church-based small group at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Terry Merrill
Spiritual and strategic leadership in pastoral ministry, Pedro P. Magalhães
Spiritual assurance: the knowledge of salvation in Herman Bavinck, Eric John Dirksen
Spiritual authority, Richard Snyder
Spiritual awakening in China today: out from, and returning to, Jerusalem, Charles R. Powell
Spiritual awakenings: developing a higher level of spirituality in the congregation, Gary L. Hanson
Spiritual companions for Alzheimers patients and those persons with other forms of dementia, Edith A. Downes
Spiritual development by personality type, Gregory C. Gilson
Spiritual dimensions: coping with chronic illness such as multiple sclerosis, Mark W. Phillips
Spiritual direction and domestic violence: a journey towards healing, Chlorine F. Wimberly
Spiritual direction and grief: a grace to embrace, Joe Stevenson
Spiritual direction: companioning victims of sexual abuse on their faith journey, Christine Connolly
Spiritual direction in West Africa: two traditions in dialogue, Elias Essognimam Sindjalim
Spiritual dynamics in trinitarian missiology , Enoch Wan
Spiritual exercise experience, Jonathan Wayne Feathers
Spiritual formation and entire sanctification: the Denver City model , Charles Lee Self
Spiritual formation and Southern Baptist clergy, Candace Kay Hardin
Spiritual formation: an inward journey, Gale O'Neil
Spiritual formation: a qualitative evaluation of a small group course, William Francis III Johnson
Spiritual formation for couples in ministry, Edwin B. Utz
Spiritual formation implications for theological educatio case study : Seminario Nazareno de las Americas, San Jose, Costa Rica, MaryLou Riggle
Spiritual formation in the church and its impact upon spiritual free agency, Ian Alexander Trigg
Spiritual formation message, Frank Bateman Stanger
Spiritual formation: restoring evangelical Christianity's spiritual influence in Italy, James Patrick Caminata
Spiritual formation through spiritual disciplines and spiritual gifts, Ulysses O. Hollowell
Spiritual freedom: a gracious path, Jane Noreen Geiger
Spiritual genealogy: early church influences on the life and work of John Wesley and their renewing impact on his successors today , Karl Dana Stonebraker
Spiritual gifts, Mark Nysewander
Spiritual gifts, Kenneth C. Kinghorn
Spiritual gifts: a realized empowerment for Christian ministry at St. James Community Baptist Church, Joseph John Richardson
Spiritual gifts: a realized empowerment for Christian ministry at St. James Community Baptist Church, Joseph John Richardsom Sr.
Spiritual gifts: their theological and practical implications for the local congregation, Robert A. Strawn
Spiritual growth of small group participants using a Wesley-developmental model , Victor Brady Willis
Spiritual intervention on a substance abuse ward, Larry Dean Kendrick
Spiritualism and intelligent design , John Mark Reynolds
Spirituality among young Christians in post-communist Slovakia, Edita Sakoésovâa
Spirituality and ethics of eating, Kimberly Sue Parker
Spirituality and healthcare: renewing old ties, forging new partnerships, Richard McCaughey
Spirituality and health care: the need for the inclusion of education concerning spiritual issues with dying patients in medical school curriculums, William Jeffrey Flowers
Spirituality and loss: a series of presentations, John C. Jorden
Spirituality and pastoral care , Richard I. McNeely
Spirituality and scholarship: friends or foes?, Henry W. Holloman
Spirituality and the law and its implication for the evangelical , Louis Goldberg
Spirituality of children: "Ladybugs lying in the sun", Elizabeth Ludvik
Spirituality of the religious brothers in today's Scalabrinian community, Raniero Allessandrini
Spiritual life. Part 1, Charles Francis Whiston
Spiritual life. Part 2, Charles Francis Whiston
Spiritual renewal and the kingdom of God, Louis MacDonald Huesmann
Spiritual resilience: salty saints in an unsavory world, Mark W. Johnson
Spiritual Training (1997 part 1), C. Reginald Johnson
Spiritual Training (1997 part 2), C. Reginald Johnson
Spiritual training (1999), C. Reginald Johnson
Spiritual transformation of Christian leaders through biblical application of spiritual phenomenon in the Christian church, Larita M. Hand
Spiritual transformation through worship in the presence of God with the aid of music: an exploration of Pan-Chiao Ling Liang Church, Vaugh-An Yang
Spiritual Warfare, Ronald K. Crandall
Spiritual warfare and evangelism: a training program for a local church, Charles M. Stone Jr.
Spiritual Warfare, part 1, Steve Seamands
Spiritual Warfare, part 2, Stephen A. Seamands
Spiritual Warfare, part 3, Steve Seamands
Spiritual Warfare, part 4, Steve Seamands
Spiritual Warfare, part 4, Stephen A. Seamands
Spiritual warfare theology: exegetical or existential?, John F. Hart
Spirit versus "spirit": an examination of the nature and function of the Holy Spirit against the backdrop of the false spirit in Ephesians, David Ralph Chotka
Splendor and Specificity, J. Steven Harper
Sports ministry in America's one hundred largest churches, Matthew Brian White
Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Theology and Practices of Early Methodism for the Contemporary Church, Laceye Warner
Spring orientation (February 06, 2004), John David Walt
Sr. Pastor of the Ginghamsburg Church, Michael Slaughter
ST 501 Method and Praxis, George Ille
ST 501 Method and Praxis, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Zaida Maldonado Perez
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Zaida Maldonado Perez
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Charles E. Gutenson
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Zaida Maldonado Perez
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, George Ille
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Paul N. Markham
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, George Ille
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Zaida Maldonado Perez
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Zaida Maldonado Perez
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Charles E. Gutenson
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Charles E. Gutenson
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Zaida Maldonado Perez
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 501 Method and Praxis in Theology, Charles E. Gutenson
ST 620 Emotions, Feelings, and Passion, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 620 Emotions, Feelings, and Passion, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 620 Emotions, Feelings, and Passion, Lawrence W. Wood
ST 620 The Spiritual Life of the Minister, Stephen L. Martyn
ST 650 Narrative Theology, George Ille
ST 650 Public Theology for Changing Times, Brian G. Edgar
ST 650 Science and Christian Faith, David Wilkinson
ST 650 Tutorial in Systematic Theology: Christology, McFarlane Graham
ST 753 The Human Person: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Brian G. Edgar
Stability in the pastoral office as a prerequisite for effective pastoral ministry, John Konuparampil Antony
Staff and Students Listening in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff commissioning service, David L. McKenna
Staff commissioning service (1996, Sept. 14), Dale E. Galloway
Staff commissioning service (2001, Sept. 5), Steve Moore
Staffing Insight From Rapid Expansion Mode Churches, Carl F. George
Staff Reading in the Orlando Library, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Reading in the Orlando Library - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Reading in the Orlando Library - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Reading in the Orlando Library - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Reading in the Orlando Library - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Talking in the Orlando Library, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Talking in the Orlando Library - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Talking in the Orlando Library - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Talking in the Orlando Library - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Talking in the Orlando Library - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Talking in the Orlando Library - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Staff Talking in the Orlando Library - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Standing firm, moving forward, Maxie D. Dunnam
Standing in the gap : the work of intercession, J. Ellsworth Kalas
Stanger Hall - Snowy Corner Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Stanger Hall - Snowy Side Shot from Gillispie St., Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Stanger on Turkington: interview by Ann Jenks., Frank Bateman Stanger
Stanger Prayer Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Stanger Prayer Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Starting a Bible institute in a local church, Edward Allen Williams
Starting a contemporary worship service in an army setting, David Paul Hillis
Star trek and the next generation : postmodernism and the future of evangelical theology, Stanley J (Stanley James) Grenz
State Catholic conferences: a canonical analysis of two constitutions and bylaws, Marie T. Hilliard
State of the seminary address, David L. McKenna
Status of global evangelization : model and database design, John Gilbert
Status, wealth and conflict at Corinth , Duane Warden
Staying on the Wall, H. Eddie Fox
Staying power : the influence of the call among ministers of the Wesleyan Church, Joseph Gilson Liddick
Staying Strong in A Sexually Saturated Society, Ken Abraham
Stella, This Ain't Hollywood, Hule Goddard
Stem cell research: embryonic and adult stem cells the ethical pursuit of dignity for human life, Matthew R. Hannasch
Stephen Fincher in the Dining Hall, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Stephen Fincher in the Dining Hall - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Stephen's speech, Arthur B. Walton
Stephen's speech: missiological implications of Stephen's speech in Luke-Acts, Hyo-Jong Kim
Stepping into the stream: the spirituality of the service for the Lord's Day in three American Baptist congregations, David Oliver-Holder
Steps To A Healthy Capitol Stewardship Campaign, Asbury Theological Seminary
Stewardship and "measure of faith" in Romans 12:3, John Kenneth Goodrich
Stewardship educational program based on the Lukan pericopes: (Pentecost season--Series C), Glen W. Borhart
Stewardship of power (Talkback Session), Gary A. Haugen
Stewardship project with emphasis on time, talents and efforts, Anette I. Westermark
Stewards of the gospel to the poor: a study of the stewardship motifs of Jesus' parables in Luke's travel narrative (Luke 9:51-19:44), Yuk-Tong Chan
St. John Chrysostom's trials and the Church of Rome, Demetrios E. Tonias and Demetrios E. Tonias
ST MS 680: Contemporary Cults, Steven Tsoukalas
Stop the carousel: an aid to counseling families of homosexuals, Robert Jeffrey Roberson
Stories and stock responses: C.S. Lewis on Christianity and literature, Donald T. Williams
Stories From North Korea, Peter Lee
Stories from the streets, Al Tauber
Stories That Matter, John David Walt
Story and memory in the study of Matthew: a narrative-critical approach to how the implied reader experiences the plot to kill Jesus, Chad Allen Pumpelly
Story of Faith, David Montague
Story preaching: one preacher's transforming experience of telling gospel stories, Robert A. Garwig
Story Telling Concert (1995), Charles D. Killian
Storytelling in the postmodern context, Nicholas Michael Cox
Storytelling the gospel in a Muslim context, James Gregory Couch
Storytelling to develop new life in a small congregation, Thomas Lenson Rogers
St. Paul's doctrine of the church, Robert G. Delnay
St. Paul's use of [ek pisteåos] in Romans and Galatians: the significance of Paul's choice of prepositions with [pistis] as object and its bearing upon justification by faith, Andrew John Spallek
Straight away: the meaning and literary function of [euthus/eutheos] in the Gospel of Mark, Daniel Edwin Paavola
Strange bedfellows: inroads of process thought, Ronald M. Brooks
Strangers welcoming strangers, Asbury Theological Seminary
Strategically making disciples at First Evangelical Free Church of La Crosse, Wisconsin, through the principles learned in T-Net, David Taylor Holt
Strategic planning process: a means to maximizing a congregation's ministry potential, Timothy Neil Wallingford
Strategies conducive to formation of independent second-generation Korean North American congregations, Leon M. Cymbaluk
Strategies for recruiting, training and retaining North American Christian workers among Turkish Muslims in Germany, Douglas E. Batson
Strategies for Solutions to the Crisis in our Church, Charles Keysor and Laurence Wood
Strategies for solution to the crisis in our church, Charles W. Keysor and Leslie
Strategies for teaching: a class to be taught at Ozark Christian College, Doug Gibson
Strategies of churches planting of Chinese Methodist Church in Australia = Aozhou hua ren wei li gong hui zhi tang ce lèue, Changhua 880-01 Xia
Strategies of Foreign Aid, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Strategy for advancing the small church of Taiwan Evangelical Holiness Church = Taiwan sheng jiao hui xiao xing jiao hui fa zhan ce lèue, Andrew Chi-Jang Chen
Strauss and Howe's generational theory : some implications for theology and church, Kenneth C. Harper
Strengthening corporate worship participation in Oklahoma Southern Baptist churches through an eight-week study course, Jon K. Duncan
Strengthening human relationships: Trinitarian theology and Bowen theory, Steven C. Cromer
Strengthening relationships between new and long term church members through the Sunday school, Mark Robert Hensley
Strengthening the congregational prayer life of a suburban American Baptist church through five weeks of emphasis on prayer, William L. Whiteman
Strengthening the core values of Christian men , Roger Neal Ferguson
Strengthening the core values of Christian men, Roger Neal Ferguson
Strengthening the relationship between congregation and presbytery, Bruce A. Jensen
Strengthening the spiritual lives of busy mothers at First Baptist Church, Picayune, Mississippi, Elizabeth Watkins Cape
Strengthening the vitality of New Hope Free Methodist Church through the natural church development approach, Linda J. Adams
Strengthening Vietnamese ministries in the midst of intercultural and intergenerational conflict, Phuoc N. Dang
Strength for the journey: a five-day retreat for people living with HIV/AIDS, John Blalock
Stronger at the broken places: preaching the good-goodbye, Helen L. Nablo
Strother Family ARC1985 -001 - Finding Aid, Strother Family
Structured parallelism in the composition and formation of canonical books : a rhetorical critical analysis of Proverbs 10:1-22:16, Stephen Glendon Brown
Structure, outline, and theology of the Book of Numbers , R. Dennis Cole
St. Teresa of Avila: the manifestation of suffering in prayer, Eureka People
St. Thomas Aquinas and virtue epistemology, James R. Hooten
Stuart Clark Henry as teacher/ Barbara Brown Zikmund., Barbara Brown Zikmund and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1993 : Williamsburg, Va.)
Student Center - Snowy Morning, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Student Center - Snowy Rear Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Student Leadership Team (September 12, 2006), Karen Bates
Student Leadership Team (September 13, 2005), Dale Williams
Student Leadership Team (September 27, 2007), Karen Bates
Student Missions Testimonies, Luke Syfert
Student Pastor's Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
Student Pastor's Handbook, Asbury Theological Seminary
Student perceptions of formative teacher evaluation: putting the student back in student evaluations, Ryan Todoroff
Students and Faculty Listening in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Faculty Listening in Estes Chapel - Balcony Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Faculty Listening in Estes Chapel - Wider Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Faculty Singing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Faculty Singing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Faculty Singing in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Faculty Singing in Estes Chapel - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Faculty Singing in Estes Chapel - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Faculty Standing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff in Front of the Admin Building, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff in Front of the Admin Building - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff in Front of the Admin Building - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff in Front of the Admin Building - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff in Front of the Admin Building - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff in Front of the Admin Building - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff in Front of the Admin Building - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff in Front of the Admin Building - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff Kneeling in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students and Staff Kneeling in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students at the SPO, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Greeting in Front of Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Hugging in the Dining Hall, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Chapel - Front Section, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Class - Beeson Center, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Class - Beeson Center - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Class - Beeson Center - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Chris Kiesling's Class - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Joe Dongell's Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Dr. Joe Dongell's Class - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in E. Stanley Jones Building, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Estes Chapel - Front Section, Front Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Estes Chapel - Front Section, Side Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Estes Chapel - Rear Section, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in Front of the Library, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in the Dining Hall - Front Door Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in the Dining Hall - Side Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students in the Dining Hall - Wide Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Laughing in Gallaway Village, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Laughing in Gallaway Village - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Laughing in Gallaway Village - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Laughing in Gallaway Village - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Laughing in Gallaway Village - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Laughing in Gallaway Village - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Laughing in Gallaway Village - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Laughing in Gallaway Village - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 12, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 13, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 14, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 15, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 16, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 17, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 18, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 19, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 20, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 21, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 22, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 23, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 24, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 25, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 26, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 27, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Class - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Dr. Kima Pachuau's Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Dr. Lawson Stone's Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Dr. Lawson Stone's Class - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Dr. Lawson Stone's Class - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Dr. Lawson Stone's Class - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Estes Chapel - Aisle Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Estes Chapel - Rear Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Estes Chapel - Rear Shot 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Estes Chapel - Rear Side Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Estes Chapel - Rear Side Shot 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Estes Chapel - Rear Side Shot 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Listening in Estes Chapel - Side Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students on the Estes Platform, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students on the Green, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Praying in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Praying in Orlando, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Praying in Orlando - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Praying in Orlando - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Praying in Orlando - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Praying in Orlando - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Praying in Orlando - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Reading in Orlando, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Reading in Orlando - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Reading in Orlando - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Reading in Orlando - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Reading in Orlando - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Shaking Hands, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Shaking Hands in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing in Estes Chapel - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing in Estes Chapel - Rear Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Singing in Estes Chapel - Side Shot, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Standing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Studying in the Library, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Studying in the Library Quiet Area, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Studying on the Library Porch, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Studying on the Library Porch - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Studying on the Library Porch - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Taking Notes in Class, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 1, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Looking Down, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Looking Down 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Offset Overlook 1, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Offset Overlook 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Offset Overlook 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Overlook, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Overlook 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Overlook 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Overlook 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in Gallaway Village - Overlook 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Dining Hall, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Dining Hall - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Orlando Library, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Orlando Library - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Orlando Library - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Orlando Library - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Student Center, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Student Center - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking in the Student Center - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking on the Steps of the Admin Building, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Talking on the Steps of the Admin Building - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 10, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 11, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 12, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Using the Computer in the Orlando Library - 9, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking by the Fountain, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking by the Fountain - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking by the Fountain - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking by the Fountain - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking by the Fountain - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking on Campus 2011, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking on Campus 2011 - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking on Campus 2011 - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking on Campus 2011 - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking on Campus 2011 - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking on Campus 2012, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking on Campus 2012 - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Students Walking to the Library, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Studies in the literary structure of Jonah, Raymond J. Lubeck
Studies into transforming leadership: case studies of the use of transforming leadership principles and practices in Christian families #9, Abel D. Threeton
Study, evaluation, and program planning: a small group experiment, John T. Muir
Studying on the Quiet Floor, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Studying on the Quiet Floor - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Study of the efficacy of local evangelism strategies in a church located in Pangseong Township: (a case of Zion Presbyterian Church), Seong Han Heo
Study of worship styles in the Mid-Maryland Baptist Association, W. Grant Lauterbach
Stylistics as a viable methodology for evangelicals , Aida Spencer
Subject determination in Koine Greek equative clauses involving proper nouns and articular nouns, Mario Cerda
Subjective impressions in the Christian experience, Robert James Johnson
Submission: rebellion against the evil world order : the paradigm of reality applied to the Christian's relation to government, James B. DeYoung
Submit to whom?: an exegetical study of Romans 13:1-7, Bradley A. Smith
Sub Petro: excavating the good news of the Kingdom of God, Travis Michael Armes
Substance abuse, marital status, and employment status as risk factors for domestic violence against women in rural communities, Robert B. Sidell
Substantialist and relational understandings of entire sanctification among Church of the Nazarene clergy, William M. Kirkemo
Substantial unity of the Roman Rite: a structural interpretation, Brian E. Mahoney
Subverting the Pharisaic agenda: Jesus, Matthew 23, and the Sanders-Wright debate, Kevin R. Scott
Successful church planting: a comparative study of factors church planters consider critical for a viable church plant, Jeff Philpott
Successfully coaching church planters, Robert J. Rowley
Successful Small Group Systems, Dale Galloway
Suffering and character formation in the life and sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892, Kim-Hong Hazra
Suffering and divine hiddenness in John of the Cross's Dark night of the soul, Kara Wynn
Suffering: a systematized biblical exposition, R. Larry Overstreet
Suffering in Hinduism and the way out, Kirriappa Samuel
Suffering in the Pauline mission: the paradox of gospel growth, Osvaldo Padilla
Suffering, sickness, and sin in the community, Judy Ribgy
Suffering soldiers: the theological methods of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and liberation theologians, Richard Yu
Suggested models in evangelizing Muslims , Donald Roland Rickards
Suggested strategies for resolving intragroup church conflict through leadership in the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, George Klay Weagba
Suicide: an Orthodox perspective, Jacob Hatch
Summary of Lausanne 2010 prosperity Gospel, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Summer Theological Institute, Sundo Kim
Summer Theological Institute, Sundo Kim
Summer Theological Institute, Disc 1, George G. Hunter
Summer Theological Institute, Disc 2, George G. Hunter
Summer Theological Institute, Part 2, George G. Hunter
Sunday in St. Louis: the anatomy and anomaly of a large-scale Billy Sunday revival in St. Louis, Joseph H. Hall
Sunday school in evangelicalism: 1959 to 1989, Casey S. Shutt
Sunshine and Victory, J. C. McPheeters
Super friends, John David Walt
Supervised Ministry, H. O. Thomas
Supervision across cultures: directions for ministry supervision during the SVD cross-cultural training program, Mark J. Schramm
Support for stepfamily adults and the integration of stepfamilies into the church , Grant M. Anderson
Support group and pilot project for migrating Jamaican middle-class mothers who have problems with their families, Fay M. Golding
Surprise! Surprise!, J. Steven Harper
Surprising Hellenisms in second temple Judaism , Calvin David Redmond
Surrender?: a feminist examines Gelassenheit, June Mears Driedger
Surrender formula as a sign of catechesis , Chris Vogel
Surrender to limit and mutuality: transformations in the clinical staff of a center for the treatment of chemical dependence, Thomas P. Murphy
Sursum corda: the significance of the ascension in the eucharistic theology of John Calvin, Larry John Westerveld
Survey of the history of the interpretation of prophecy : how interperters deal with Peter's use of Psalm 16 in Acts 2, Gordon E. Whitney
Survival factors for small immigrant ethnic churches: the limitations of a Korean congregation, Yæong-u Pak
Surviving and thriving in the shadows of the mega-church, Eugene H. Voss
Susie Patrick and Dr. Bob Stamps Kneeling in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick and Dr. Bob Stamps Kneeling in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick and Dr. Bob Stamps Kneeling in Estes Chapel - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick and Dr. Bob Stamps Kneeling in Estes Chapel - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick and Dr. Bob Stamps Kneeling in Estes Chapel - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick and Dr. Bob Stamps Kneeling in Estes Chapel - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick and Dr. Bob Stamps Kneeling in Estes Chapel - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick and Dr. Bob Stamps Kneeling in Estes Chapel - 8, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick Singing in a Singing Sems Rehearsal, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick Singing in a Singing Sems Rehearsal - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick Singing in a Singing Sems Rehearsal - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick Singing in a Singing Sems Rehearsal - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Susie Patrick Singing in a Singing Sems Rehearsal - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Sustaining hope in the abyss through the world of story, Barbara C. Floryshak
Suzie Patrick Talking with an International Student in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Suzii Paynter - Such as These, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Swamped, Sean Gladding
Symbols, David L. McKenna
Syneidesis in extra-biblical literature, Scott Gordon Roberson
Synonymous fallacy in Hebrew poetic studies , Jo Suzuki
Syntactical structures embedded in the genealogies of 1 Corinthians 1-9 : a modest proposal, Barry J. Beitzel
Systemic catechesis, Kevin L. Wyssmann
Tabitha Streby and Alyssa Chang Talking on Campus, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tabitha Streby and Alyssa Chang Talking on Campus - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tabitha Streby and Alyssa Chang Talking on Campus - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tabitha Streby and Alyssa Chang Talking on Campus - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tabitha Streby and Alyssa Chang Talking on Campus - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tabitha Streby and Alyssa Chang Talking on Campus - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tabitha Streby and Alyssa Chang Talking on Campus - 7, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tabitha Streby and Zack Glenn Talking in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Table fellowship in Luke's Gospel: an author-text-reader-centered approach, Bæang Cãong Trãan
Take a long, deep look, Mike Voigts
Take heed what you hear, Jarrell Waskom Pickett
Take my hand: a model for ministry in a postmodern world, Andrew Wallace Gill
Take nothing for your journey: towards a simpler lifestyle attitude, Gordon B. Crossfield
Taking a Stand, Jerry L. Walls
Taking Jesus seriously, Frank Bateman Stanger
Taking Risks As A Staff, Leith Anderson
Taking risks as a staff, Leith Anderson
Talkback, Haddon Robinson
Talkback, Rob L. Staples
Talkback, Clark H. Pinnock
Talkback, I. Howard Marshall
Talkback, Peter Stuhlmacher
Talkback, Clark H. Pinnock
Talk back session, Thomas C. Oden
Talkback Session, N.T. Wright
Talk back session, (2002, June 18), Quentin J. Schultze
Talkback with Richard Mauw and Miriam Adeney, Richard Mouw
Talking story: narrative thought, worldviews, and postmodernism, Ray Lubeck
Tamar's righteousness: a model of Christian righteousness to reconsider the debate on contraception, Xenios Christopher Marckx
Tamila Fuller in the Library, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller in the Library - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller in the Library - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller in the Library - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller Singing in Estes Chapel, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller Singing in Estes Chapel - 2, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller Singing in Estes Chapel - 3, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller Singing in Estes Chapel - 4, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller Singing in Estes Chapel - 5, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Tamila Fuller Singing in Estes Chapel - 6, Asbury Theological Seminary Communications
Task of Hermeneutics, Oscar Muriu
Tassel flipping: a portrait of the well-trained youth-ministry graduate, Andrew S. Jack
Taught by God' John's use of Jeremiah 31:31-34 in 1 John 2:27, John Menno Gaede
Tax effective composition of the compensation package for the diocesan priest, Michael E. Riley
Teachers as mandated reporters: the impact of culture, ethnicity, and training on definitions and reporting of physical child abuse, Ozella R. Phillips
Teacher training sessions for the children's ministry department of Central Manor Church of God using Lois E. Lebar's principles for learning, Sherry M. Hocking
Teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ: the Christological content of Paul's speeches in the Acts of the Apostles, Richard Garth Henning
Teaching all things-- including human rights , Winston Frost
Teaching As Hospitality, Ellen L. Marmon
Teaching a survey of Old Testament history to small groups, Tracy Jonathan Vail
Teaching Baptist doctrine to new church members through mentoring, William Robert McCartney
Teaching Baptists a spiritual formation of listening to God as our divine center: the practices of Lectio divina and centering prayer, Michael Shane Kinnison
Teaching basic pastoral care skills to ministry volunteers at Madigan Army Medical Center, Robert Burdet Allman III
Teaching believers the value of character-based decision-making, David William Belk
Teaching Bible interpretation methods to the Sunday School teachers of East Baptist Church of Paducah, Kentucky, Michael G. Morrow
Teaching Biblical fasting , Kent David Berghuis
Teaching centered prayer skills to incarcerated African American men in small groups, Karl Jeames Robinson
Teaching Christian discipleship keys: using Pietism's model for spiritual growth, Der-Jen Caleb Chou
Teaching clinical medical students and residents biblical foundations for decision-making in medical ethics, Harold B. Habecker
Teaching congregations a theology of preaching: helping the congregation hear preaching, Layne Wallace
Teaching couple prayer using the prayer of examen to build upon couple communication I skills, Melanie Rae Thiessen
Teaching discipleship to men from John's gospel, Jack Farnam Heinsohn
Teaching Genesis chapters one through twelve on the Internet by testing and assessment, Paul Edward Tarence
Teaching healing prayer for the victims of sin, George B. Koch
Teaching how to mentor people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, William Alexander King
Teaching laymen to preach expository sermons, Nelson J. Annan
Teaching lay people and preachers in Macau to preach expository sermons, Kenneth Kwong Chee Siu
Teaching laypeople expository preaching, Abraham Shinchieh Chen
Teaching laypeople to prepare a biblical message, Milton Lee Graves
Teaching local church members how to understand modern, ethical issues from a theological perspective using homosexuality as an example, Cheryl Martin Bass Rhodes
Teaching local church members how to understand modern, ethical issues from a theological perspective using homosexuality as an example, Cheryl Martin Bass Rhodes
Teaching math and science from a Christian worldview, David Farbishel
Teaching men at First Baptist Church Stroud, Oklahoma inductive Bible study as a spiritual discipline, Burl E. Mackey
Teaching new members how to become ministers at Acton Baptist Church, Tracey M. Bartley
Teaching personal holiness in a seminary context , Michael Frank Sabo
Teaching Presbyterian polity in Clemson Korean Presbyterian Church, Jae Neung Park
Teaching religious toleration without losing the exclusive claims of the gospel , A. J. Conyers
Teaching sanctification by faith: a qualitative study on the impact of a grace-centered discipleship class, David Galletta
Teaching Session, Michael Slaughter
Teaching social responsibility : the rich and poor in James, Duane Warden
Teaching textual criticism to future pastors : can we keep future congregants from charging them with liberalism?, Kendell H. Easley
Teaching the Anglican understanding of eucharistic worship at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church on Fleming Island, Florida, Sandra Kay Roberts
Teaching the doctrine of salvation to seekers in the Taiwanese Church in Columbus, Ohio as a means of evangelism, Hsin-Chang Daniel Su
Teaching the epistles: a discourse approach using discourse analysis in teaching the New Testament Epistles, Ernie Rickets
Teaching the essentials of Biblical preaching, John Kevin Carroll
Teaching the faith to new adult members of Bethany Lutheran Church, Fairview Heights, Illinois, Douglas A. Nicely
Teaching the fundamentals of personal evangelism to selected members of the First Baptist Church of Cisco, Texas, Chris Craig
Teaching the imperatives in Matthew's Gospel to new Christians in the First Baptist Church of Bixby, Oklahoma, Monte Moran
Teaching them all things-- even the law/ David A. Dorsey., David A. Dorsey
Teaching them Socratically?: where genuine Socratic method is appropriate, Mark T. Coppenger
Teaching theology through case studies, Gary Lenox McKnight
Teaching the parables to a post-modern society : the contextualization of the stories of Jesus, Samuel Lamerson
Teaching the prayer principles from the Lord's Prayer to help volunteers improve their prayer lives, W. Wayland Stephens
Teaching the skills of preaching: merging the needs of practitioners with the goals of professors, Randal Emery Pelton
Teaching the teachers: pastoral education in the early church, Glen L. Thompson
Teaching world religions in the Bible college , Norm Hoyt
Teaching youth a theology of suffering, Thomas H. Kelly
Teach it again: Using multiple intelligences in adult christian education, William C. Hassel
Teach them to fish, Frank Charles Laubach
Team and hierarchical leadership in multiple staff churches, Wendy F. Turner
Team building: bridging the leadership gap between the staff and eldership of Eastside Christian Church, Stanley Ray Lawhon
Team building for Army chaplains at the installation level, Ronald R. Huggler
Team building practices employed by senior pastors to build healthy ministry teams, Paul H. Ballard
Teampreaching: training Army chaplains in collaborative supervision of preaching, James Phillip King
Tearfund Advocacy Toolkit Part I, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Tearfund Advocacy Toolkit Part II, Evangelical Advocacy: A Response to Global Poverty
Techniques in congregational transformation: creating positive change through appreciative inquiry, Peter Della Santina
Technology and personhood: a Wesleyan slant on apologetics, H. Ray Dunning
Technology and the formation of the brave new world : a comparison of Jacques Ellul's view of technology and Aldous Huxley's vision of the brave new world, Lawrence Terlizzese
Ted and Lee present the Bible: an analysis of their intermediary role between drama and scripture, Olivia Bartel
Teenagers and homosexuality an aid for parents, Benjamin Wallace Marshall
Teleological compatibilism: a non-libertarian theory of moral responsibility, Steven B. Cowan
Teleology in a developing universe: a philosophical and theological investigation into the fine-tuning of the universe necessary for the existence of life, Jeffrey D. McCallum
Telephone outreach manual for church planters, Tom Lawrence Nash
Tel Gezer 1990 , David Merling
Telling the Jesus story here now, David Roller
Telling the stories of the scrutiny scriptures: a formation process for ministers, Peggy Plastina
Telling the truth: training teenagers to evangelize a postmodern mindset, Bryan L. Fellers
Temperance and practical reason in Aquinas: how chastity promotes prudence, Keith Michael Eades
"Temple of the Living God:" the transformation of a metaphor and its application in Fourth- and Fifth-Century Christianity, Renie S. Choy
Temporal administration in the American province of the Institute of the Marist Brothers of the Schools, Henry Matthew Sammon
"Tending the Well", David Rambo
Tentmaker orientation for Filipino overseas workers, Robert J. Clark
Tentmaking: is it really a biblical means of missionary support?, David L. Washburn
Terms for compatibility between man and women according to Genesis 2:18, Daniel C. Standridge
Testimonies, Hule Goddard
Testimonies From Africa, Various
Testimony, Mike Clark
Testimony, Jyl Halls
Testimony, Angela Chen
Testimony, Matt Lipscomb and Cindy Lipscomb
Testimony, Mike Clark
Testimony service and Board report, Julian Claudius McPheeters
Text and culture: bringing the biblical worldview to bear on the world : a biblical-theological study of Acts 17:16-34, Clint Lyle Heacock
Textlinguistics as an exegetical tool, Jason L. Holm
Text Matthew 10:16-22, Gerald H. Anderson
Thâeráese and Scripture: Saint Thâeráese of Lisieux as reader using Gadamer's theory of "fusion of horizons" as a model for analysis, Joseph Girouard
Thanksgiving, James Douglas Robertson
Thanksgiving service, Frank Bateman Stanger
That all may be one: reconfiguration as a contemporary expression of the charism of the Congregation of St. Joseph, Susan McCrery
That I might gain Christ, Arnold Prater
That old-time religion: the divided soul of Genevan Calvinism, 1685-1718, Pamela A. Mason and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Coral Gables, Florida)
That old-time religion: the divided soul of Genevan Calvinism, 1685-1718, Pamela A. Mason and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1995 : Coral Gables, Florida)
"That's when everything changed": reconstructing the history of a religion department, Stephen R. Haynes and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, FL)
"That's when everything changed": reconstructing the history of a religion department, Stephen R. Haynes and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1998 : Tallahassee, FL)
That the world may believe, John Paul
That we might be made God : themes of deification in western medieval Catholicism, David Barbee
That which all mankind seeks, Jimmy Karam
The 10 commandments and the common good, Patrick D. Miller
The 1858 prayer revival: a history and evaluation of its impact on New York City, Gary K. House
The 20th Century Holiness Movement and Korean Holiness Groups, Myung Soo Park
The 20th century revival of Genevan Psalmody in Reformed worship in North America, Joel Overduin
The 21st century pastor, John Ed Mathison
The 513th Military Intelligence Brigade deployment discipleship groups: preparing soldiers for growth and ministry, Hershel Don Yancey
The abomination of desolation in the cross, Juan Carlos Candelaria Kuhn
The abomination of desolation: past, future, or both?, Todd S. Beall
The Abrahamic covenant , Doug Kennard
The Abrahamic covenant and justification by faith: a reciprocal relationship?, Kenneth Morgan Durham
The Abrahamic covenant: its development and fulfillment in Genesis, Timotius Siswanto
The Abrahamic narrative as presented by the author of Hebrews in Hebrews 11:8-10, Thomas A. Keiser
The absence of Jesus, Mark Allan Powell
The academic installation of doctors Ivan Howard, Thomas A. Carruth, and Gilbert James to the faculty of Asbury Theological Seminary, Frank Bateman Stanger
The Academy for Student Ministry: a study in youth ministry, Myrle Raymond Grate
The accession year and Davidic chronology , Eugene H. Merrill
The accomplishments of Christ on the cross in 1 Peter 2:24, Matthew L. Jones
The accountability factor of the discipling process in the ministry of John Wesley , Lee C. Talley
The acquisition and transfer of membership in an autonomous church, Kenneth Romain Morvant
The Acts of the Apostles and the church today, C. K. Barrett
The Acts of the Apostles and the church today, C. K. Barrett
The Acts of the Apostles and the church today, C. K. Barrett
The Acts of the Apostles and the church today, C. K. Barrett
The Acts of the Apostles and the Church Today, Mark Allan Powell
The Acts of the Apostles and the church today, C. K. Barrett
The Acts of the Apostles and the church today, C. K. Barrett
"The adequate business of our lives": the spirituality of Anglican women at the end of the Seventeenth century, Charles Wallace and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1992 : Washington, D.C.)
The adjuration repetend in the Song of songs, Brian P. Gault
The ad limina visit (c.400): theological-juridic reflections, George Joseph Richards
The administration of the sacrament of marriage to the faithful of Syro-Malabar rite in the diaspora, Joseph P. Saviour
The administration of the sacrament of marriage to the faithful of Syro-Malabar Rite in the Diaspora, Joseph P. Saviour
The adolescent and the self: a contrast and comparison between Japanese and American teenagers, Michael Carl
The adoptive and adaptive nature of the church: the church's borrowing of theology and praxis from without as a primer for interreligious dialogue, Brian McGrath Davis
The Aesthetics of Holiness, Earle Wilson
The affinities in Muslim theology in relation to the Christian doctrine of the Holy Spirit, JoEllen C. Delamatta
The African American Catholic assembly: towards "full, conscious, and active" participation in liturgical celebration and Black life, Kathleen Dorsey Bellow
The agape feast and 1 Corinthians 11 , Alan D. Orme
The agent of change, Dennis F. Kinlaw
The Aggadic transformation of the divine attributary formula from Ex. 34:6-7 in Micah 7:18-20 , Sheri L. Klouda
The Agony and the Ecstasy, Jerry Dunnam
The AIDS Orphan Crisis in Kenya: Caring for Kikuyu Children in Escarpment, Patrick Gitau Kihiu
The Akafist service to our righteous Father Amfilokhy of Shumsk, wonder-worker of the Pochaev lavra, along with his life and miracles, Alexander Lukashonok
The 'Alleluia' and its melismatic enhancement, John Platko
The Allerèod, the younger Dryas, and Genesis: climatological implications of an old earth perspective, Rodger W (Rodger Wayne) Dalman
The almighty weeps: some thoughts on the relationship of the transcendence and the immanence of God, Sarah L. Hurty
The ambiguity of divorce adjustment: male and female differences in the divorce process, Donna R. Doziar
The ambiguous definition of membership in Lumen gentium: it's not a bug, it's a feature, Alan Terlep
The Ameliorative effect of the acceptance and compassion of Christ on childhood externalizing behavior, Penny L. Morris
The American evangelical faith healing movement and the emergence of Pentecostalism, Timothy M. Kellett
The American evangelicalism of Charles G. Finney/ Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe., Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1994 : Oberlin, Ohio)
The American Holiness Movement: A Bibliographic Introduction, Donald W. Dayton
The American Pentecostal Movement: a Bibliographical Essay, David W. Faupel
The amillennial versus the dispensational concept of the Kingdom of God, Timothy K. Yip
The Amish as a redemptive community/ John A. Hostetler., John Andrew Hostetler and American Society of Church History. Meeting (1993 : Williamsburg, Va.)
The analysis and criticism of the theology and methodology of Paul Yonggi Cho, Hsieh-Kan Christian Wei
The analysis of the rite of infant baptismal ritual as found in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer in the light of Turner's theory of rituals, Alexander Chibuzo Ibezim
The Anglican presbyter as moral leader of the local parish: toward a normative model, Felix Clarence Orji
The anti-liturgical movement, James Hastings Nichols
The Antioch pattern, Eli Stanley Jones
The apocalyptic debate: recent discussions on apocalyptic genre, Robert L (Robert Leslie) Webb
The apologetic betrayal of the Gospel : the continuing influence of the theology of Schleiermacher, Mark DeVine
The apologetic method of Ravi Zacharias: a critical appraisal and evaluation, Dave Currie
The apologetic methodology of Blaise Pascal/ by Phil Fernandes., Phil Fernandes
The apologetic rationale of dispensationalism : with some second thoughts, R. Todd Mangum
The apologetics of Jesus and Paul , John W. Robbins
The [apo] of 2 Thessalonians 1:9 and the nature of eternal punishment , Charles L (Charles Leland) Quarles
The apostasia [romanized form] of II Thessalonians 2:3, Daniel K. Davey
The apostle Paul's instruction regarding the literal master, John R. Olson
The apostle Thomas: a novel, Louis Michael Morales
The application and relevance of expository preaching for the lay person, David McCord
The application of canon 1350 on decent support of priests to contemporary North American situations, Jeffrey Lyman de Witt King
The application of community organizing models to the development of a presbytery urban mission strategy, Dennis L. Maher
The application of established worship core values to youth worship at First Baptist Church, Rochester, Minnesota, William E. Price
The application of the claim-right, Amy Maria Arnold
The appointment of salvation, Tony Marshall Anderson; Wilmore Holiness Camp Meeting Association; and Wilmore Camp Meeting (1962 : Wilmore, Ky.)
The appropriated narrative: the combination of contemporary methods of story preaching with the African American preaching tradition, James F. Miller
The Areopagus address: a Judaeo-Christian missionary sermon, Gary Thomas Meadors
The Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopian Christian tradition, Semeon Mulatu
The Armenian Council of Shahabivan: translation, introduction, an commentary, Ramzy A. Hovhanessian
The art and science of Messianic Jewish preaching, Richard C. Nichol
The articulation of the principle of subsidiarity in the Codex canonum ecclesiarum orientalium with special reference to eastern Catholic patriarchal churches sui iuris, Michael Albert Souckar
The Art of Borrowing a Donkey, Maxie Dunnam
The art of financial stewardship consultation, David L. McDonald
The art of pastoral care in the African American church, James F. Shumake
The art of preaching Old Testament narrative literature, Steven Dale Mathewson
The art of preaching: rediscovered and realigned, Justin Wade Tull
The Ascension for Today's Church, Scott Spencer
The assault of anti-mission sentiment among early Maryland Baptists , John R. Mitchell
The assessment of a relational curriculum for the spiritual formation of grieving mothers, Jennifer S. Cook
The assessment of a self-study course designed to develop mentoring commitment and competency among Australian Baptist church leaders, John Raymond Sweetman
The assessment of newcomer assimilation and the development of an assimilation model at Grace Baptist Church , Alfred L. Detter
The Association of Bible Churches of the Philippines : a history and a model of relationships, Franklin W. Allen, Association of Bible Churches of the Philippines., SEND International., and Overseas Missionary Fellowship.
The atonement in Lucan theology in recent discussion , Greg Herrick
The atonement of Christ: penal substitution, Joshua Stephen Wyper
The attitude and practice of pastoral effectiveness: key things a pastor must learn to be and do, John Michael Jones
The attitude of gratitude, Dale E. Galloway
The attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad toward non-Orthodox Christians and the ecumenical movement (1920-1964): an historical evaluation, Andrei V. Psarev
The authenticity of the parable of the warring king : a response to the Jesus Seminar, Charles L (Charles Leland) Quarles
The authoritative ground for New Testament canonicity, Jeremy D. A. Smith
The authoritative positions of Bathsheba, David, Joab, Nathan, and Uriah in 2 Samuel 11-12, Stephen Ronald Walkup
The authority and power of Satan in the life of the believer, Craig Stephen Cheney
The authority of scripture and apostolic doctrine in Ignatius of Antioch/ Daniel Hoffman., Daniel Hoffman
The authority of superiors in religious institutes, 1964-2000, Charles E. Ukwe
The authority of the local bishop to dispense from the requirements for ordination to the priesthood, Francis Ignatius Malone
The authority of the major superiors in institutes of women religious: evolving principles and norms, Mary L. Walsh
The authority of the state over marriages of the baptized in light of the Second Vatican Council declaration Dignitatis humanae, Timothy R. Davern
The authorship of Ecclesiastes, T. J. Klapperich
The Balkans, Glenn Myers
The baptism of the Holy Spirit in John's gospel: with special emphasis on John 7:37-39, Gerald E. Wheaton
The baptism with the Holy Ghost, Paul Hudson Wood
The basis for the doctrine of the incomprehensibility of God in Gordon Clark and Cornelius Van Til, Bradley J. Swygard
The basis of our faith, Eli Stanley Jones
The battle for the resurrection: a response to Murray Harris, Norman L. Geisler
The Beatitudes, Julian Claudius McPheeters