
C. Milton Lowe



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This SUPERVISED MINISTRY HANDBOOK is your working guide and textbook for two semesters of field education. It serves for SM 601, SM 602, and SM 603. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep it in a separate three-ring binder, since it is not a bookbound. STUDENT PASTORS who are enrolled in SM 601C will not use this handbook but will use the handbook titled, SUPERVISED MINISTRIES SM 601, SM 602 - STUDENT PASTOR. In addendum of this handbook is the EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES (Some professors may also use the text CASE BRIEF GUIDELINES). The self- referent case study based on our EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES format is the basic learning instrument for courses in supervised ministries. This addendum provides you with the model format and instruction for good case writing. This handbook can be purchased at the Cokesbury seminary bookstore. • Other required texts: SM 601, 602 The text Lay Leadership for Ministry Training is required for Courses SM 601 and 602. This text is needed for the Pastor and Local Church Lay Committee members of the local church where you serve. You can download the 7 page Lay Committee Handbook from the Intranet. The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Local Church should be distributed to your supervising pastor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring pastor. Copies are available from the S.Min. office or may be downloaded by clicking on the Course Center. 7 • SM 603 The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Institutional should be distributed to your supervisor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring.

Publication Date

January 2004


Asbury Theological Seminary


ExL, SM601, Fall, Ministry



SM 601 Supervised Ministry
