"Teaching for Transformation" by Michael L. Wilson


The center of Christianity began in Jerusalem in the Middle East, then shifted to Europe and then expanded to include North America. In the last three decades the center of Christianity as measured by the number of adherents to the faith has shifted from North America and Europe to South America and Africa. Some of the largest churches in Europe currently were founded by church planters from Africa. Now the shift is back to the Middle East where it all began as millions of Muslims are trusting Christ through visions and other signs and wonders. Conversely the Church in North America struggles for relevancy in a culture gone increasingly post-Christian. In order for the Church in North America to once again grow and flourish it must return to a focus of transforming disciples of Jesus Christ equipping them to be attractive, uncompromising and uncompromised ambassadors of the Redeemer at home and abroad. An emphasis on more effective character development and transformational teaching of the Word is needed to right the Church’s boat and stop its slow but accelerating descent toward oblivion.
