
Teaching for Eschatological Imagination in Missiological Education

Teaching for Eschatological Imagination in Missiological Education

Kathryn Lewis Mowry


The author proposes that eschatological imagination become an intentional objective for student learning in missiological education. A robust eschatology, grounded in the idea that the Missio Dei is to renew all things, eliminates the tension between evangelism and social engagement in mission and provides tools that help us do Kingdom work in new contexts. In order to allow for eschatological imagination, three arenas must be engaged simultaneously: church, neighborhood or immediate context, and eschatological reading of Scripture. The author gives initial suggestions for the shape of this kind of education and invites further dialogue.

This paper is a work-in-progress presented here for the use of academic discussion at a professional academic conference. The author retains full copyright control of this work and reserves the right to make future edits and changes before it is printed in a final form. Please contact the author if you are interested in any use of this material in its pre-published form beyond academic discussion.
