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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Raising resilient disciples : a local church strategy to equip parents, Stephanie H. Caldwell
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Exploring best practices of charitable organizations : a case study of social ministry for widows and orphans of some selected non-profit organizations in Kaduna, Nigeria, Mary Dizerkiya Bakut
The hope-brained way : reinterpreting brokenness through reparative restory via trauma-informed spiritual formation, Robyn L. Florian
Leading the master's way : contextual challenges in Christian leadership among the churches of the Tangkhul Nagas of Northeast India, Themshang Horam
Toward a spiritually mature leadership culture : moving from decision-making to discernment, Martha Scott
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Portrait of a king : how reading Matthew as ancient biography elucidates Jesus's mission to the nations, Jerry D. Breen
An integrated preaching design : a methodological framework for preaching in the Indian context, Ancy John
Forming generous disciples : effective strategies for creating a culture of generosity, David M. Loleng
The Church for Muslims : new faith community for converts from Islam, Amad O.
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Leviticus 26 and Ezekiel : compositional models and direction of influence, Wesley Crouser
The man up retreat : an instrument of defense against absentee fatherhood, Jaime Faberlle
The impact of theology on the development of cultural intelligence among college students at an evangelical liberal arts university, Esther Damodar Jadhav
Church leadership transition test : the challenge of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Sammy Ng'ang'a Wainaina
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Engaging in God's redemptive purposes for Israel : impact of the Jerusalem encounter tour and conference on evangelical leaders, Wayne M. Hilsden
Reframing and [re]presenting evangelism in oral cultures : a case study of the Harare West (MUMC) VABVUWI choir in Zimbabwe, Irene M. Kabete
The craft of church planting : guild training models for apprenticing church planters, Christian Nathan Selvaratnam
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Empowering Christian widows for social change in northern Nigera, Sung Bauta
Paul and the rhetoric of insinuatio : how and why 1 Cor 15 functions rhetorically as the climax to 1 Corinthians, Timothy J. Christian
Planting healthy churches through the lens of missional discipleship, Melvin R. Reddy
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Holistic discipleship : impact on spiritual and emotional health, Lynette Shakunthala Sathiasingam
Argument is war : relevance-theoretic comprehension of the conceptual metaphor of war in the apocalypse, Clifford T. Winters
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Discerning lay leaders' Biblical understanding of same-sex relationshiops : a theological review and study of traditionalists' and revisionists' understanding of same-sex relationships, Benjamin Reil Greenbaum
Whoever is among you of all His people, let him go up : a literary-rhetorical analysis of the exile-restoration topos in 1-2 Chronicles, Jordan Patrick Guy
Connecting the dots : role of storytelling in character development and leadership practice of One Rock mentors, associates and mentees, Joanna E. Williamson