"Report from the Encounter of the Strategic Alliance of Latin American " by Luis Eduardo Ramírez and the Committee for the Drafting of Memories


Convened by the One Mission Society (OMS) and Asbury Theological Seminary (ATS), with the collaboration of the Fundación Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia (FUSBC), representatives of the seminaries founded by OMS in Latin America gathered in the city of Medellín, Colombia on August 20-22, 2024. Representatives included: FUSBC, Instituto y Seminario Bíblico de Londrina (ISBL), Seminario Bíblico de Cuenca (SEMBEC), Seminario Bíblico de México (SEMBIMEX), Seminario para el Reino de Dios (SEMIRED), Seminario Wesleyano de Venezuela (SEMWESVEN), and Seminario Teológico El Camino (SETEC)1, along with other sister ministries (SEMISUD, EMM, AIEMCR, SMJW, Impacto Latinoamericano, and IML). All of these organizations are committed to theological education and the growth of the church in our continent, and met with the goal of reflecting on the theme “How We Dream of a Biblically and Theologically Healthy Church by 2050, and How We Can Contribute Through Theological Education to Achieve It.”

This report consists of two parts. The first element is the opening reflection of the conference on Haggai 2:1-9 by Luis Eduardo Ramírez, which set the tone for the rest of the conference. The second part consists of a drafted review of the conference and its key conclusions, which was completed by a committee following the conclusion of the conference.


