"Anticipating the New Creation: Wesleyan Foundations for Holistic Missi" by Randy L. Maddox


This essay provides a brief orientation to the public debate over the last forty years about the implications of the Christian worldview for environmental concern. It then explores the mature writings of John Wesley (and some of Charles Wesley's hymns), seeking to highlight those convictions that emphasize God's care for the whole creation and that call upon us to participate in this care. These Wesleyan convictions are developed in direct dialogue with the most common charges leveled against the Christian worldview as unsupportive or even detrimental to environmental concern. The article also highlights how Wesley sharpened his commitment to those biblical themes most supportive of concern for the whole creation through his dialogue with the science of his day. The importance of this Wesleyan precedent for our own engagement with environmental issues is noted in some closing reflections.


