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Alternative Title
DO 770 United Methodist Theology
1. Class attendance is expected. Unexcused absences may result in a grade reduction. 2. Each student will read carefully all assigned readings. 3. Class time will be spent largely in presenting different ideas, movements, and theologians which one would expect to encounter in the United Methodist ministry. 4. Each student will serve on a panel that will lead a class discussion. 5. Each student will write a summary of the following movements: evangelical liberalism (2 page), existentialist theology (2 pages), process theology (2 pages), narrative theology (4 pages), liturgical theology (3 page), Latin American liberation theology (2 pages), Afro-American theology (2 pages), and Pentecostal\Charismatic theology (6 pages), the Confessing Movement (2 pages), feminist theology (3 pages), History and Hermeneutics (4 pages), Moltmann on social and ecological theology (4 pages), and the New Baptismal Liturgy (3 pages).
Publication Date
January 2001
Asbury Theological Seminary
Theology, Spring, Wood, 2001, United, DO670, DO770, Methodist