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REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS Buckingham, Marcus, and Clifton, Donald. Now, Discover Your Strengths. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001 (250 pages). Job, Rueben P. and Shawchuck, Norman. A Guide To Prayer. Nashville, TN. The Upper Room, 1983 (417 Pages). Harper, Steve. Devotional Life In The Wesleyan Tradition: A Workbook. Nashville, TN: Upper Room Books, 2001 (159). Henderson, D. Michael. John Wesley’s Class Meeting: A Model for Making Disciples. Nappanee, IN: Francis Asbury Press, 1997 (191 pages). Muto, Susan; van Kaam, Adrian. Epiphany Manual on the Art and Discipline of Formation-in-Common: A Fresh Approach to the Ancient Practice of Spiritual Direction. Pittsburgh, PA. Epiphany Books, 1998 (115 pages). Stott, John. Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2002 (127 pages). Winseman, Albert; Clifton, Donald; Liesveld, Curt. Living Your Strengths: Discover your God-given talents, and inspire your congregation and community. Washington, D.C. The Gallop Organization, 2003 (216 Pages).
Publication Date
January 2005
Asbury Theological Seminary
Florida, January, CL613