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1. Dinkins, Burrell & Losoney. “Grief” – An article on reserve 2. Frederic, Harold. The Damnation of Theron Ware. (I suggest that you read this novel before the start of the semester.) 3. Headley, Anthony J. Achieving Balance in Ministry. 4. Kollar, Charles Allen: Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling (This is our basic text for the theory and practice of pastoral counseling) 5. Kuenning, Delores. Helping People Through Grief. (Many students find this to be a very emotional book. You may want to read a few chapters at a time.) 6. Nichols, Michael P. The Lost Art of Listening: (This is the best book available for learning how to really listen and to discover why this is so difficult to do.) 7. Steinborn, Melvin. The Lay Driven Church: How to Empower the People In Your Church to Share In the Task of Ministry. 8. Steinke, Peter. How Your Church Family Works. (Read this as soon as possible. We will use it early in the semester.)

Publication Date

January 2002


Asbury Theological Seminary


counseling, Kentucky, PC510, Spring, Pastoral



PC 510 The Servant as Pastoral Care Giver
