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Chilcote, Paul. An African Journal of Hope. New York: GBGM, 1995. 85 pages. Chilcote, Paul. “A Singing and Dancing Church.” In The Sunday Service of the Methodists, ed. Karen Westerfield Tucker. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. 30 pages. GO Prepared. Produced by Teams Commissioned for Christ International, Inc., 1999. Prepared for persons going on short-term missions trips these six thirty-minute lectures deal with spiritual preparation, team spirit, cross-cultural ministry, and reentry. On reserve in ATS libraries in Kentucky and Florida. 150 pages equivalent. Kurewa, John W. Z. The Church in Mission. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1997. 175 pages. Kurewa, John W. Z. Preaching & Culture Identity: Proclaiming the Gospel in Africa. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000. 300 pages. Parratt, John. A Reader in African Christian Theology. London: SPCK, 1987. 160 pages. Russell, Gary. The Role of the Short-term and Church-based Ministries. 40-minute audiotape. On reserve in ATS libraries in Kentucky and Florida. 30 pages equivalent. Wa Thiong’o, Ngugi. The River Between. Heinemann, 1991. 155 pages.
Publication Date
January 2003
Asbury Theological Seminary
Florida, January, MS685, Missions